Alexis has a career in theater!


{Edit: video is now uploaded below}
I am not sure if every mother feels the same way, but while the traditional milestones are so much fun and cheered on and anticipated, there are other types of milestones that are so much more special to me.

First meaningful kiss for mommy, first snuggles, first look of adoration, first baby sign, first bouncy dance to music….

This month we have hit one of the most adorable milestones I can think of that I can actually share with the world. Alexis can now sing!

She sings with me, after me, on her own. Using her high voice and her low voice, carrying the melody and dancing with her hands. She sings in her high chair when she’s had a good meal. She sings while playing with toys.

I am honestly in awe of this person growing up in front of me. She is SO much more than anything I ever imagined. It’s truly a miracle watching her grow, and I am not a sentimental person.

She’s always been very expressive from the very beginning (refer to the talking video at 3 weeks), but this is just “too much”!

See for yourself!


  1. not only is that the most adorable video, but i love seeing how she actually interacts. its nice because im so used to seeing still pics of her, so seeing her clapping and singing is so precious!

  2. That is amazingly cute! And as a mother of an 11 month old, I’m quite impressed and a tad jealous! My little girl has become quite the chatterbox, so who knows, maybe singing with me is right around the corner 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  3. I lived watching the 3 week and this video back to back! I can see thy same personality. So cool! What a great song choice as well.


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