Pink Sailor

Pink Sailor

This week I am pretty much absent from here so I am sorry for half-hearted posts. Lex is sleeping MUCH better during the day which gives me more time to work on the computer but I have a few projects I am working on, which leaves me little time to post on the blog 🙂

Big news for my family: My mom is coming in December for 4 months. I have been trying to get her to visit during the holidays for 10 years now and finally, she will be here on Christmas. That means another Disney trip to enjoy all awesomeness that Disney whips out for the holidays (I won’t really be blogging about that trip, since you will have your fill of Disney from the upcoming posts, but I will share a few select photos that are the most festive)
My mom being here also means being able to work on the blog at other times rather than naps and off my cell phone. So yay to that! I do expect to spend the majority of time with Lexi and mom but at least I’ll be able to take an hour or two to get some posts written and some work done while my mom enjoys her granddaughter.

So today, we’ve got some pumpkin cuteness from Halloween. Lexi was about to grow out of that pink dress, so I thought I’d take a few pictures of miss cuteness before she does.

Pink Sailor

Table of Contents


Pink Sailor



Pink Sailor

Pink Sailor


Pink Sailor


  1. Oh it’s sooooo awesome your mom comes to visit!!!! 🙂
    4 months is good enough to go places, rest, relax, enjoy all the holidays and spend a lot of time with you guys 🙂
    Lexi is super-yummy 🙂

  2. Absolutely adorable! This is so amazing. My 6month old girl has the exact same dress and we are in South Africa. My hubby bought it for her before she was born when we visited the US last year. I just posted pictures of her on my FB and called it “Daddy’s Pink Sailor”, so I was super excited when I saw the title of this post even before I saw the pictures! And yep, she’s also outgrowing her pretty outfit too! 🙁


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