Our flight is delayed and Lexi is crashed out. She asked for boobie before she went down.
I haven’t spoken about breastfeeding for a long time because it has almost ceased. Almost.
She is four years old. And yes she technically still breastfeeds. Mostly only at home before bed and in the mornings or when very upset or tired.
And no I honestly don’t think there is any milk left.
But today I breastfed her in the airport. A four year old who walks, talks, goes to the bathroom alone, and asks questions about the universe. And there is nothing strange about it to me. Or especially to her.
“I love boobie!” -she says. “It’s my favorite food in the world”
I’m pretty sure there is no milk left. But she loves it.
And based on the emotional sweet smile on her face when she talks about breastfeeding, I can see how incredibly emotional and important it is to her.
I remember reading accounts of children who breastfed into childhood and remember the experience, and the feeling I got from those descriptions are warmth and love. And I love that it’s what she takes from it.
I don’t care who thinks what. I’ve never cared. But it was interesting to breastfeed in public again now that she is 4. Since the last time months ago. It was completely normal and natural becuase TO HER it was normal. And it helped her go to sleep and relax.
I honestly love it. As rarely as it happens anymore, I feel like if more women have the balls to not care what public things and breastfeed ( not that anyone actually noticed because it’s so discreet naturally), then maybe more women who are more easily influenced by public opinion will not be steered to wean before the kids are ready.
Btw we are on our way to Chattanooga to have some family friendly fun and explore all that the town has to offer. If you are interesting in following our adventures, go to Instagram ( @prebaby log) and Facebook .
And this is what we use for in flight entertainment among other things.
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I will be focusing mostly on parenting, life, photography, blogging, product features on Every Avenue Life.
Oh that’s fantastic. I haven’t been following much recently but you just popped up in my Facebook. I had assumed she weaned at some point but that’s so good to hear. My big one is down to nap and bedtime mostly but occasionally when he’s sick as well. He’s 3y4m now. Small one is 18m but still going strong. Sometimes I think she will wean before her brother. It seems to be more important to him than it is to her
I love this post. I had no expectations of how long i’d nurse my kids, and my son did NOT care (i.e. was not a comfort nurser) at all (stopped at 14mo), but my daughter would have gone much longer (stopped at 17mo)… I was just so sick when I was pregnant with her brother that I was touched out and done and weaned her. Sometimes I miss it desperately though -it’s amazing how quickly they forget about that connection once they stop. I’m jealous of you that you still have that! Good on you for not caring what close-minded people think. No use living life base on fear instead of love.
Is it still defined as breastfeeding when there is no milk? Or is it just breast comforting? I support EBF just wondered if milk production stops then is it still defined as “feeding?”
Not fully sure, but whatever it is, it’s happening.
If there is no milk it is called “dry nursing”. Dry nursing is beneficial to the child due to the comfort they get from it.
I have no issue with long term breastfeeding, but what you’re describing isn’t breastfeeding. Your child is using you as a human pacifier since you yourself stated there is no milk left. That to me seems unhealthy. Shouldn’t you, as the adult, be encouraging your child to find different ways to cope with sadness, anxienty, stress, frustrstion, etc.?
I am, but I am also allowing her to make her own decisions on what she needs. She falls asleep easily with daddy, but when mommy is around, she wants the closeness of breastfeeding.
The human came before the pacifier. She doesn’t have to encourage her child to do anything because her child will naturally learn those different ways to cope with emotions when she is ready.
Yay for letting kids self-wean! My daughter will be 4 in June and still nurses a few times a day. I’m amazingly still producing milk. Not much, but its there. She loves it so much, and its so neat to hear her talk about it and to know she’ll remember it.
Yes, I love the idea that she will remember it, because I can see how incredibly important it is to her!
It has been fun seeing your relationship with Lexi over the last couple of years, especially as it relates to breastfeeding. I have a 2yr old toddler who is super attached to nursing with no end in sight. Thanks for being a model and inspiration to other moms!
(always great to hear!)
Same here! My 2 year old says, “I love you Mommy. I love you Boobie.”
I breast fed all my kids till they self weaned, #1 was just over 4 when they weaned, the other 3 weaned considerably earlier (15 months, 23 months and 2 1/2 years)… I can promise you now, that they are 13, 12, 8 and 7, that it doesn’t matter…the kid who breastfed for 4 years is just as independent as the other 3, the kid who breastfed for 15 months is just as healthy as the other 3, it just really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things…just keep doing it till she no longer wants to.
Love this post & good on you Elena. You know what is best for your child xx
You are such an inspiration! I’ve been breastfeeding my daughter for 2 and a half years and people do make comments but it’s this kind of post that reminds me breastfeeding is something to be encouraged and celebrated, not something to be judged or ashamed about! So thank you X You’re an amazing role model!