On blogging and photos


It’s funny when I get to clean out my drafts, I often find unfinished posts or photos I never shared. The “art” of blogging isn’t exactly easy. You have a flurry of thoughts and ideas to share, you maybe find a second to write them down before they get pushed away by something more relevant, and then the most hated part of all bloggers- formatting, proofreading, etc. Ugh.

If I could just write a wall of text and hit publish, then there would be a lot more wordy posts.

But the reality is that aside from proofreading (which doesn’t always happen, and ALWAYS takes an exorbitant amount of time), there is sectioning your thoughts out, making them clearer, adding headers, organizing the post into sections so that it wasn’t a bunch of ramblings but a concise post. Then there is formatting to make it look more attractive and readable. The “illustrations”, though that’s my favorite part, take a long time. And finally, linking things to appropriate places. This is probably the most boring part, but also saves me a lot more time than it seems. If I am proactive and link and name certain things in the post, then I get fewer questions about where I got this and that. Not that I don’t welcome those comment- I certainly do, but it’s easier for me to just do it beforehand and I know readers appreciate it, because I do when I read other blogs.

So the point is it’s a lot of work and it takes MANY MANY hours to get a post done. And that’s the reason many of them DON’T get done. Time goes by and they become irrelevant, my feelings go away and move onto something else and that’s that.

So photo posts, in a way, are an easy blog post. Especially if I don’t have to write much, or link too much.

These are some of the random photos from our life from the past few months: December through January, mostly. Lexi’s age is 23-24 months

On Blogging And Photos

On Blogging And Photos

{romper from Anais and I, trumpet from Bontempi . I am linking to a clarinet instead, because for some reason they are completely out of their trumpets, which is a shame because I broke Lexi’s trumpet and she has been asking me to buy a new one.}

On Blogging And Photos

Scared of the noisy truck back when she had a fear of loud noises.
{Dress: Lourdes, shoes: Pediped. Coral jeans: Garnet Hill}

On Blogging And Photos

On Blogging And Photos

On Blogging And Photos

On Blogging And Photos

{Necklace: Chewbeads Junior, Dress: RUUM, Shoes: Livie and Luca}

On Blogging And Photos

On Blogging And Photos On Blogging And Photos

{Pjs and slippers: Garnet Hill}

On Blogging And Photos

On Blogging And Photos

Shoes: Soludos (love them!)

On Blogging And Photos

I am not a great fan of PVC dolls, but I couldn’t resist getting Lexi a French doll from “It’s a Small World” that sings the song in both French and English. She doesn’t really play with it any more since she’s not crazy about dolls, but I love having it. I bought it at the parks, but I’m pretty sure they can be found online somewhere.

On Blogging And Photos

Holding our favorite B.Box straw cup. I’ll write about it in the next Tried and True, but it’s really awesome!

On Blogging And Photos On Blogging And Photos On Blogging And Photos

Doing floor exercises together 🙂 haha

On Blogging And Photos On Blogging And Photos

She has been obsessed with watching daddy play this one game on his phone. So cute!

On Blogging And Photos

Back when my mom was still here. Love the look on both of their faces. It makes me laugh every time I look at it! (Hi, mom!)



  1. Hey girl,

    Alexis looks so grown-up and more and more like her daddy every day! So cute!
    Did something happen to your instagram? Love your blog!

  2. So cute! I quite like photo-only posts, especially if it means more frequent.

    Are those magnetic letters?

    I can’t find your instagram – did you change your name on there?

  3. I’m trying to link up to the 52 weeks, on IG, but can’t find it. And can’t find you… Lol. Hope you didn’t delete me or something, is it an IG glitch? What’s the hashtag?

    • No haha. I wouldn’t have deleted you. 😉 in fact I don’t really know what your name is on there 🙂

      Guys I’m restructuring, I’ll write about it later. I’m trying to wean myself off Instagram but not sure if it’s possible. I had too many followers I didn’t know and it would have been impossible to sort through. I have a new account for friends and family so that I could follow them but for the time being I’m not posting.
      My goal is to post the iPhone photos on here instead. That way I can blog more often. RATHER than having discussions and photos there.

      • Weren’t you private? It was so sudden… Hope nothing happened that made you delete it.
        That was how I was going to follow 52 weeks/unplugged. Hope you start it back up.
        Is your twitter down too (I very rarely go on mine). I can see how it becomes addicting.

        • Yes but there were a lot of followers and it was never meant to be a “blog” IG. It would be a nightmare to go through all of them and only keep close contacts. It’s much easier to start anew. I’m trying to stay away for now though. Not sure if it will happen. Regardless though if I do start posting it will be more of a personal IG.
          TWITTER I am not concerned about as I never post there or know many people except for automatic stuff.
          You can/should follow the 52 weeks here and link up your Instagram if you’d like.

          • This is so unlike you, to close it so suddenly with no warning, especially after you just started the 52 weeks hashtag. Did something happen?

          • Nope. I’ve been mulling this over for a while. It was time and I knew that of I kept it open if never do it. I’ll write a post on it. I’m surprising myself with not missing it that much.
            I REALLY needed to reclaim my time.
            The 52 weeks wasn’t ever meant to be an Instagram thing. Hashtag is just for whoever wants to use it. Everything is based off of here. Not any social media. I didn’t even consider 52 weeks in my decision.

  4. Lovely pictures – you and Lexi are adorable. This little girl is very lucky – it is obvious that she is very loved. I am sorry – I would never get these flowery and strange shoes. I am too old to get them. Sorry – had to unburden myself – good thing you really care what I think of those shoes 🙂 Love the coral jeans, though, you look very cute in them. Now, if we can just get you some proper footwear…just kidding.

    Why do so many people blog if it is such a laborious job, and sometimes sounds like a total drag? I have always read these “slightly” complain-y posts from many bloggers saying how long it takes, etc, etc, etc… and wondered – why, why do it? I like reading your blog, do not get me wrong, and it is enjoyable, but what is the motivation for the author? No one can make a living blogging, I can’t imagine it pays *that* much, even if bloggers occasionally get free stuff or a complimentary trip (I am referring to bloggers I read in general, not you specifically here); it is time consuming, and your life is always subject to some type of judgement. I like the idea of keeping a diary of my life, but to share it with a few thousands of my “closest” friends, this I do not think I can handle… More power to all the blogging girls (to both the sane and the total nuts), you make life more interesting!

    • Why people blog?

      Lots of reasons and they are different for most people.

      Most people love blogging, they just don’t like the other parts of blogging.

      I blog because:
      I love the idea of having something to look back on
      It helps me organize my thoughts. Things become so much clearer when you put them on paper.
      Why do it public? I like sharing. I love finding new things and sharing it with people in hopes that they love it too. It’s a bit different with friends, because one-on-one sharing can be construed as criticism or pushiness. When you put it out there, anyone can take it or leave it. No strings attached. Granted, a lot of maladjusted people still feel like they need to prove something if I say something that differs from their opinion even though it’s not directed at them, but that’s just the reality of our insecure world.
      The judgement is a relatively new thing. Internet has only recently become so screwed up that people feel the need to comment negatively on every little thing whether it’s a yahoo news article or a random blog post. People used to have manners, but no anything is fair game. I am assuming that it will eventually run its course and people get back to their normal civilized selves.

      I also do love getting feedback from readers. I guess my initial motivation was to share what I was learning about pre-conception with whoever might want to read it and it has helped countless people who have emailed me. It felt weird to do all that work learning about it and researching and not have anyone else benefit from it. I do less of that now, but that is how it started. I still love sharing anything I found out in hopes that it will be useful to someone else.

      And finally, when it comes to photos and stories about, most people “share” on Facebook. But I’ve always hated the idea of proliferating my facebook account with baby statuses and photos. Half of my friends are babyless and I assume wouldn’t want to see that in their newsfeed. Posting photos and stories about our life on the blog is a great way of letting my friends and family stay in touch without spamming those who don’t care to see how many times my baby poops and when she started walking. Reading m blog is optional, so it gives the freedom to either read or not.

      • Oh and I forgot the satisfaction of putting something together: words, photos, ideas. Completing it and seeing it posted. It’s like any art form ( not that I am saying MY blogging is art, it certainly isn’t) but it is something I create which gives a positive feeling.

  5. Omg are you pregnant? I know Lexi twins mom is pregnant so how awesome if your next babies are the same age too??! (I only ask bc I am a looong time reader and know you said you NEVER store fat in your tummy, but only your legs?) So I am dying with excitement!! Would you want another girl I bet?

    • Omg no! 🙂 LOL 🙂
      It’s just good old “I had a baby, lost most of the weight, but then REALLY got into the cookie jar and can’t stop and can’t seem to get into an exercise routine” thing 🙂
      You should see how big my legs look (black jeans are way too kind to them)! lol
      The stomach really isn’t THAT bad normally, I am not sure what is going on here – bloating, tight jeans or whatever. It’s kind of funny to look at it.

      Hoping that once Lexi weans, I can stop the whole “pigging out ravenously at 10 pm” bullshit that seems to be happening.
      Sorry to disappoint 🙂

  6. First off we ALL get the bloat girl. I remember watching a VS fashionshow backstage yeeeears ago and this beautiful blonde model said she was starving bc she hadn’t eaten anything since she wanted a flat tummy for the show,
    I do not have your height i am 5’5 but I’m 110 (4 pounds of it is boobs…yes I did weigh them! breastfeeding) but I look great in the morning, but by night usually have to suck it in, Especially since I have a sensitive tummy, I always have the bloat.
    Secondly, you and I are both thin girls no matter how you slice it. However for us (or maybe just me?) to be ‘supermodel’ thin (- about 3-5 pounds) it requires some willpower. Not eating that extra brownie, or ice cream, etc. But you know what..sometimes Im like WHY?! I look good, most people wouldn’t even notice that I’m not the -5…I do though and I do wish I was there. But chasing around two kids everyday, doing kid activities, schooling them, reading to them, I want a cookie lol! I’m not partying on a yacht in my bikini anymore, there’s no real motivation to NOT eat that extra food…does any of this make sense? Plus my husband doesn’t care (he doesn’t want me to get fat mind you, but the 5 pound difference doesn’t affect him at all) And exercising?…back in the day when I laid around the house doing nothing, working out twice a day was no big deal. But now when I do get some free time, it’s like the LAST thing I want to do. I’d rather be on my computer, watch a movie, or just sit still…or sleep ha ha Again willpower. If I was gross and fat you bet I’d be working out or watching what I eat. But a little bloat or few pounds just seems not worth it.

    Anyway you look great, I just thought you never got bloat or anything in your tummy from your past statement. But I always said my arms NEVER gain weight, their always so thin, but then I saw a photo of it pushed up against my body and it looked huge. Angles, lighting, etc can alter things so drastically. I still look my best when I wake up and thats also the weight I go by too lol!

    • Haha yeah well NEVER is a relative thing. It’s never until it stops being never.
      I think birth changes the body not immediately after birth but in my case by lack of time and sleep more than anything. I swear I looked better in the year after birth than on the second when I started having hungers at night. It’s not biggie though. I just need to figure out my schedule better.

      • I feel that the most changes happened after baby #2. “no excuses” mom I am certainly not! Nor am I any longer thin, at least till I start exercising again. The biggest change is mental though – I now give precisely zero f— about my midsection – eventually I will crunch it into submission, but I just can’t obsess over it.

        • Hahah that’s how I feel. I will eventually crunch it into submission. I just need to get some shit straight first.

          I was in a better shape before this last year. Now I don’t even fit into some of the jeans I used to a few months after birth.
          Have you tried fitocracy? I was getting awesome results within a week of starting it but then a sleep regression and stupid daylight savings happened.

          • I had to look it up – nope, have not tried Fitocracy, but I may. I am not on the cutting edge of technology, clearly 🙂 and find out about the new apps/trends only once they are mentioned on NPR. I usually do OK with just self motivation, but right now there is no motivation. It is logistically hard to work out while I am nursing the baby, and I can not work out during the lunch hour, because I am already using all my free time to pump while at work. I also find that when I am sleep deprived (like now), I go for sweets. It is not healthy, but it is life. Plus, I am not going to go for any kind of calorie deficit while nursing – my milk supply right now is the most important thing… I know that many moms nurse and workout and their supply does not suffer, but this is not the case with me. This is not a sprint – I will fit in my clothes, just not tomorrow, and it is so not a tragedy 🙂

          • In the same boat with you! I’ve been talking to friends who are still nursing their toddlers and they are all agreeing that they are constantly starving.
            What I like about fitocracy is 15 min exercises but I could really see the results.
            But you have a new baby so you have a while before you need to care about exercising. Now I on the other hand need to get my motivation, drive and butt in shape!

          • You are young 🙂 and it will not take you long to drop a few extra pounds, if you feel like you have to. You look very good now, live for the body you have today, and concentrate on health vs. weight 🙂

            Idiotic but true: I just recently figured out that I wasted years worrying about my body image, when I did not have anything to worry about… I was thinking i was fat/had big thighs/belly fat (say whaaat?) at size 0,2 or 4. I was STUPID. I would have a sad morning if I was over 117lbs… Youth is truly wasted on young. I will never want my daughters to hear me say I am fat/unfit… teach them healthy eating, HEALTHY relationship with food and exercise is now my goal. Sorry – went off on a tangent here… back to you – you look fab, get some cute shoes (lol) and a cookie 🙂

          • I’m not really stressing about weight! Never really did. In fact I have no idea what I weight now. My weight has never REALLY correlated with how I look or how healthy I am. I am tall so I weigh more than most anyways.
            It’s like you put it – different priorities at this time. I am not ok with having pudge or whatever, so when the situation allows I’ll get rid of it.
            And thank you but no thank you on the shoes- I like my flowery ones 🙂

  7. I love all of Lexi’s clothes – I have a boy, so girl’s clothes look especially super cute. Wondering what you do with them when she outgrows them. Store them? hand them down to a friend? Take them to a thrift store? Thanks!

  8. Hi there – first time commenter, long time reader (started reading when I was pregnant and now my baby girl is one). I’m also a new blogger so just wanted to say hi and really enjoying stopping by and reading your latest! Alexis is such beautiful little tike 🙂

  9. I agree that there is an “art” to forming a blog post that can sometimes be frustrating! I love all of your random photos here, your photography is so bright and cheery!


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