Holy Mother of Boobies…

Holy Mother Of Boobies…

Does anyone else mourn their “motherhood” boobies? I mean, I’ve always been on the smaller side. It never really bothered me. I notice it, of course, but it hasn’t been a “thing” for me.

Holy Mother Of Boobies…

Before pregnancy I was a solid handful; a good B. Nothing crazy. Still pretty flat especially if I lost weight. And then pregnancy happened and I got BOOBS. And it was nice but again, nothing I felt like I was missing before. So when the milk dried up for the most part, I got left with really small boobs. Not saggy, or pancakey. Just small.

That seemed normal because it was gradual. But then I randomly saw a picture of my mommy boobies here on the blog and I was in shock.

Holy Mother Of Boobies…

“Did I really have such huge full boobs before? That’s not me. I don’t have big boobs”
Just a little shocking, let me tell you. I don’t remember having boobs. Maybe because I was focused on breastfeeding Lexi that my boobs served more of a function rather than for “looks” so I never really thought about it beyond needing a bigger bra. Now that they are gone, my girlfriend and I sometimes fantasize about getting our breasts enhanced. Well,  I think I fantasize and she seriously plans- ha! But we do talk about it.

Holy Mother Of Boobies…

It would be nice to have them naturally but I don’t know that I would get surgery just so that I would look more proportional.  If sagging was an issue I would, but doing it for size purposes seems materialistic. 

Holy Mother Of Boobies…

Holy Mother Of Boobies…
In the meantime, push up bras and no bra is the way to go for me. In fact, I quite like the fact that I really don’t need to wear a bra all the time!

What’s your opinion? Would you get a boob job for small breasts?

Holy Mother Of Boobies…

Check out more of my extended breastfeeding experience with Lexi on the blog!


  1. Look into breast implant illness before you make a decision on getting implants (#breastimplantillness on instagram). Came across it just a few nights ago while following other links (not intending to get implants myself) and was horrified by some of the stories. I had heard about the issues caused with leaking silicone implants but had no idea there were also issues involved with intact implants, particularly the increased risk of cancer with the textured implant.

  2. I know this is an old post, but I just wanted to say that that’s a great attitude to have about it! I have had the exact same experience–I was a perky B before kiddos (pregnant with #3 now, whaaaat) and now I feel like I don’t even have boobs anymore they’re so flat. Not saggy per se, just soooo small. I like being small chested honestly, but sometimes I feel self-conscious, especially since I know my husband wouldn’t be sad if they were at least a *little* bigger! He’s been nothing but positive and supportive though. I’ve entertained the idea of implants, but it freaks me out and I don’t think I ever will. Le sigh XD I’d rather have smaller boobs than lots of other things!

    • Hahaha I can totally relate! Mine are small. They got bigger when I gained weight recently so I am happy with them, but I would be totally ok with them going back to being small. My boyfriend doesn’t mind, but of course, all guys love big boobies. However, if someone doesn’t love us for who we are, then they are not worth being with us.
      After seeing how many women have had problems with implants, that is the last thing I want.


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