The very first post of the Disney recap and series from this year is a very visual one. It’s the very first post in part because it doesn’t require much writing, mostly photography. The other Disney posts will have to do more with tips, ideas on what to ride and what to skip if you’re visiting with a toddler, where to stay, what to take, as well as the photo recap of our annual 2 weeks at Disney.
For those new to the blog, we live three hours away and go to Disney regularly (once a month at least), but every year we also take an extended 2 week stay at Disney to enjoy the parks fully and visit all the attractions. The annual visit always falls on September, the least busy time of the year, so we get to walk onto all ride and really maximize our time there. Read about Disney Trip 2012.
A relatively big part of planning for our trip is always outfit selection. I’m not very good at styling clothes for myself, and it’s too hot in Florida to really style much for a toddler (since you cannot layer or use leggings and other accessories under skirts and dresses), but I always enjoy planning what we’d be wearing for each park and each day. And, of course, having a baby girl is absolutely amazing, because you get to dress her up even more (though I have to admit some of these brand make ADORABLE baby boy clothing, too). And if you’re not interested in clothing, at least you’ll get to enjoy beautiful photography.

So I’ll section these by brands and then try to link each outfit to the right place, but many will probably be sold out since some of these are from the summer lines.
POLARN O PYRET (and Matilda Jane)
Table of Contents
{in the picture above, we had to hide one of our cell phones in the flowers so that I could get a cute picture of Lexi by them}
Does Lexi ever wear hats when she’s outside?
Yup. about 50% of the time. Not ideal but that’s what normally happens.
Love your Disney posts so much. I can’t wait to take my little one in the Spring for the first time. Your post is making me way too excited for it =)
It’s so much fun! I can’t wait to go again
My 4.5 year old still fits her 24-month onesies, so I’m with you. Onesies forever!!!!
Aaaawww that’s too cute!
She is a stunning little girl!!!
Just out of curiosity, I read on your twitter/instagram/somewhere about Lexi potty-training herself. Does wearing a onesie make it harder for her to be go to the bathroom? (I know these pics might be from before she was, just wondering about the practicality of buying a onesie-type outfit for a friend’s kid, since I am not onto potty-training stages myself.)
It really depends on what stage she is at. At this moment she still needs our help pulling down her pants so it doesn’t matter what she wears. Obviously something with easy access like crotch snaps or just pants/shorts/skirt is good but not crucial.
Once she is at the point when she can pull down her panties, then it’s the end to onesies or any type of clothes that can’t be taken off by a toddler.
Adorable pictures! I have a friend who is also obsessed with Disney. She even has custom outfits made for her kiddos to wear.
The gold sequined diaper cover is really cute — I would think it’s to be worn under a dress and not alone as shorts though??
Not a diaper cover, it’s dance shorts.
How fun!!
Lexi’s outfits are always so adorable. I struggle with wanting to buy everything for Juliet but not wanting to spend a ton of money on outfits she won’t wear more than a couple times. With that being said I am in the process of buying adorable items on super sale at Ruum!!! EEK!
Yes, RUUM is AMAZING! I swear by zulily sales, though. I just wait until my favorite brands show up on it: RBB, Lourdes, etc and then buy a size bigger than I need- that way it lasts for a bit.
I am waiting for a RUUM order to arrive and looking forward to their spring line.
hi! i’ve followed your blog for so long, it seems…. very informative!
your daughter has such incredible hair! what shampoo do you use on her? my daughter has incredibly sensitive skin. but i love using sweet and gentle products on her. any info is helpful!
also, what camera/lens are you using lately? i love capturing my children and am just now getting into my dslr nikon…..
thanks so much
Thanks, Angela! We use Lavanila Healthy Baby Wash exclusively. It’s perfect for sensitive skin.
As for my camera, it’s all the same: 5D Mark II and 85mm 1.8 for most shots
Eee so excited for this post! We will be going to Disneyland (we’re from Cali) soon and taking our 18 month old for the first time so I can’t wait to read more about the best rides and so forth (even though I imagine some of the rides are different?). Oh and I just adorethe picture of Lexi looking into the glowing flower pot! It looked like she had just found Tinkerbell.
Oh it’s going to be amazing!!!! :)))
Thanks for reading!
What a cutie! Hope all the modeling didnt get in the way of your fun. Although I fail to see the relevance of this post, because as you said most of the outfits are sold out, from summer.
I wish you would go back to updating Lexi’s life/your life as a parent, you know, Letters to Lexi and such, and not so much all of the ads and links to buy stuff. I think the “normal” mom (myself included) appreciates normal day to day info, not products.
Just my opinion.
Thank you for your opinion! (Not being facetious)
I do have many “mom” posts scheduled but I also love sharing photographs which is what this post is mostly. (I’m in love with all the pics from Disney)
The links and stuff are because 1. I have to write about something, can’t be just photos lol and 2. so that I didn’t get asked a million times where I got a certain outfit. 3. To my surprise a lot of the items weren’t sold out.