Real Life on Instagram February 2013

Real Life On Instagram February 2013

This post makes me officially caught up on Instagram posts, so the next one will be month of March! YAY!

I find this segment refreshing, because if you really care to take the time to look through the collages I put together, you can catch a glimpse of our normal life and what it looks like ( the highlights of it, of course)

In February we visited Disney for the last time till the fall, since the crowds start coming in right after that. It was one of the hardest trips I’ve ever taken with Lexi. I sure do hope I get a chance to post photos and describe the trip, but in the meantime, you can see a glimpse of it in my Instagram photos.


Biergarten, one of our favorite Epcot restaurants since forever, due to the fun atmosphere and its laid back feel. One of the highlights of the trip was Lexi going out onto the dance floor to listen to the Musikanten (spelling?)  and dance. Lexitwin soon followed and they completely melted the whole audience.


Beach trip, infrequent due to the most horrible winter. The gulf can’t warm up since we keep having cold nights and often cold days. So when we do get a chance to go to the beach, it’s a treat.  Lexi is a bit unruly and unstoppable about the water and runs right in, which is makes it hard to take beach trips during colder days.

Real Life On Instagram February 2013


1. Lexitwin birthday celebration   2. Her favorite MiniMouse ears


3. Do I really have to say this?   4. Valentine’s Day

Real Life On Instagram February 2013


1. The usual underwear games. She is obsessed with my bikini bottoms   2. Check out the little hands behind her back


3. Feeding the Lions. again. what else is new?  4. This is probably my favorite picture of all. It was after her music class and  she just loves hanging out and playing around the building afterwards.

Real Life On Instagram February 2013


New Matilda Jane dress that has got to be the most adorable dress she owns. I’ll definitely have to do a little photoshoot in it. I dressed her up in it for a nature walk we occasionally go on because it fit the feel of the boardwalk perfectly.


Matilda Jane top and Lexi having a lot of fun in the front yard.

Real Life On Instagram February 2013


1. Wearing more Matilda Jane and her Apple Park backpack (finally big enough to carry it) at her music class    2. Oh this girl! She is SUCH a little mommy.

Bottom:  Playing in water in her leotard. I am so looking forward to dance classes soon.


Real Life On Instagram February 2013

Left to right:

Walking to the pool                   Eating at a table like a big girl               Running excitedly upon arrival to Disney

all three photos at Disney

In Epcot in matching stripes                                 Lexitwins looking at Flaminos                          Lexi dancing Flamenco


Real Life On Instagram February 2013

A few randoms from Disney and home

Real Life On Instagram February 2013

1. My favorite time of the day, nursing her to sleep  2 and 3. Walking with grandma

4.Out and about    5. Her post nap Dr. Seuss story time on the iphone with her bear    6. at a Tampa Aquarium

7. After her music class         8. A rare nap in a car seat             9. me and my mom getting ready to leave for P!nk concert.

Real Life On Instagram February 2013



  1. Omg Lexi is the spitting image of your mom! I heard people say it before but the older she gets the more identical they look!!


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