Mother-Daughter Love

Mother-daughter Love


I wanted to share this collage I made out of the photos I took of me and Lexi. These are so far my favorite photos together, and it was the most spontaneous photoshoot ever, Β with a remote and my camera propped up on a trashcan snatched away from the office, contents dumped on the floor, because it was the only thing I could grab fast and with one hand.
But the photos turned out to be the most authentic and cool that I have ever taken of the two of us.

We just had fun.

Laughed, blew raspberries together, kissed, tickled toes, read books, goofed around.
I am slowly getting back to taking self-portraits with Alexis and I know I will cherish them forever.
{ To see the photo, click CONTINUE READING below}

Mother-daughter Love


  1. I got really really tiny rubber bands in Shop Rite of all places! Also check CVS and other drug stores. The ones I have for my daughter are half white and half colored. They’re about the diameter of my pinky and they hold her hair really well! I’ll check what brand they are tomorrow when she wakes up.

  2. Love the pigtails, too!! I ordered a camera remote after seeing this post πŸ™‚ These photos are too precious. I can’t wait to snap some self portraits with my little one.


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