Table of Contents
You looked through Disney Fashions Part I and you loved it (right? right? ), so here are the rest of Lexi’s outfits at Disney.

Ah! My favorite clothing company. They make truly special clothing. Every season I wait to see their new catalog with anticipation because I am always surprised with how increasingly gorgeous their designs get. Biscotti tends to be more dressy with special occasionwear and Kate Mack is your every day and party clothing with a modern cool twist ( though there is nothing every day about it) and then there is BABY Biscotti.
KATE QUINN organics
Matilda Jane is pretty known as the company that puts impossible patterns together and makes them work. I love seeing what they have come up with each season. One of my favorite sundresses of all times is Sundew dress that tells a story of summer and flowers in the meadow, warm sun and green grass during golden hour. The most relaxed looking outfit out of the line up, I can see this dress in virtually any setting. It also makes Lexi look so sweet!
So this was pretty much it!
You’ve seen what she wore, I enjoyed putting together the photos for this, though it was hard to pick only a few (as it is I had to delete half of what I picked out because it was just too much).
In the coming weeks, I will be sharing more from our Disney trip, like where we stayed, tips, tricks, out days at the parks, etc.
I ADORE that blue dress and white polkadots with orange!! Since I can make dresses, skirts and shirts for Celia, I find it hard to justify purchasing them, but I definitely look to brands for inspiration for my pieces!
I can’t wait to take C to Disney this December!
Elena, thanks for the Disney Fashion posts! I often look at your photos and wonder where you got Lexi’s dress or blouse or shoes or hair accessories. From your first Disney Fashion post, I discovered Winter Water Factory and bought several dresses on their website. (btw, they’re having a 40% sale.) So thanks for introducing us to some new clothing brands.
Oh they are awesome! Their patterns are to die for! I can’t wait to see their spring line
And I also love huge sales like that! because it doesn’t really matter whether it’s a spring line or a fall line for kids, you just buy when it goes on sale 
I hear you!
I bought several different prints in different sizes. I just got the clothes yesterday and I have to say they are so much lovelier in person. The prints are great and I like the fact that it’s made in the USA and organic. In case you were looking to try out another clothing brand, I also like Itsus Eco; the dresses and tunics I bought for my little girl are made from the softest organic Egyptian cotton. Out of all of her clothes, her Itsus Eco clothes are the softest. The brand goes on super sale on zulily occasionally. Thanks again!
Oh super cute!!! Too bad they are only in baby sizes
When are you guys going to have another baby?!??
Oh my! I love every one of these outfits! Sadly, they aren’t within my family’s budget. What I wouldn’t give to be the gal pal who receives your daughter’s hand-me-downs for my own little girl.
Unfortunately, Lexi rarely leaves an outfit without stains (it’s getting better), but I would have loved to be the gal pal to give you those outfits after she is done wearing
We proudly wear slightly stained second hand clothing. My Annika/Nika is probably just a season behind your Alexis/Lexi, size-wise, and I’m gushing over the cute clothes and shoes in her wardrobe.
So cute, as always! I must ask what lens were you using on your camera in most of these?
85mm in most, 35 is some
Beautiful girl. So many costume changes! How long where you there? The warm weather and rosy cheeks make me so jealous, as we are about to hunker down for another snow storm.
I have a question, are all of these clothes that you mention here, given to you?
We were there just over two weeks…. So enough to wear one outfit a day. And yes for the most part, most of the time companies just send her clothing because they know eventually they will end up on the blog
Wow, lucky you. They just send them, or you have to request them? Do you consider showing any lower priced clothing, since its kinda a lot to ask for people to click the links of these clothes (and you get paid) but the clothes are so expensive, and you aren’t even buying them?
Lexi’s cute “angel kiss” birth mark comes out when she is hot, just like my sons.
Yeah, I know blogging has its perks, despite hard work
It really depends, sometimes I email my contacts, other times they suggest things…it varies with what I have planned for the posts…
As far as cheaper clothing, I actually do when I find a lesser known company that sells good cheap clothing ( like RUUM – they are amazing, I buy from them all the time). Most cheap clothing is very mainstream and noone needs to read about it because they see it themselves. If you’re looking for more affordable options, quite a few of the brands I listed have amazing sales that take their prices down to reasonable and cheap (which is when I shop there too): PO.P, RUUM, WWF, Matilda, mamas and papas, even Biscotti and kate mack.
And finally, I don’t get paid when people click on these links. I simply link them as a courtesy, to make it easy for people to find what they are looking for if they like an outfit.
Angel’s kiss- yes
and when she is crying or laughing 
ohmigoodness, i just found you blog and LOVE LOVE LOVE!! i’m also an avid photog of my children, but i’m always trying to improve. i just read your photography page and love your suggestions. can you help me a bit? so for the great shot at the top of the Disney I page with your little one and the magic castle in the background, are you using the 85mm f1.8 lens? i’m looking for something with a better blur than my 50mm f1.8, would that do it? is that really a good lens for capturing active toddlers?
than you so much!! i love your photos…they are like eye candy! 
Hi Abby! Thank you!!!!
I almost exclusively use 85mm so yes that shot is 85 1.8
I have found that in the lower cost lenses nothing beats it.
However it’s not a good lens for toddlers because is fairly close and toddlers move so much.