Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

I am pretty sure this is the last photo post I have that I needed to catch up on. Whew! Feels good!

For Easter, aside from the doing the whole egg hunt/Easter bunny thing, we invited our friends over and attempted to take some Easter themed photos with our two bunnies, Lexi twins.

We pulled together two white dresses: one that I bought before Lexi was born and I had a clue about clothing sizes. It was size 24 months, yet she was too almost big for it at 13 months. So this photoshoot was the justification for ever having bought the dress. I love it and now I have photos of Alexis wearing the dress. I guess that’s the most I can ask from a piece of special occasion wear that I bought over a year ago.

For the main sitting photo, it took all four of us to keep their attention (Lexi from running off and Alexa from crying, which are the two issues each of them has when it comes to taking pictures together), but eventually with a lot of readjusting and Andrew’s rendition of the Itsy Bitsy Spider and If you’re happy and you know it, we got it.

Also,of course, I couldn’t get Lexi still enough to take a good close up picture of her, but at least I got gorgeous Alexa to pose for me, so I was happy.

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls PhotoshootEaster Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot
Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot
Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot

Easter Girls Photoshoot
Easter Girls Photoshoot


  1. Oh my goodness! Alexa is one of the most gorgeous baby girls I’ve ever seen! She looks so sweet and dainty, next to energizer bunny Lexi!

  2. I just realized – you’ve posted before about how off-the-charts tall Lexi is but it looks like both girls are very similar in height, with Lexi just barely a smidge taller. Is Lexitwin also an exceptionally tall kiddo or is it just a perspective illusion?

  3. Sweet baby girls! I thought I recognized Lexi’s dress from your tooth brushing post! So cute. Did the Easter Bunny leave her that toothbrush? Good thinking with all the candy that comes with Easter!

  4. Great photos. Lexi is just so beautiful and you can see her personality through those eyes.

    I do have one question. As a fellow mom (I have a 14-month-old) who is similarly interested in researching and avoiding harmful chemicals and toxins, I wonder what your thoughts are on grass. So many well-kept spaces are saturated in pesticides, especially on gold courses, and so many of them are carcinogenic and even banned in countries like Canada. Have you researched this yet? Do you have any thoughts to contribute to letting little ones roam free in parks and gold courses where pesticides are likely used heavily?

    • I’ve answered this question before in a lot of detail so I don’t want to repeat myself but the bottom line is “it’s our backyard, it is what it is and it’s one of the few things I let slide from the toxin standpoint because I want her to be able to spontaneously run outside and have fun without me dragging her back in because “it’s full of pesticides”. I know the spraying schedule, she gets a bath right after and has virtually no toxin exposure anywhere else. 😉

      • You have to pick your battles in this toxin-laden world! Regarding the golf course, I’ve been meaning to ask… are there certain times during the day when the course is closed to golfers? I lived near a golf course as a kid, and I remember my mom being adamant that we not step foot on that grass during the day because of all the golf balls flying around. We had to wait until dark!

  5. OMG that one photo of Lexi with you getting her belly?? A-freaking-dorable! I can hear her laughing just looking at that photo!


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