Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno

Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno

So we picked a nice overcast day ( those are the best for pictures, clouds act like one giant lightbox), found a random church-run pumpkin patch (mind you, I’d never been to a pumpkin patch before so I didn’t really know what they were supposed to be like), dressed Lexi into a cute coordinating dress and were off to take some pictures.

By the time we got there, it was getting dark from the thunderclouds and I had a feeling we had but five minutes before it started raining. I was right. So 200 pictures of my little girl, 2 pumpkins and soaking wet family later, we loaded ourselves into the car and left.

Did I get some cute first pumpkin patch pictures? Yes!

The best shot, being this: {click CONTINUE READING below}

Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno

Could they have been better had it not been raining? You betcha!
Do we have a good family picture to show for it? Nope. {unless you count this one, cuz I don’t}

Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno

It all started like this…

Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno

{Elena: Coco Bean dress c/o Shabby Apple {I absolutely love Shabby Apple dresses and this one was one of the breastfeeding friendly ones}, Hairband by Ruffles and Fringe
Alexis: Dress by from Zulily, Shoes c/o Pediped}

Not bad right? Lexi is super cute with her little ponytail!

Then she got placed into a chair for a photo opp and it all started breaking down.

Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno

Eventually mommy handed the camera to daddy and came to the rescue

Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno

So all I got was a fish face. {I am pretty sure she is teething, because we’ve been seeing this fish face for days now} A cute fish face, but a fish face nonetheless. She did placate us with a forced semi-smile below to the tune of daddy singing “If you’re happy..” Doesn’t she look like such a big girl here?

Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno

My answer to the first photo below was “Do something more fun!”, so he did ( second photo). Lexi thought he was trying to kiss her, so she turned for a kiss 🙂 Aaawww!

Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno

Then there were extremely wet hair and ugly pumpkins in the foreground, as well as attempting to eat a wet dirty pumpkin. Yuck! Too cute not to take a picture, though.

Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno


Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno

And finally she said “We take DIS PUMPKIN home!” and we obliged.
What she didn’t know is that taking pumpkins home meant more opportunities for pumpkin photos. Oops, Lexi!

Pumpkin Patch, Try Numero Uno

Operation: Pumpkin Patch Photos, Take Numero Dos to commence this week. When she is older, we’ll actually hunt down a real farm with a real pumpkin patch, hay rides and petting zoo. For now, this will do, because the closest one I found is 2 hours away.
That is if we don’t get too busy going to Halloween parties, Music classes and other engagements…

{Edit: I think a few people are misunderstanding. I LOVED all the pictures and colors, the shoot was a success. I was just being funny with the commentary. The only reason for take 2 is because we got wet and didn’t get to do family pictures among all the pumpkins.}




  1. I love your dress! You totally rocked it!
    And I’m convinced that taking a baby to a pumpkin patch is 98% for the parents. V kept looking at me like I was a crazy person, and kept mean muggin’ all the pumpkins like, “I’m watching you!”

    • Oh pumpkin patch trips are solely for parents in the first year!!!!
      But… Lexi did get a kick out of playing with Pumpkins. She kept cruising all over them and slapping them. It was raining so it was slippery which made us uneasy about her pulling up on pumpkins but she had fun!

  2. Lexi is adorable and I like the color purple on you; it goes well with your coloring. I hope your next pumpkin patch visit is more relaxed. You might get more of the photos you want if you lower your expectations a bit and lose yourselves in the moment!

  3. LOVE this post! Pumpkin patches are awesome when babies are discovering what else is in the world! The colors, people and smells…love it. I absolutely love all the photos, especially of Lexi and getting distracted by a flower. Awesome commentary. The family photo is pretty dang cute too!

  4. We totally got rained on for our pumpkin patch trip as well. But the overcast skies made for great pics:)
    Can’t believe how big she looks! Love your dress, beautiful color!

  5. I enjoyed reading, it was fun 😉 Halloween is not really a fun holiday in Australia and most of my comrades Aussies are very UN excited about the whole idea which is a bit sad cuz I LOVE dress ups! And pictures… OMG to get my bf to be on a picture or to take a picture..?! Forget! Not happening! I get 1 or 2 shoots after hours of begging lol pretty upsetting but as it is! That’s why I enjoy your posts a lot!!! 🙂

  6. Great pictures!
    I have to say I was just looking at your upcoming posts and I’m super excited for them, especially BLW ideas. LO is 5 months and I’m getting excited but a little nervous about starting with her.
    Can’t wait to read what’s coming up next!

  7. Cute!

    I’m loving the little pigtails.

    And I think the family shot is nice–maybe not a perfect picture, but definitely a keeper!

  8. A friend of mine takes her son to Hunsader Farms in Bradenton..which I know is a good little drive from you, but I hear it’s worth the drive {When she is older}. Don’t know if you read Kelle Hampton’s blog, but she recently took her kids there and wrote about it.

  9. I LOVED the comments!! Especially the “Oh! A Flower!” ones. LOLOL I was laughing so much and she is just TOO CUTE!! 🙂

  10. Hahahahahahaha I’m about to wake Benjamin up with my laughing – the commentary under all the shots of Lexi is just hilarious!!!!!!! Especially the “Oh a flower!” a million times. Sometimes I think I’m the only one with a very distractable baby, but things like this show me that it’s clearly very normal!

    She looks sooo grown up in these photos! Like, where did little baby Lexi go? This whole babies-growing-up-fast-thing is insane.


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