Good News


Do you guys LOVE getting mail?
Like going to the box and finding something there that is not junk?

Well, today I finally got an official acknowledgement from Blue Cross and Blue Shield that my new health insurance policy ( with maternity option) is going to start on March 1st!

That means that with my wisdom teeth gone and the insurance in force starting March 1, there is nothing holding us back from ditching birth control ( YIKES!) and doin’  THE NASTY!!!!

Well, except the 30 days waiting period before conception after the coverage starts ( but do we have to concentrate on that?). So the actual date WILL be April 1st like originally expected. But now it’s confirmed!

My thoughts on all this:

1. OMG Am I ready? I’m not ready! I don’t think I am ready! Shiiiiiit!!!!!  *breathe…*

2. Am I sure there isn’t something else I haven’t taken care of that I should prior to TTCing? (Vaccines-check! Pre-conception tests, blood work and physical- check! Can his boys swim?-YES! Dental work- check! A year of prenatals- check! Perfect eating habits- Check! Good fitness level- check! Maternity Coverage- (YAY!) MASSIVE CHECK! Ovulation schedule- Check! 3 pre-conception books and 5 pregnancy books read- CHECK! WOW I think I HAVE done it all! You can read about it here)

3.Do i want this? Is it time?  Am I sure? Shiiiiit!!! *breathe….*

4.  If we conceive in April (I know, long shot) according to my ovulation calendar, my due date would be around New Year’s. Not a good thing! Should we postpone it 1 month?

5. Man, we’ll get to have so much sex!!!!! I always want more sex than hubby. But I am not normal. I want to make this thing fun and not stress out about babies since all the planning is done and now it’s all about luck!

6.What am I thinking? I am not even recovered from my teeth surgery. Ay! It hurts…. 🙁

7.I still can’t believe that all the items on my Pre-conception to do list are done. It took a year of passive planning and 6 months of active planning to get fully ready for this, with the worst things being dental work and switching the health plan to the one with maternity coverage ( did I tell you BCBS health insurance sales people are morons and I had to literally research everything on my own and get answers from managers of managers? It was like pulling teeth)

And maybe soon, closer to the actuall start of TTCing I’ll tell you what we’re going to do to try and maximize our chances of having a girl.

Are you excited for us or what?

Good News


  1. you will always have what if… yes no, should i shouldn’t i questions… throughout the pregnancy they will plague you. my advice is not to invest to much thought into it now… it will only make you depressed…

    besides… once the baby arrives. and doubts, questions or hesitations go away instantly.

    And yes i am super excited for you… babys are little miracles and your going to be a great mom!

  2. How exciting!
    But reading about all preparation makes it kind of stressfull for me too. I didn’t know how much planning went ahead of this. My parents never planned like that haha, but it’s nice to know there are different ways to doing this. I am so happy for you both and excited aswell. You’ll be a great mom. No doubt about that. I hope you’re feeling a lot better having your wisdom tooth pulled. That sounds so painful.

    Btw, thank you so much for the support and the words of wisdom. I am recovering, but it’s still a bit hard since I heard that their baby got born yesterday and it’s a girl. Although I’m happy for him, it still needs some getting used to.

  3. I actually think about the exact same things except I also consider other family members’ birthdays…I don’t want my kid to have a birthday that falls in the middle of everyone else’s birthday and on my husband’s side of the family – that’s April. I don’t want really want my kid to be a Christmas baby either. We won’t try until after I get through a wedding in May. And then the hubs wants to travel before we conceive. My clock is ticking!

  4. How exciting!! Sounds like you are WAY more prepared than most first-time parents 🙂 I wouldn’t worry so much about timing your due date perfectly – the timing will never be PERFECT but it will always work out just the way its supposed to!

  5. haha. wow, you are so different than me. lol. i didn’t really prepare at all… i mean, health care was covered & i was in great shape (yeah WAS)… and we had been talking about it and knew that we were ready and that we could support extending our family to 3. so we just went for it. and *wham* as soon as we said we were ready it happened.

    i know this is an older post, so i’m not sure if you are trying yet but i would say if you are worried about having the baby too close to new years i would hold off a month. i got pregnant in the fall (sept of 2009) and then had abby in june. it was nice to be done with the pregnancy part before summer got too crazy hot (believe me i was boiling anyway!) when we go for number two i might actually try to time it so i have the baby in even earlier spring…. like march or april.


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