These outfits make me want to find a pasture and sit back in the sun with a straw in my mouth and a dandelion in my hair while the cows are loudly chewing on grass around me.
We wore this to a La Leche group meeting a friend invited us to a few months back.
This has got to be my favorite onesie that I bought for Lexi. It’s by Sophie Catalou, bought through MyHabit. I barely even shop for myself there anymore, but some of the children’s brands they feature are so amazing.
This was the 2nd time she wore shoes and was kind of still freaked by having something on her feet. Luckily, that passed and now she is a proud wearer of 6 pairs of PediPeds. And you should see her running around with her one arm trusted out and holding onto our hands with the other arms. It’s the cutest thing ever. (video in due time)
My mom is here and it is amazing. I am enjoying every day of her “helicopter grandmothering”
Lexi is SOOOO adorable with her. I cannot wait to post pictures and videos.
I also think I will be quiet here for a few days. I am trying to get some stuff set up here for new normal life with grandma, as well as find time to finish Christmas decorating. Stupid cold weather at Disney got me sick, so I am attempting to do hardcore relaxing/sleeping in hopes of kick starting my immune system and getting better fast. One of our cats disappeared, so we’ve been spending hours a day walking around the neighborhood looking for him. It’s got all of us pretty upset. I don’t even want to begin thinking what can happen to him.
All that plus the CT tragedy just all has got me not in the mood for blogging. Everything I write about seems trivial at this moment. So I’ll take some time to reflect, reorganize, think about things. I am slowly working on a photography post series, Photography for Mommies, the first one of which will be about gear ( cameras, lenses, etc), followed for tutorials and tips. I will try to get the gear post out in time for Christmas, in case someone is looking to buy a camera as a gift for themselves.
Hope your week is going better
Beautiful pictures! I so am living in the wrong state. Florida weather looks fabulous right now! Have fun with your Mom, enjoy the time! I cannot wait for your photography post series! LOVE that idea!!
get better xxxx
I hope you find your kitty soon. Will look forward to the photography post! We’ve just done a quick xmas shoot which turned out quite well and i’ve love tips on how you edit your photos.
I’m also looking forward to the post on BLW. My 9 month old has been offered finger foods since 5 1/2 months, but sadly since he’s started daycare 2 months ago has been refusing food most of the time, and will only breastfeed. I will keep trying and hopefully he’ll soon start eating as well as Lexi.
Hope you feel better soon! Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy your mom!!
I can’t wait for your photography/camera equipment related post. I enjoy photography quite a bit myself (although you couldn’t tell from my blog because it is rare for me to pull the camera out much these days…hoping to dive back into it soon), and am really interested in knowing what gear you use.
It’s better to not even mention the mass murder of children at all if you are going to mention it in such a heartless, all about me type of way. I’m not sure I can read your blog anymore.
I already did all the mentioning on my blog’s Facebook and twitter. Beating a dead horse is less respectful to those hurting right now. I’d rather do something about it.
And besides how can a tragedy like that even be about anyone but people involved.
Elena, I didn’t think it felt heartless at all. I think everyone feels the same. Our problems or issues seem trivial in comparison to a loss of innocent children. I respect your decision to take time to reflect. I’ve been doing it a lot myself!
Thank you Tawny!
I had this post scheduled for months so I decided to let it post with a short update. I’ve say down to write new posts a few times but it all seems so unimportant and All I want to do is spend time with my family at this moment.
I just wanted to say that in no way I felt you mentioned the tragedy seeming heartless. I think you spoke what we all felt. All of my “problems” right now do seem trivial in comparison. I was complaining about how sick I felt due to a flu & sinus infection, and how annoyed I was that I couldn’t do much being 7 months pregnant. And then I realized how terrible I sounded, and I should in no way be complaining over something so trivial.
You were NOT heartless and speaking in an “all about me” manner. Just to let you know my opinion.
Thank you for understanding exactly what I was trying to say!
I didn’t think your post was heartless at all. I think we are all feeling the same way as you right now. Right now my son is teething and my once wonderful sleeper has been having a hard time. But I will rock him and nurse him to sleep as much as he needs right now and forever if it means that I get to hold him in my arms every night. Our once all consuming problems seem so meaningless right now don’t they?
Thank you Jenna! :)))
I ditto what others said. It was not heartless. The heartless thing would have been to not mention it at all!
I hope you feel better and I hope you find your cat. As a pet owner, I know how devastating that is.
I student taught a town away from where the shooting happened and went to graduate school with one of the teachers that was killed so on a personal level this hit me so hard. The relentless news coverage about the shooting is just so hard to take right now and isn’t helping at all. In fact it just makes it worse…You have no idea how sad it was for our community. There is a heavy heavy sadness here.
With all of that said I don’t think you’re being heartless at all in what you said. What can you say that hasn’t been so again and again? It’s ok to mention you feel bad and try to go on. What else can anyone do? Hug your kids a little closer and be grateful for what you’ve got.