Going on Vacation

Going On Vacation

Effective September 7th, we are Β taking our yearly 2 week Β Disney/Universal vacation and I won’t be around this blog or replying to comments (much). You are free to comment, I will go through them all and reply when I get back.

The following are the posts that you can expect upon my return (requests are welcome):

Photo Posts

  • The Evolution of Lexi’s Hair
  • Photography for Mommies: Concepts
  • Lexitwins playdates
  • First Outing without Lexi ( from months months ago, but I want to write a few words about it)
  • Girls’ Get Together in pictures ( from Daily Mom)

Going On Vacation

Toddler Routines Posts

  • Potty Training: how it’s going
  • Toddler Routines: Meal TImes
  • Toddler Routines: Sleep
  • Our Sleep Journey: newborn to toddler bed, what helped/what didn’t
  • Lexi’s Meals: in a week
  • Fostering Love for reading
  • Fostering Love for Music
  • Playroom: Part 2, Organization

Going On Vacation


  • Disney Fashion: What she wore edition
  • Day by Day Recap
  • Disney/Universal with a Toddler, by Park: where to go, what to see, what to ride, what to bring.
  • Disney video

Going On Vacation

Product posts

  • Lexi awards: 3-9 months
  • Lexi Awards 9-12 Months
  • Lexi Awards 12-18 months
  • Best Educational Β Toys for 18 months olds
  • High Chair Line up and comparison
  • Best Toddler Books

Going On Vacation

Mommy Posts

  • Why I blog?
  • Why I listen to my baby and not other people’s advice
  • Bilingual Upbringing
  • Easy Hair Routines
  • Working out with an active toddler and a busy schedule
  • Cooking: How I do it

Going On Vacation






  1. Have a wonderful time! I wanted to tell you that I asked you about taking my 18 month old to Disney for the first time a couple months ago and it went GREAT! I took all of your advice and we had the best time. We got season passes and will be back monthly in the fall/winter. We took her over Labor Day weekend and it was dead as a doornail in the morning – no lines at all! Glorious! We were only there for 3 days, but we will be back often. Two weeks would be a great, we’ll have to do that sometime! I’d love to know how you allocate the two weeks (how many days at each park, etc.) and I can’t wait to read about it. Have a magical time and thank you for the great advice! πŸ™‚

  2. I hope you have a great vacation! I would love to see the “best toys for 18 month olds.” My son is the same age, and he’s developmentally outgrowing his toys, I want to get new ones.

  3. I have a post request! It’s related to a few that are coming, but could maybe be a post on its own.

    Tips for travel with a baby/toddler? We just took Violette (9 months this week!) on her first plane ride and out of town trip. The plane ride was short, but she’s already an active, movement focused baby and had some trouble staying entertained while on our lap (very small window where we could move about the cabin) and during the 3-4 hour car rides we had to endure while on our trip.
    We have a trip coming up when she’s 12.5 months to Hawaii–from KC, that’s a LOOONG flight and we are terrified. I’m already trying to think of ways to make it the easiest for her and for us so that we can get there and all enjoy ourselves (and also not completely lose our minds with a full day of travel).
    Anyways, tips, ideas for long trips and for adjusting time zones? Maybe a post for Daily Mom? Still loving your blog! Hope that you have a great time on your vacation!

    • We are travelling to the west coast (5 hour flight) in a few weeks and I definitely am in the process of compiling a list of things to make it easier. I will post on all that when we get back.

      In the meantime, Daily Mom does have a post about flying with a toddler. Check out the WANDER section πŸ™‚

  4. Finally! Bilingual Upbringing!! I was so so hoping you will write about it one day. I’m sure I will find some new and useful information from your post πŸ™‚
    Thank you, Elena

  5. I was wondering if you could do a post on shots? I know it is a very controversial thing though so understand if you don’t plan on doing one. But I am very curious to know what you do with Lexi regarding shots.

  6. The upcoming posts look great! How about one for Doctor visits 12months+? What vaccines do you feel one ahould not do without? Also, perhaps more vegan recipes you tend to use and where you found them?

  7. We decided we’re going to do Disney for Celia’s 3rd birthday! Except we’re going in early December instead of March, so we can enjoy the Christmas display. I can’t wait! Only 15 more months haha. Really looking forward to the photos and posts about your trip. The IG photos are so stinking cute


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