Our Favorite Outfits: NununuBaby

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

I was editing pictures to post on here and then decided to group them by outfits instead.

When it comes to clothing, Alexis has more of it than she can wear ( damn you, sale sites), and mostly they are all of different random brands, but there are a few companies that keep a constant presence in her wardrobe.

One of the is NununuBaby. I think I mentioned it a million times. It is alternative style clothing that is like nothing you’d expect a girl to wear. Skulls, stars, alphabet and funny toddler sayings is what you’ll see on it and only a few colors: light pink, white, black, grey and neon green. I think they are super cool! Definitely standout in the crowd of bright pink and ruffles ( not that I don’t like that, I very much do, but I also enjoy variety and contrasts in my life).

Since this has been a super cold winter by Florida standards, we’ve been wearing a lot of NununuBaby, since we had some cute stuff from their winter line. I was even excited to have Alexis wear a size 2 dress that was CLEARLY too big for her, but it was cold and the dress is so cute, we still put it on. It will be a while till it doesn’t look like a nightgown on her… That’s what I like about NununuBaby, their sizing is generous,so the pieces last longer.

If you’re interested in checking out the brand, you can visit their website here. I usually buy most of their clothing on end of season MyHabit sales, since they discount it almost 50% and I occasionally get sent a few pieces to try them out for the blog.

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

Sneakers c/o Pediped

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby

This little animation shows the excitement with which Alexis feeds her lions. She found a flower on the floor and ran proudly to her favorite lion to stuff it into his mouth.

Our Favorite Outfits: Nununubaby


  1. Everyday her hair gets cuter! I love her curls.

    “When it comes to clothing, Alexis has more of it than she can wear ”

    Have you considered donating some of it? I’m sure there are quite a few moms out there who could use all the help they can get!

    • I would probably paraphrase this “She has more clothing that she can wear at the moment, since most of her clothes is 24 months to 3T size”.
      And yes, I get asked almost every month whether I donate some of the stuff we no longer use and the answer is always yes- I don’t have the space to store it. Some of it gets packed for the future children, if we decide to have any, the rest goes to friends who need it, and then what’s left is finally donated to goodwill.

  2. ????, ??????! ??? ???? ? liveinternet.ru :)) ????? ?? ????? ? ????? ?????? 🙂 ?? ????? ???????!
    ???, ????? ??????, ???? ?????? ?????????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???? pediped, ? ?? ???? ???????????? ? ?????????. ?? ?? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? originals ??? ?????, ???? ? ???? ????? ????? 13 ??? 12-18 ??? 18-24? ??????? ? ????? ?????? ????? ? ????? ?????? ?? ???????

  3. Ouh, Lena, sorry!:))) privet!:) eto CheSha (Dasha) s li.ru, esli pomniw :)) ya obojau tvoy blog i Leksi, s ydovol’stviem chitau vas:) i voznik vopros, ne znau,k komy eshe obratit’sya. Xochy zakazat’ svoemy baby pediped. Ne mogy ponuyat’,4to tam s razmerami. Vi nosite originals, vot i ya takie xochy:) y nas seychas nojka 12,5 cm, i ya boyus’ oshibit’sya, potomy 4to return sdelat’ iz Ykraini ne smogy:( a ya xochy sandaliki na leto,nojka bydet primerno 13 sm. podskaji,pojalyista,kakoy mne razmer vzyat’? 12-18 ili 18-24? Kakoy y vas seychas?
    Len, ti moy vdoxnovitel’, ya blagodarya tebe i tvoim otzivam skypila ves’ amazon dlya svoego baby:) spasibo! Ya vam jelau vsego samogo nailychego, Leksi – zoloto:)

    • Privet, Dash! Ya ne znala chto ty moi blog dazhe chitaesh’. Naschet Pedipeds, zakazyvai pobol’she. 20-yi razmer ( 18-24), nemnozhko mesta mezhdu pal’tsem i obuv’yu ne strashno. Leksi vsegda nosit obuv’ chut chut pobol’she potomu chto noga u nee vsegda mezhdu razmerami.
      Ochen’ rada videt’ ot tebya kommentarii’!

  4. Daaa, ya chitau s samogo nachala, ewe kogda vi tol’ko planirovali Leksi :)) spasibo bol’woe za pomosh, ya zakazala 18-24 sandaliki na leto:) mi vas na 4 mesyaca mladwe, y menya Van’ka:)) 10 mesyacev i 10 dney:) bydy vas chitat’ vsegda, takie fotki krytiiie, ya v nix cherpau vdoxnovenie 🙂


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