Lexitwin BFF Birthday


We are almost done with the recap of Alexis’ birthday, so it’s the right time to share some photos from her BFF’s birthday, Alexa, aka Lexitwin.

For those who might have missed this, Lexi’s BFF is also a girl named Lexi ( Alexa) with a birthday on the same day (January 31st). They couldn’t be more different from each other, and yet they are so much fun together! They go to music classes together, playgrounds, have playdates, went to Disney together. Basically, it’s a lifelong friendship 🙂

The name Lexitwin or Lexitwins came about when we started tagging our IG pictures of them together as #lexitwins. So now in order to differentiate which Lexi I am talking about, I use Lexitwin name for Alexa.

The girls had so much fun running around and playing with balloons and gifts and bubbles. See for yourselves!

Lexitwin Bff Birthday
Lexitwin Bff Birthday

Lexitwin Bff Birthday

Lexitwin Bff Birthday

Lexitwin Bff Birthday

Lexitwin Bff Birthday
Lexitwin Bff Birthday
Lexitwin Bff Birthday
Lexitwin Bff Birthday
Lexitwin Bff Birthday
Lexitwin Bff Birthday

Lexitwin Bff Birthday
Lexitwin Bff Birthday
Lexitwin Bff Birthday
Lexitwin Bff Birthday

Lexitwin Bff Birthday

Lexitwin Bff Birthday

I got so many adorable pictures of the party and the family, so it was difficult to select only a few of them. Alexa takes amazing pictures and has the cutest smile so it was easy to get more pictures than I could edit.


  1. Awww, Alexa is so beautiful and has such beautiful blue eyes and the picture with her parents is beyond adorable! My kiddos have some “friend since birth” and now that they are older it’s so much fun to see them REALLY play together and use their imaginations. And when they come over to play, I actually end up getting more done!

  2. I’m 26, and my mother met my BFF’s mother as they were pushing us in strollers when we were only a few months old. It is so truly wonderful to have a best friend who has been there since before your memories began. What a beautiful possibility for these adorable “lexitwins.” 🙂 Lovely photos, as always!

  3. Hi Elena!

    I was addicted to your blog a year or two ago and now I feel like that kid who never calls home until they need something because we are in such different stages of life. *embarrassed*

    SO this is totally OF, but! I was wondering what shampoos you like now since I can’t find the Burts Bees ones you recommended oh so long ago. (I know, I know. I just asked about make up. Ahh!) All the new BurtsBees ones contain SLS. 🙁

    Here’s the link to that awesome post! https://everyavenuelife.com/2011/08/safe-skin-routine-for-pregnancy/ You mentioned you found other brands that were more expensive and I was hoping you’d let me piggy back on your research?!

    Thanks so much!

    The Lexitwins are adorable. 🙂

  4. Awww, I’m just seeing this! I can’t believe that was already 4 months ago!!! Our Lexitwins are so adorable!! Thanks again for the awesome pictures!


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