Halloween 2012: Baby’s First Halloween

Halloween 2012: Baby’s First Halloween

A quick post about how our Halloween went. We have a love hate relationship with the holiday based on whether we are able to come up with an interesting costume idea or not 🙂
Those years that we hadn’t or had been too busy, we acted like it wasn’t even Halloween. On other years, we had more fun than one should be allowed to have. You can see our previous years’ costumes in this post.

This year we were invited to a friend’s Halloween party. After some searching I found the perfect family outfit 🙂 I had to search the net for a green mushroom hat and a onesie with the mushroom graphic on it, but our two costumes were super easy.

Mario, Princess Peach and Lexi as our little Power Up Mushroom

Halloween 2012: Baby’s First Halloween

Halloween 2012: Baby’s First Halloween

Photo credit: Heartfelt Shots

Halloween 2012: Baby’s First Halloween

 Photo credit: Heartfelt Shots

Halloween 2012: Baby’s First Halloween

It got pretty late so I nursed our little one to sleep. I am loving how the older she gets, the easier she goes to sleep. Then we stood with sleeping Lexi in my arms. watching the winners of the costume contest get announced. Mad Hatter and Queen Elizabeth won the best male and female costume awards. Oh and a little German boy dressed as a little German boy was the best kid’s costume.

Halloween 2012: Baby’s First Halloween

The day of actual Halloween we were away running errands till the last second, so we didn’t get to really dress up or go trick-o-treating. It was really cool that evening, so upon arriving home, I quickly put a long sleeve onesie and tights on Miss Lexter, along with some wings and a tutu and we went outside to give out candy.

Halloween 2012: Baby’s First Halloween

She loved seeing all the kids, grabbing the sparkly candy off the tray and just crawling around.

Halloween 2012: Baby’s First Halloween

Next year we’ll actually go door to door. I saw some people toting their little ones in a wagon, which I thought was a great idea.

 Halloween 2012: Baby’s First Halloween

 And that was it. Short and sweet!


  1. Love the costumes…both were adorable, but I’m partial to the Mario-themed family costume, because, you know, Mario is freakin’ awesome. Glad you guys had a good time.

  2. We did the same costume! Only it was entirely homemade and my princess peach looked like the real deal with a full, floor length skirt (over a hoop skirt to make it stand out) and fitted bodice.

    Great choice!

  3. LOVE IT! such a creative family costume. If it were me I would wait until the koala bear costume fit and then randomly put her in it to go run errands hahaha people would think it was so funny if you took your baby out in a costume but it just sounds too cute to go to waste

  4. Very funny. Thank youf for sharing. One of my favorite holidays as a parent is Holloween, it’s always fun for us to come up with different custums each and every year for our kids.


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