Miss Lexi channeling her Holiday Spirit….

Miss Lexi Channeling Her Holiday Spirit….

The other day we woke up early and decided to do a photoshoot.

A Holiday themed photoshoot, that is.

It took literally both of us + 2 cats + 2 books + a drum, a lens cap and 3 cups to get the job done, i.e keep Alexis from speed crawling away from our make-shift “Christmas tree”.

At the end my husband and I were both sweaty, tired, but happy to have gotten THE SHOT. Or more like A TON OF SHOTS that we love love love!

Baby photographers- I BOW to you because you have the hardest job!

We picked out the best shot to be featured in the Mud Pie contest.
Click here to see which photo we picked and vote for Lexi ( you vote by liking the photo on Mud Pie’s FB page)

And after you vote, you can come back here to see which photos didn’t make the cut, but are still so so precious.

Miss Lexi Channeling Her Holiday Spirit….

Miss Lexi Channeling Her Holiday Spirit….

Miss Lexi Channeling Her Holiday Spirit….

Miss Lexi Channeling Her Holiday Spirit….

Miss Lexi Channeling Her Holiday Spirit….

Miss Lexi Channeling Her Holiday Spirit….

Miss Lexi Channeling Her Holiday Spirit….

Miss Lexi Channeling Her Holiday Spirit….

Miss Lexi Channeling Her Holiday Spirit….

Don’t forget to visit the VOTING PAGE and like her photo to vote.

Thank you to MudPie for sending these bloomers for a photoshoot. And thank you to Pediped for the adorable red shoes.

I’d also like to offer a small giveaway courtesy of Mud Pie and Pediped(see the widget at the end of the post). Mud Pie is donating this red Holiday dress, and PediPed will give the same Stella Red shoes Lexi has to one lucky winner.

I will also post outtakes in a future post, as well as do an editing tutorial on one of these photos.

On a separate related note, after doing the photo shoot, it dawned on me to look up Christmas ornaments safety. And lo and behold, it turns out Christmas lights are coated in PVC and have lead added to them for heat resistance, enough lead to keep your babies away from Christmas decorations. Luckily, Lexi didn’t touch the lights, but we did (lead transfers from hand to mouth) and then touched Lexi. It is good we know about it now, so I wanted to warn those of you who are new parents and might have missed the news a few years back when they thought to test the wires of the lights and discovered lead in them. Also, Christmas ornaments can have lead as well ( in paint) and artificial Christmas trees and garlands are made of PVC. While you shouldn’t throw out an older artificial tree (since it has possibly already off-gassed), but I would think twice about buying one brand new. An alternative would be to buy a second hand tree or a real one. Either way you decide to go, please be careful! Christmas time might be joyous and wonderful but it is also full of hazards!

Be safe, my loves!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. She is soooooo adorable!
    We are taking Christmas pictures of our little Sofia next week and thank you for giving me some ideas,especially for angel wings. I had fairy wings on my mind, but I am changing theme now.


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