My first Drumset

My First Drumset

My First DrumsetSome people don’t know this about me, but I used to be a huge fan of a game called Rockband. If you have teenage kids, you know what it is, or if you’re a teenager at heart yourself, you will most likely know what it is, as well.
For those who are neither, it’s a “rhythm” game that simulates a rock band experience. You have a little 4 tom drum set, a fake guitar with 5 colored buttons and a similar bass, and a microphone.
When I first bought it, my German friend Felicitas was visiting, so her and I were the first ones to try it out and I have to say she was a great sport. We customized our characters to look like ourselves and went to town learning the ropes of Rockbanding. The way I ended up being the drummer was because after poor attempts of both my husband and Felicitas to keep up with the beat, I turned out to be the better of the three at learning the drums fast. And that’s where I stayed for the next year. I was quite good at drums, I have to say. It was sort of a natural thing for me. My arms just moved without my brain processing what I am supposed to do.
We had a blast learning the game that first day. We played from 4pm to 4 am non stop except for bathroom breaks, and the next morning, as I open my eyes at 10 am, I see Felicitas standing in my bedroom doorway, disheveled looking and tired from the lack of sleep. She looks at me with the look of a mad woman and asks “Do you want to play?”

My First Drumset
I just close my eyes and nod not having the energy to utter a word.
And that was my introduction to Rockband. We spent the rest of her vacation here in Florida, locked up in my movie room playing Rockband and the last three days shooting a fake music video for our fake rock band that we named Sexy Zombie.

So that being said ( and shown), about a year later, I’m still a big fan of Rockband, and I am really good at my 4 tom drums, however the time has come to buy a REAL LIFE drumset.
What prompted me to do that is the release of Rockband 3, that is designed in a way where you can hook up real MIDI instruments to it and play the real drum/guitar/keyboard parts of any song you choose. You can also go into training mode and learn to play an instrument or a specific song if you’re already proficient. It’s basically a kick ass learning tool. They have also improved vocals, where besides it being more precise, you get pitch correction, vocal reduction and a pitch guide ( which is a life savior, if you’ve ever tried singing with one).
So I am super duper excited to finally play the real drums. I have relatively decent skills from months of playing rockband and now I’m moving onto the real thing.

The day the the drums arrived from, DH was out on an appointment and I had to wait for him to get home to assemble it.
My First Drumset
My First Drumset
My First Drumset
My First Drumset

My First Drumset

My First Drumset
My First Drumset

Our movie/game room: I set the drums  up in the movie room where we play video games and watch movie, since I’ll be playing the drums along with Rockband 3 pretty often.

My First Drumset

My First Drumset

My First Drumset

My First DrumsetMy First Drumset

My First Drumset

My 7.1 surround sound system, iPod dock, Wii, PS3 and 4 microphones.

My First Drumset

I won’t be posting any videos of me playing until I get better at it and get all the right cables to hook it up to my sound system properly. But I’m sure some time in the future you will see me drumming away on here 🙂


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My First Drumset

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My First Drumset


    • Hahhaa! I can imagine. I have a few friends, who attempted to play and pormptly threw the guitar down, because it was hard 🙂 I think it’s either you have it or your don’t.

    • Well, then I cannot wait until you actually come to visit ( that will happen eventually right) and we will drum away together 😀

    • It was here in Naples, Fl, where I live. When I saw your photo I had to look long and hard to make sure it wasn’t the same location. Yours is a bit closer (cropped/zoomed in) and man, do they look similar 🙂


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