Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, where and how much }

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

I am OBSESSED with group sale websites. Like seriously, it’s a problem!

I’ve always been an avid online shopper. I would much rather browse websites than wade through heaps of clothing at the malls and try things on (ugh!).
So it was completely normal for me to have joined some of the better discount sale websites.

Here’s the problem though:
Because I spend most of my time in my glider either nursing or rocking Alexis to sleep, my finger inadvertently finds MYHABIT, Gilt or Zulily apps on my iPhone and suddenly there are ALL these deals that I just cannot miss! Let’s just say, we should invest in a box making factory and FedEx and UPS guys know us by name and know to knock rather than ring the door bell.
I justify it by the fact that those items are on a truly great sale and I buy buy buy. At this point I am definitely stocked up on all organic clothes for 3-6 months stage, and made a decent dent into dresses for 12,18 and 24 months stage.

I recently realized it was a problem and I was doing it out of boredom and justifying it by the HUGE discounts I was getting. I didn’t completely stop buying but I am much more reasonable now.

So in the meantime i’d like to share with you some of what I’ve gotten recently.

I’ll attempt to list websites, brands, where to buy and prices (original and discounted) but I don’t have that info for everything. I also marked what’s organic ( the rest is bought for after the 6 months stage, when we’ll be doing non-organic as well). With the organic purchases, the goal isn’t the looks but getting organic outfits for a reasonable price. It’s after 6 months when I’ll be buying non-organic clothes, I will be more focused on cuteness of the clothes.

{update} My latest purchase that I’m in love with.

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily (sale going on now here)
Brand: Lourdes
How much and sale info?
($47) $27.99

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Brand: greenbaby
How much ad sale info?
($40) $29 each

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Brand: Alphabet
How much and sale info?

($64) $13

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Brand: Alphabet
How much and sale info?
($64) $13

Originally I bought this dress for a friend’s baby, but then when I saw the same exact dress on sale on MyHabit I just couldn’t resist.

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

How much and sale info?
($74) $19

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

How much and sale info?
($38) $11
I didn’t really like this dress, but it was 11 bucks, what the hell!

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
Brand: Hippo Hula
How much and sale info?
Don’t remember but it was about 50%

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? My O Baby (the same brand I got the cupcake footie from)
How much and sale info: ($51) $15 and ($44) $11

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Gilt
Brand: Weekend a La Mer
How much and sale info: $22

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
How much and sale info? ($54) $16.88
Buy here: Rare Editions

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
Brand: Kate Quinn
How much and sale info? ($46) $24.99
I love how this one looks on Alexis but it’s definitely incompatible with cloth diapers. The way the legs are sewn and the height of the crotch makes it impossible to have her in CDs in this footie.

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
How much and sale info? ($25) $16.99
Buy it here: Amazon

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
How much and sale info? ($25) $14.99
Buy it here: AmazonAndrew has a Thing 1 t-shirt, so I thought it’d be cute to get a matching one for Alexis for when we go to Universal this fall

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
How much and sale info? ($25) $16.49
Buy it here: Amazon

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
Brand: Nosilla Organics

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
Brand: Goat Milk
How much and Sale info: ($30) $12.99
Here I loved that it’s a tank top onesie. With Florida heat it’ll be a much and I’d never seen one like this before, so score!

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
Brand: Baby Star
How much and Sale info: ($22) unknown

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
Brand: Youngland
How much and Sale info: unknown

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
Brand: Little Shrimp
How much and Sale info: From top left,
Top: ($31), Pants: ($27), Dress ($41), Romper ($28)
Total sale with another dress and shipping: $98.90

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

My second ShiShu Blanket. I love these things.

How much and sale info?
($88) $26
Buy them here

Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
How much and sale info? ($38) $13.99 and $19.99
Buy it here: Amazon


Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }Online Baby Clothes Shopping {what, Where And How Much }

Where? Zulily
How much and sale info? ($38) $16.99 each
Buy it here: Amazon

In a few weeks I’ll do a similar post of things I got for myself, as well. When it comes to my own clothes and items, I try to only buy if it’s ridiculously cheap, because I do have a lot of clothes already, so I only get something when it’s a huge sale (like a designer dress for $31, down from $170). In the end, I figure that if I buy it here, I won’t make impulse buys somewhere else for a lot more.

Funny: Yesterday after looking at our bank account, my husband nicely asked me to “PLEASE STOP BUYING SHIT!”
– Yes, yes, dear, I know! 🙂

Also, I might make this type of purchases post a regular feature, especially if some of you are interested in seeing where I get clothes for Alexis and myself.


  1. Elena! Whoa! 🙂 Ha ha, they’re all super-cute. I just recently removed myself from all of those mailing lists I got myself on when I spent most of my time on the couch nursing. Freedom!

  2. Oh I agree, it’s addictive! Seems that Alexi’s closet is getting biiiigggg 😀
    Funny, I just posted on FB how much I’m impressed with Zulily customer service – incredibly understanding! Love them.

  3. I guess I’m lame but I hoped that your website would be more focused on raising your baby. I understand that bathing and dressing a baby is part of raising a baby however more goes into it than shopping and scoring expensive freebies. I’m not trying to bash your blog but I feel as if it’s turning into one big commercial after another.
    Instead of reading about buying clothes, I’d rather read about which types of outfits work the best. Onesies vs separates, etc
    Instead of reading about expensive organic bathing products, I would rather read about bath time. I know I struggled for a bit getting my little to stay happy during a bath and keeping her happy as I tried to massage her afterwards.
    Instead of fabulous diaper bags, I’d love to read about what you take along with you in your diaper bag for your outings. I hate when I struggle to get out of the house only to realize that I forgot something or that my baby melted down in public and we had to go home.
    I guess we aren’t on the same page, life isn’t a run way for me. I have other priorities than shopping and caring about how people I don’t know see me. I didn’t mean that as an insult. We are just different people with different priorities.

    • I absolutely agree with you. And yes we are on the same page, I’d much rather write about baths and outings and all things Alexis. But for some weird reason I have a block. I haven’t had much time until recently but I’ve felt like I needed to post so I’d do what’s easy, write about things that don’t take much time. When it comes to Alexis posts I want them to be perfect, be accompanied by lots of pictures so I never start them thinking I don’t have enough time to finish. I have a million Lexi related posts in my head and I can’t get myself to write them. I guess she changes so much and it’s all do overwhelming I don’t even know where to start.

      So I do need to force myself to even do quick posts, imperfect blurbs about parenthood and Alexis and I’ve always had the intention to.

      That being said I will still write about clothes because it IS important to me (and fun) and I will write about things not “mommy” related because mommyhood doesn’t define me. And I’ll continue doing a weekly baby gear/feature because these are the companies I love and believe in (and I don’t believe in writing about a product without at least giving it away unless I don’t have a choice).

    • I had a baby 5 days after Elena, also my first kid as I have to say that it is such a huge adjustment, I struggle to write. I moved over from a semi private blog and I have to say since the baby was born, I can barely write a lucid post. Thankfully I have a small stash of half-finished posts saved up as fillet for the new blog, but it’s completely understandable that this blog has been focused on this type of post. It’s keeping the blog active until she can structure her days better as Alexis grows. And we all like to be introduced to new stuff.

  4. Unfortunately I’m also obsessed with these sites and my baby isn’t even here yet!!! Lately I just erase every email I receive from them, but last night I saw the Lourdes sale and I was getting all sweaty! This is a bad addiction lol! Love the stuff you got.

  5. Just a tip from a girl mommy who is a bit ahead of you – watch how many dresses you stock up on in those larger sizes! My sweet daughter will be one year old in two days (which I canNOT believe!), and I went CRAZY buying piles of gorgeous dresses for her, because I had two boys before her and caught serious pink fever. Unfortunately, as soon as my Hadley started walking at 10 months, all those dresses were replaced in daily wear rotation with tunics and leggings, rompers, and so on – things that are easier for her to move around in. She only wears dresses when we go out, and I have had to box up several with tags still on them. 🙁

    It’s just a thought – I know that you tend to be practical when it comes to Alexis, so I wanted to let you know our experiences with buying sizes ahead! 🙂

      • Girl, I am a certified dressaholic! I mourned this stage when it started, trust me. :p

        Just know that there is some consolation on this end. I am LOVING buying sweet little walking shoes (Robeez, See Kai Run, and Preschoolians are some favorites) and am pretty obsessed with little ruffle-y bubble butt bloomer outfits and rompers. We are also in Florida, so I have whipped out the summer clothes already!

        Just for the record, I personally like the direction you have taken with the blog since Alexis was born. Like you, I love shopping, and I enjoy “mommy blogs” that aren’t just baby baby baby 24/7. I have three kids, but I also have a life! Good for you for striking the balance – although I also love Alexis picture posts when you have time to make them!

      • My daughter is 16 months and has only worn pants when we went on a ski trip. She wears dresses the majority of the time. The only time she doesn’t wear a dress is when she has rompers or swing tips with bloomers. She hated wearing pants(would grab the legs) andfor her is much LESS constricted in a dress.

    • That’s a great suggestion. My daughter is two and I feel the same way. We’ve had a dress for each major event but have found that we change her out of it pretty quickly so she can actually move around have fun.

  6. Cute! Baby clothes are addictive! I bought Avery a bunch of sundresses on sale for $8! I’d love to see some of the stuff you got for yourself. Especially things that are good with breastfeeding.

  7. Elena, I’ve been following your blog since we were both about 4 months pregnant (found you while looking for blogs of women with similar due dates).

    Have you seen I signed up last week So I havent received a delivery yet buy it just occurred to me that you may be interested in it.

  8. “Please stop buying shit!” OMG, that’s hilarious, and totally the story of my life right now! lol But I can’t help it, I’m so stinkin’ excited about this baby, and there’s all this cute baby stuff out there…I’m hopeless! Of course, it’s not baby clothes for us yet, since I’m only 17 weeks–but geez, as soon as I got that fabled 2nd tri spurt of energy, I’ve been absolutely insane at a dead sprint with the shopping and prepping. It’s crazy. I’ve been taken over. Cute, cute clothes, btw…I bet Lexi is an absolute doll in her outfits:)

    I did happen to read other comments before posting this time, and I saw where a couple of other ladies mentioned that they don’t like seeing posts like these…just wanted to say that I do enjoy them. Yes, I like seeing posts about Lexi and how she’s doing more, but I like seeing some of the “frivolous” (for lack of a better term) things, too. Especially since I *am* interested in organic clothing, natural skin care, cute diaper bags, and non-frumpy-dumpy maternity stuff that you don’t have to sell a kidney on the black market to afford…

  9. Thanks for sharing! It’s fun to see what a like minded mom buys for baby clothes. I also refuse to buy things unless they are on sale and love Zulily. I joined myhabit after you first mentioned it (a while ago!).

  10. I just bought the yogurtland bumble bee one. Damn you. I hide zulily by filtering messages into their own folder that I can’t access on my phone.
    I do the same thing with and 🙂

  11. Elena, I love your blog. I’m not yet a mom, but I read it with such enthusiasm as you seem have maintained so much of what made you a fun loving and fashionable woman and have now become a fun loving and fashionable mom. I love the fashion bits and like others, would love to see your comments on what worked best – from 0 to 3 months, what does a new mom really need? Is there a way to tailor that infamous baby shower list to the essentials? What was the one must have item of the week?

    I imagine being a new mom is no easy task, but you sound as though you’re handling it with grace and a wonderful sense of humour. I have no doubt that you take great pride in your blog and photos, but I encourage you, as strange as it may be at first, to blog 3 lines here or there, on some fabulous or troublesome moment in raising a new born, short or long, with or without photos, I think your words would always be well received as it would have that fresh and spontaneous approach.

    All the best!!


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