Last week in photos


I meant to post this last week 🙂 LOL
I really can’t believe it’s Friday again. Weeks seem to be flying by. Maybe it’s because I’m working a lot… Or maybe not enough.
So here I was on a Friday night driving to Kohls to get some household stuff. Oh, the life of a supermodel!!! I’m just kidding. I can’t even categorize my life at this point. It’s on the cusp of something amazing… But just not there yet.

I have so much to write about. Seriously, I’ve never had so much inspiration. I attribute it to the new format of blogging. Here. On my own.

I have over 15 drafts with posts I thought would be cool to write. So expect the unexpected and en masse.

But for now, my week in photos:

Weekly couples masks. My favorite. Cosmetics line is Origins. Because it’s natural and because it makes my skin feel the way no other cream does. So when we got a sample charcoal mask I was sold – clears your pores like no other! I finally dragged my hubby to the Origins store at Dillard and let the sales lady work her charm on him. We walked away with $300 worth of creams but from that moment on, my DH has been diligently putting his creams on and it’s been showing. His skin is smooth and glowy and super-puper young.

Last Week In Photos

Last Week In Photos

Jakey crashed out in my arms. I’m the kind of person that if a cat fell asleep on me, I won’t move until said cats wakes up. So I sat at my kitchen table for like 40 minutes 🙂

Last Week In PhotosSunsets in our bedroom. Hanging out by the Christmas treeLast Week In PhotosLast Week In PhotosLast Week In PhotosLast Week In PhotosLast Week In Photos












Beautiful Florida days. It was cold but gorgeous. The photos were taken with my iPhone camera, so excuse the quality. I had edited them a bit to reduce the noise and the “amateur” quality of a phone cam. This place is amazing. It’s a Garden of Courage and Hope built by a man whose wife died from cancer after a long long battle. This garden is located directly across from the hospital where his wife spent her time fighting cancer and is a wonderful getaway for all people, sick and visiting.

Last Week In Photos

Last Week In PhotosLast Week In PhotosLast Week In PhotosLast Week In PhotosLast Week In Photos
Last Week In Photos
Last Week In Photos

Last Week In Photos


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Last Week In Photos



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