This is what toddling looks like…


The long awaited walking videos.

As I wrote in the 11months post, Lexi started walking full time {with support} at 9 months and then with one hand + first independent steps at 10 months and then full on ran throwing our hands aside at 11 months.

Here is the progress video of what it all looked like.

I cannot believe what a chubster she was before she started walking (i.e. in the first shots)

And if you don’t want to waste time looking at how she arrived at walking, you can check out her toddling around for the last 2 weeks.

Complete with head shakes, belly rubs, flashcard kisses, stumbles, screams and lots of running and falling into things. Hit change quality to view it in HD or less fuzzy.


  1. I loved these videos. I’ve been following your blog since your pregnancy and I love “watching” Lexi grow up. My baby girl is 20 months and it seems like so long ago that she was doing all these things. Enjoy! Now is when the real fun starts!

  2. Adorable! How did you teach her how to clap? I have an 8 month old and have been trying to teach him but I’m not really sure how to go about it!

    • Such a cute question!
      No I didn’t teach her. Clapping is something all kids pick up on their own between 9-12 months of age. Until then they usually don’t have the hand eye coordination to clap. I say usually because to our surprise Lexi started clapping at 6 months. So it’s possible.
      Just continue clapping in front of him and when he’s able, he’ll imitate you! :)))
      You could also sit him in your lap and clap his hands together if you’re really set on teaching him to clap. Sing songs and clap — you’ll both enjoy it.

  3. Thoroughly enjoyed these videos! She’s so precious! 🙂

    Also…seeing her sign for sleep was pretty amazing. The things they want to tell us that we have no idea they’re thinking but can’t say…My baby is 7 months. I want to start teaching her those signs. When did you start, and how did you go about it? Thanks.

  4. I have been following along since before you were pregnant and have always loved your blogs, and gosh Lexi is just growing up so much! I love this, I have watched both videos and she is adorable! Well done on all you are teaching her.

  5. Oh my goodness! She is so beautiful and so busy! It looks like she skipped walking and went straight to running. My little guy (Andrew 🙂 ) is 21 months old and he loved the videos of Lexi. He clapped and waved and laughed through both of them. She is precious!

  6. Ah, so sweet! I really miss these days. I LOVE the part in the video where your husband tenderly caresses her hair as she look up at him. Nothing better than a Loving Daddy and his baby girl!

  7. Aw! Go Lexi! So cute 🙂 Lillian went straight to running also, though she didn’t start till more the usual age, around 13 months 🙂
    That’s a cute idea to put the video clips together. If I ever find the time I’d love to do that too!

  8. Such a sweet video! Very touching, thank you for sharing. I’m in the midst of morning sickness feeling like there’s no end in sight–this video was a great reminder that special moments like first steps will surely be worth all the nausea and temporary discomforts 🙂 Can I ask, what do you use for filming and composing the clips?

  9. awww! I love how she claps while she walks! She is so proud of herself 🙂 And how great is it that grandma was able to witness it in person?!


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