Matilda Jane

Matilda Jane

I love contrasts,opposites, unexpected, unusual, non-traditional. It translates into the clothing that I like and how I dress Alexis.

I love black clothing for her, boyish looking cuts and colors, like NUNUNU.

But at the same time I swoon at dresses and flowers and anything that makes her a girly girl.

My flowery dressy weakness is Matilda Jane clothing. I don’t know of a more girly pretty brand than MJ. The unexpected colors, cuts and patterns is exactly what draws me to this company.

Like this dress below….

It is my FAVORITE dress!

To combine a small flowery green/brown print with a red and white inset – that’s just genius. Don’t you think?

I really just wanted to post these pictures here… nothing else.

Matilda Jane Matilda Jane


Oh if I had a second of free time, I’d be Matilda Jane‘s trunk show host. So if you’re looking to earn some Matilda Janes for your baby, check out their Trunkshow program

Matilda Jane   Matilda Jane Matilda Jane


Matilda Jane

Matilda Jane Matilda Jane

Dresses aside, and there are some mind blowing styles on their website, the shirts and pants are equally exciting.  I am extremely sad she grew out of these two pairs of pants so quickly. White bows on pink and yellow chevron- ah! So lovely!

Matilda Jane

Matilda Jane


Matilda Jane

Matilda Jane


Thank you to Matilda Jane for sending these outfits to Alexis. We are definitely MJ converts here now.


  1. I will say, you are quite brave with some of your color/pattern mixing! And while that first dress doesn’t make my skirt fly up, I adore the scalloped edge on that second dress! Super pretty.

  2. Those are utterly darling, sweet, girly, adorable! I will have to look into them for my little girl. Thanks for the review, I am stoked to see more! BTW your Lexi makes a darling model!

  3. I love MJ dresses, they are definitely a fun addition to a girl’s closet, I would just get one or two, though, so that the style does not become overwhelming. Same with nununu clothes, although I do love how soft they are! Now, the ruffled pants of any variety drive me up the wall – they are featured a lot lately, and I just cant love them, i think they are unflattering, even with Lexi’s persuasion 🙂

    • Ha! I totally know what you’re saying but I feel that while you’re a baby you don’t need to worry about flattering or not, you can just have fun with clothes, colors and patterns.
      Once you’re in the teens, we’ll all have plenty of time to stress over looks together. Right now I love anything fun on her especially if it accentuates her rolls and baby chubbiness that she’s losing too fast! :((

      • Lexi IS loosing her baby rolls, it is all this running/being active. They all do apparently 🙁 My baby was never a chubster, somehow it never happened, she just had cute baby cheeks, so she pretty much stayed the same when she started being more and move mobile. Lexi has grown so much and it is amazing how much change happens in such a shot time – she is looking more and more like a 2 year old!!! Enjoy the ruffles, you are right, soon enough she will be grown up and will make her own rules 🙂

  4. Looks like some of their clothes is what they call “boutique style”. It’s just the kind of clothes I wanna start sewing! It’ll take some time to be good at it, of course. But practice makes progress!

  5. I love Matilda Jane! I always get a couple of dresses per season for my girls. Now th leggings are not my favorite. I don’t like ruffles or lace on my girls…it must be because that’s how my mom dressed me back when I was a kid in Peru.


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