VIDEO: Alexis – 7 months to 8 months


This video is two weeks too late and so many changes happened development-wise in the meantime, but this is what life was all about for our little Alexis between being 7 and 8 months:

Learning to Crawl
Learning To Pull Up
Playing Reading Bathing
Talking Destroying Hugging
Laughing Whining Yelling

all the wonderful things that a baby can do.

ENJOY! { click CONTINUE READING below to see the video }




  1. Aww Just wait til she’s walking! My daughter is 9 months and she’s a holy terror! Now she tries to run when I put her down. She wants to spend all her time exploring! Enjoy it while it lasts! Time goes by so quickly!

  2. Wow!! What a cutie! I just found your website recently. I’m having a little girl soon, and your website has so much wonderful information! Alexis is absolutely adorable! I think you should be careful posting videos like this where she’s naked. I’ve heard some terrible stories lately of people using innocent videos like this in a very inappropriate way.

  3. She’s adorable!! Totally your husband’s clone. One of the chubbiest babies ever! Just want to pinch those rolls!!! My gosh!

    I’m sure you know this and it wasn’t done correctly just because you weren’t walking, but in the dancing video, her legs are doing the crotch dangling thing (knees over butt!) and she could be much higher up on your back (head at shoulder height!).

    I love that she sounds like she babbles with your accent. 🙂


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