Red Love Day {got rained out}

Red Love Day {got Rained Out}

We had beautiful plans for Valentine’s Day/Our Anniversary. Picture a dreamy picnic on the beach, wearing all white with red 5 inch heels, wind blowing, sun warming up the sand, Lexi running around with her white dress, red bow and red shoes, trying to run into water and squealing from delight…

Yup, none of it happened. The day was gloomy and yucky with low pressure and then it RAINED. Long, boring rain, like the one I hated so much when we lived up north. Temperatures dropped and it was unpleasant, wet and cold.

So we dropped by our favorite bakery to pick up some completely non-vegan red velvet cakes and then had dinner at Brio.

Lexi was still adorable in her dress and red bow and the whole restaurant was smitten by her. It was a still a good time. But I didn’t get to take a single picture. Not one. No biggie-  not the end of the world.

I did take a few spontaneous Valentine’s snapshots while we were running around outside and feeding lions earlier in the day. I was trying Lexi’s outfits on for our trip and put this one on, which is size 2-3 in the pants and is way too big, but I didn’t get a chance to take it off, because she ran off to play. Though even with bunched up pants, I still think it looks adorable.


White top: Wheat Baby

Tutu pants: Mud Pie

Red Hairbow: Hopscotch Boutique

Red Love Day {got Rained Out}

Red Love Day {got Rained Out}

Red Love Day {got Rained Out}

Red Love Day {got Rained Out}

Red Love Day {got Rained Out}

Red Love Day {got Rained Out}

When my laptop is fixed (yes, I am blogging from my slow assed desktop that simply cannot handle the amount and size of the photos I work with, or maybe I am just too busy and impatient to wait), you will see the following posts:

BLW: What we eat (i.e. what Lexi eats)

Postpartum Skin Care routine

Playroom Update

Expectations vs Reality: What I thought before having a baby

Recap of the 1st year (maybe)

Letters to Lexi (1 year!)

Birthday posts (decor, party, Lexi, family photos, etc)

Disney posts (we have visited Disney twice since I last blogged about it and I have some super cute photos and updated tips to share. What a difference a few months make)

Babyhood vs Toddlerhood

Clek Foonf review

Lexi awards: 3-9 months



  1. All I’m picturing is heels in sand lol I’m not a heels person but I did grow up on a beach and flip flops or bare feet. Too bad it dint work out but maybe a relaxed day at home was better

  2. Cannot wait for your upcoming posts! So many topics of interest to me, especially, babyhood to toddlerhood. 🙂

    P.S. We bought the same bean bag chair from RH that you have. I love it, and my 9 month old does too.

  3. beautiful pics again (of course) 🙂 …also, I am so inspired by your photos that I told my husband I wanted a “real” camera, and when he asked what kind, I had him read your camera post…I think a new on is in my near future! I am so excited!

  4. Hi, are you planning a post about OPOL? How is it going? I find it imposible to speak one language only to my son, I wonder if you feel the same.

    • I don’t think I’ll be writing about OPOL. I don’t have much to share. I try my hardest to speak only russian with her, but I am far from successful. Without Russian being my primary or dominant language, it’s almost impossible not to segway into English most of the time. I still try and she does understand Russian better than English and speaks mostly Russian words/sounds, so whatever I am doing is working, but I just wish it was easier for me to not speak English. And it’s virtually impossible around Andrew, because I always want to include him into conversation.
      She prefers english books, I don’t know many russian songs, so we’re kind of stuff with just normal speech.
      How’s it going for you?

      • Hi,
        it’s pretty much the same here. I don’t like to exclude his dad (or other important people), so I switch to Spanish. What’s worse, when we’re around English speaking Moms/Babies, I switch to English, so my poor son is all confused 🙂
        I only speak Polish when it’s just two of us. But I read him books in Spanish, if he chooses those.
        I wonder what language he’ll speak first. I would hate him to mix all languages, but than it’s common at the beginning, isn’t it?


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