1. If you haven’t yet, join the challenge here: GET FIT and GET HEALTHY
2. Every Saturday come back to The Art of Making a Baby and ShutterMama to read the tips on how to be fitter, healthier and more confident.
3. Weekly write a post about your progress, following the questionnaire below, take a self-portrait (optional) and link up with us.
4. Don’t forget to grab the GET FIT challenge button on the sidebar and display it proudly on your blog or GET FIT post.
5. Link your post with
Selfie Saturdays if you took your week’s self-portrait. 

 My entry for week 15

1. Height: 5’11?, weight: 134 lb

2. Your fitness challenge(s) for this week: 30 minutes of pilates every other day + 30 minutes of cardio ( rollerblading, running, swimming or treadmill) every other day+20 sit-ups every hour for 8 hours on cardio days. Special exercises designed for pregnancy to increase flexibility (daily) + Kegels (twice daily). A total of about an hour or more of physical activity a day.

3. Your health challenge(s) for this week: Continue eating whole grains, veggies and fruits only with a few servings of kefir,eggs or sardines daily (sardines are low in dioxins and mercury)

4. How well did it go:

  • Fitness: I worked out every single day when I was able to
  • Water: I’m back to my KleenKanteen bottle and being hydrated.When I don’t drink enough, I start getting sooo thirsty, almost like a withdrawal.
  • Food: Food intake was perfect. Nothing to complain about.

5. Failures and slip-ups: Again didn’t do too many Kegels. I think it’s because I pee so freaking much due to my water intake and I read somewhere that you can get a UTI if you do Kegels with a full bladder and that has been freaking me out.

6. Weekly challenge wisdom: I am getting to the point where the motivation to work out doesn’t come from the fact that I will have to post my successes and failures here like it did before. I almost don’t need the challenge to continue with what I am doing and that’s a good place to be.

7. Advice to fellow GET FIT members
: Ok, this is not exactly advice but more of a request. When I get pregnant and give birth, can you kick my ass and call me names if I dare to not return back to my perfect pre-baby form? I mean really! I have to admit I tend to judge people who constantly complain about their baby weight to themselves and others but do nothing serious about it. I just really don’t want to be one of those people who’s unable to make changes or doesn’t have the willpower to. So if I EVER make an excuse or complain about my weight without obvious effort, kick me, please!

8. Self Portrait: No selfie today. Collaborations week is due next week!



  1. I understand what you saying in your advice. I think you are saying you don’t like hearing people complain about the excess weight when they literally don’t do anything to change it.

    I hope it’s easy for you to get back to your pre-baby state too. However, I can tell you that it’s not easy (even with the effort) for everyone. I weigh 10-15 pounds less now than I did before I got pregnant. BUT, my body doesn’t look like it. My body has changed forever. If I can ever even get back to the same shape that I was before the baby, it will be at a weight much lower than before. I’m okay with that but it does make this more challenging. Add into that a time factor. Once the baby gets here it is difficult to find the time. After being up all night with a crying baby, finding the energy to get up and workout IS hard (not impossible). Also, baby doesn’t always cooperate. I tried to take Chloe running with me in the jogger on Thursday and she started screaming 20 minutes into my run so I had to stop.

    I guess I’m saying, take it easy on the moms. They have a hard job. You’ll find out soon:)

    • Oh i totally understand how hard it is, and how tired you are the first year. And that’s why I’d never judge a woman who put on pounds during that time. However, if you’re unhappy about it, do smth. Something as little as simply trying.
      And I am not talking about changing how your body looks- the baby changes that forever- but about losing all that pudge that wouldn’t be there if you were to eat well and do rudimentary exercise (when I see “you” I mean “one”).
      Also there’s so much that can be done in the nutrition department. Weight loss can be easily achieved through proper nutrition, without exercise. Exercise can come later, when there’s time and energy, once you’ve lost the baby weight, just to tone up.

      I mean look at you- you’ve changed the way you eat COMPLETELY, you are back at your pre-baby weight. So what you don’t look the same? You feel better and you’re healthier.

      Again, I know how hard it is to lose weight post-baby, but it’s also about not gaining too much while you’re pregnant. That’s why I am sooooo determined to exercise throughout my whole pregnancy (light exercise), though morning sickness (i hope) and pains…just a little bit. I will totally need your guys’ support in that! I think these get fit challenges will take on a new meaning. Can I count on you to be tough on me when I am pregnant?

      • I hear ya. It is hard to listen to people complain when they aren’t even trying. That applies to anything, right?

        Totally agree that managing what you gain while your pregnant is key. I think it’s 70% of the battle. If anyone can bounce back, it’s you. You’re already in such fabulous shape. And yes, I’ll be tough on you when you’re pregnant! haha. Probably not too tough though.

  2. I can’t imagine you not returning to prebaby body after baby comes, I think you’ll be just fine. A little more work, buy you are definitely up for the challenge.


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