Safe Toys Feature: Tiny Love

Safe Toys Feature: Tiny Love
If you missed the Toy Safety post, go back to read it here.

I have a soft spot for Tiny Love. It’s the first company that I discovered that is conscious of toxic chemicals in children’s products. It’s the first company that I started obsessing over when I saw all their products. It’s also one of the first companies that was added to my baby registry.

For the first few months we used ( and destroyed) our favorite Princess Gym that was a gift from American grandma. It was probably THE most used accessory in the house. By the time Lexi “grew out of it” developmentally, we had nothing but the mat left. All the toys had been carried around and taken with us so much that the gym no longer served as that. Then it was time to buy a bigger mat for Lexi to play on before she started crawling.



Safe Toys Feature: Tiny Love

I was SO happy to find Super Mat by Tiny Love. From that point on, it was also the most gushed about baby item in our household, on the blog and on IG. I have had A TON of people ask me about this mat, more than ANY OTHER product. I’ve had many people email me after purchasing thanking me for introducing them to it, because they LOVED it so much. This was truly a huge hit. I can easily say that Supermat is the best mat out there. I am not sure what makes so “gushable”, but I am not the only one who was impressed.

Safe Toys Feature: Tiny Love

First of all it’s huge. Perfect for a baby that doesn’t crawl well yet. It’s well padded and soft. It crinkles, it’s bright, it has different features on it, like a teether on a string, a crinkly elephant ear, a squeaker hidden inside, a curly tail to pull on. It’s machine washable. And it’s affordable. There is nothing I’d add or change in it.

My only concern was fire retardants. When it comes to cloth items, you can almost rely on some manufacturers to spray them with fire retardants. Ugh!

Then after minimal amount of research, I found out that Tiny Love does not use fire retardants on their cloth. I emailed their customer sesrvice to verify and here was their reply:

“Our products meet all of the current regulations set forth by the CPSC, US and EU governments. Our products are free of BPA, PVC and Phalates. We also adhere to the new lead limit of 90ppm. Because our business is children we’ve made sure that our testing standards are higher than even the new California laws require, which are the strictest in the world.{…} We have passed both the American Standard Safety Test (ASTM-963) as well as the European test (EN-71) and have had no recalls on any of our items. {…} We also have no flame retardants in our items.”

Meets EU regulations, no recalls, no PVC, Pthalates, BPA, flame retardants – SCORE! Nothing like those kind of statements to make you love a manufacturer and become a customer for life.

I also got to try out the following products that Tiny Love offers:


Superior to the one we had before, this gym has one major improvement. Smart motion system allows you to position the toys in any way you’d like at any distance from your baby, as well as move the arches around easily.. I remember struggling getting those arches overhead perfect for Lexi and this solves everything. Genius! They have different colors now with the smart motion system so you aren’t stuck with this model.

Safe Toys Feature: Tiny Love

It has all the same type of toys: a colorful rattle, two cloth friends, a mirror, a musical motion activated caterpillar and teethers. All the toys are detachable and were often played with outside the gym. Even the rings that attached the toys to the gym were always in Lexi’s mouth wherever she went. Since we got the gym later on when technically Alexis should have moved on from the gym onto other things, I kept thinking that I needed to put it away. Yet every time I’d think that, she’d crawl over to the gym and play with the toys, lift it overhead, shake it, throw it. Even at 8 months it was still “a toy”, thanks to the new positioning system that allowed me to move the toys out of the way to have her sit comfortably facing them. Now of course, we did put the gym away but left out the rattles, teethers and the mirror which she still play with. So 12 months of use in a baby’s world is a big deal.




Safe Toys Feature: Tiny Love

The Nature Pals crib mobile is also “revolutionary” in my opinion. We had only a limited time to play with it, because soon after receiving it Lexi was too old to have one and then later we’ve given up on having her sleep in a crib and now exclusively bedshare, but I have full intentions on using it as a primary mobile with the next baby if we decide to have one. It plays 9 different tunes in 3 categories, including classical music, it features 30 minutes of non-repetitive music and rather than have a somewhat bright light or no light at all, the “nature pals’ ” bellies light up with soft lights continuously as they move around overhead. So for visually active babies who might be stimulated too much this mobile is the perfect balance between calming and attention grabbing.




Safe Toys Feature: Tiny Love

Another great invention. Bored babies in a car seat sometimes need something to entertain them, whether you’re going for a walk or waiting in the car. This arch can be attached to any sort of seat as well, like PNP or RNP or any other seat. It’s a simple arch with attractive toys on it that have some interactive features. I hate to admit that there is a particular toy there that I was playing with more often than I should have as an adult. {oops!}. It can be positioned in any way, moved around, lowered and anchored to any surface where the little arms can grab onto something. Just be sure not to use it in a car seat when the car is in motion for safety reasons.




Safe Toys Feature: Tiny Love

What a fun toy for pre-crawlers! We used it when Lexi was close to crawling but not there yet. The cute little doggie (comes in boy colors, too) is motion activated, so when your baby touches it, it starts barking and “rolls” away a feet or two. When the baby scoots down to get to it and touches it again, it rolls further. So much fun! However, it didn’t work for Lexi as well as I thought it would, because she just grabbed the dogs tail and shook it or put it in her mouth, but I can see it being an awesome toy for some other babies. So I thought I’d mention it, too.

Safe Toys Feature: Tiny LoveSafe Toys Feature: Tiny Love
Also check out their new 3 in 1 Rocker Napper as an alternative to the nappers currently on the market. {I wish I had known about it back when Lexi was little and had reflux. I would have definitely gotten this instead of RNP which she did not enjoy because it was too restricting. Plus no fire retardants.}


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Disclosure: We received the items from Tiny Love for review. All opinions are our own.


  1. Love this giveaway! I shared the link on my personal facebook but I don’t know how to link to the share? I tagged you and Tiny Love in it and gave you the link to my personal profile. I hope that counts!


    But if I had another, how could I keep her at the 9-12 months age forever? 6-12 months is seriously the best, they sleep, not fussy, always smiling, no tantrums!

    • And we loved tiny love stuff! We had their gym, mobile and Fiona. Their stuff is different from the generic graco and fisher price. Skip hop is nice too. I like that napper. Orbit baby comes with a bassinet attachment very similar to the rocker, and it was awesome!

  3. My baby is 4 months in a couple days, and I had just been using a blanket and dangling toys over her head, but I think she’d really benefit from an interactive playmat similar to what she has at daycare. I’m thinking Tiny Love might be the way to go since they’re bpa/pthalates/lead/flame retardant free. At that age, though, what do you think the better option is, especially for longer-term use? I guess I’d like her to use it more than 2 months if possible. What do you think, the large playmat (and then buy something else to hang over her head?) or the activity gym?

    • The kind of Gimini playmat Tin Love has (The new version) will actually be used by your baby for a while. The way you move it, it can accommodate a sitting and a crawling baby. Lexi loved playing with hers for while a while. So I’d do the Tiny Love activity Mat. I would also recommend supermat as a larger place for a more mobile kid to play on.

  4. I wanted to let you know that a couple of days ago I reached out to Tiny Love to confirm that some of their products that I was interested in were not treated with flame retardants. Unfortunately, they refused to directly respond to my question and instead gave me a generic response that they have “a policy restricting the use of certain flame retardants, phthalates, lead and other heavy metals in our products” but refused to actually confirm whether particular products did not did not contain flame retardants. Just wanted others to be aware that they should do their own diligence!

  5. Same experience as previous commenter here. I’ve been calling and e-mailing Tiny Love. They are very vague in their responses and refuse to say that they are PVC- , flame retardant-, or phthalate-free, rather that they just fall within acceptable limits.


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