Tuesday Photo Challenges


I absolutely adore light! I love flare! I love 5 pm on any given day because of the golden light it produces. I was taking a picture of my new drumset when the sun was just STREAMING through the window. Sun is LOVE and BEAUTY!

Tuesday Photo Challenges
Tuesday Photo ChallengesTuesday Photo ChallengesTuesday Photo Challenges

Also for the Touch Up Tuesday and Shutter Love, my last year’s Bubbles Photo. Do you know how FREAKING hard it is to shoot bubble self portraits??? It was probably one of the most challenging self-portraits I have ever done and that’s considering I’ve done blowing fans ( that’s tough too), Avatar/Na’vi, jump and clone self portraits. And I still have to say bubbles is a bitch when you’re shooting yourself, because of all the multitasking you have to do with the remote and blowing bubbles at the same time. This was the only accpetable shot out of hundreds. I didn’t help that I look like a moron blowing bubbles. haha!


SOOCTuesday Photo Challenges
What I did was some split toning in Lightroom ( yellow on highlights and blue on shadows), brightened it up, upped saturation, added some clarity, and touched up the background to look slightly darker with the brush tool.

Tuesday Photo Challenges
Tuesday Photo Challenges

I also loved this shot below so much that I combined the two, and I think it really improves both the photos.

Tuesday Photo Challenges

The Final Product. I hate how when I post bigger photos, they go way outside of the area where they have to be. So I am forced to post small ones. I will be redesigning the template even more to fit larger photos, since this is turning into more of a photography blog than I thought.

Tuesday Photo Challenges

Tuesday Photo Challenges


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Tuesday Photo Challenges


    • It’s not the bubbles per se that was hard for me. It was shooting a self-portrait while blowing bubbles. Yikes! The easiest is shooting kids’ bubbles…so much fun!

    • Haha you’re right! Photography is a part of me and there’s a whole community out here. But I did resolve to write a Lot as well and I intend on following through.


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