Letters to Lexi: 6 Months


Dear, girl!

You are half a year old. 6 months. It’s a big deal! It’s a really big deal! So much has changed. YOU have changed.

This month brought on so many changes. These changes almost sneaked upon us. Without warning. Just BOOM – you’re different.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

The biggest thing I’ve noticed is you LOOK older. You look like a little girl. It’s quite adorable. You make cute little girl faces, and wave your arms around in frustration or happiness. Those two can come one after another.

You’re the most amazing kid on the planet. Like really, you bring us joy every day. And you are becoming easier and easier to handle every day.  You laugh so much, you’re such a happy girl. Six months rocks. Really- the best age so far!

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

You’re becoming more and more beautiful. Either that or I am getting more and more biased because I love you more with each day. Your eyes are so big and blue and so captivating. Your lips have that perfect pout and you have the most rounded head I’ve ever seen.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

This month has had a lot of firsts for you:

You had your first road trip to Orlando, your first wedding reception, your first 4th of July party and many others I’ll mention below.

You did amazing at the late night 4th of July party. You were too busy looking around to realize that it was past your bedtime and wouldn’t go to sleep even when I tried putting you down in the  quiet and dim nursery.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

You’re into both mommy and daddy more and more each day. My favorite part is when daddy goes to get you when you wake up from your nap and brings you out to me while I am working on my laptop, and you JUST LIGHT up and start kicking and bouncing in his arms so hard that he can barely hold you.

You had your first stay at the hotel and you absolutely loved it. You loved seeing all the places and people. You slept just as well as you do at home and you never complained. Except on your 4 hour ride home, which was a little bit rough.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

You do so good in the car now. As long as you have a toy to entertain you and switch them around periodically or  I talk to you or sing to you, or play peekaboo, you’re happy as a clam. You will actually fall asleep in the car seat pretty consistently if you’re very tired with some help from mommy or daddy (singing usually helps).

You are wary of strangers, yet with enough time and smiles, you smile back and bounce in my arms. You’re super social while staying cautious of anyone you don’t know.

You met your auntie Boom Boom and you loved her. You took to her very quickly and allowed yourself being carried around and played with.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

You cut your first 2 teeth. For some reason, it is so special to me. Your first tooth came through after a few days of fussier than normal behavior, though I cannot reliably connect it with teething. At first I saw the gum getting whiter and then there was a blackish dot on top of it. I was sure it was a tooth, but your daddy didn’t believe me. And sure enough the next day there was a white cap. And then the same thing happened with the second bottom tooth. They are still pretty small but your smiles are even more adorable now.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

You are a much more proficient sitter now. You’re strong and solid. You LOVE playing with your hands while sitting up. Your coordination is so good now. You grab a toy with one or two hands while sitting down and then you start shaking it side to side. Eventually you accidentally let go and your toy goes flying a few feet in the air. You easily reach for things all around you when sitting. You love playing with your Finn&Emma gym while sitting up.

You don’t know how to get into a sitting position, but you do know how to move from sitting to crawling/tummy down.

You aren’t a crawler yet. I was sure that after getting on your knees last month, you’d be crawling by now, but you somehow shifted your focus to other things and put crawling aside until just a few days ago when you went back to trying to get on your knees and move.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

I find it really cool how you keep switching from thing to thing working on different skills at different times. It’s a little bit like me. I usually get interested in so many things at once I have to split my attention between them.

And the big one is you rolled over from your back to your tummy. And then to your tummy again. And that was that. I knew you had been waiting for something to start rolling consistently and that something was  apparently going from back to tummy. As soon as you knew how to put yourself into your favorite position, the other way around wasn’t an issue. You still prefer scooting on your tummy to rolling around, but you’ll occasionally roll when you need to get a toy or for the fun of it. You became really good at it, too. After the very first roll from back to tummy, you kind of just continued doing it all without hesitation whenever you needed to.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

You’re quite the social butterfly nowadays, you love smiling at people after you’re done studying them and determining whether they are good or not. We had painters getting our house finished last week and oh my god, you just couldn’t stop smiling and talking to them.

Speaking of talking, that picked up too (I can tell you worked hard on many things this month). You try to talk to us and strangers as much as you can, but it’s mostly raspberries, aghoos, and these forced screams and types of sounds that make me think you want to go potty. Only recently did I realize that  it is you attempting to talk to all of us by screeching and you’re trying to make sounds the only way you can right now. In the last few days you have expanded your vocabulary to include more ba-ba-bas and na-na-nas and ma-ma-mas and all kinds of different sounds that really sound like speech. So much fun!

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

You still sleep with us, even though I try to start you off in the crib each night, but you won’t have any of that silliness. You have to feel mama’s breath on you or touch her, or the best thing in the world: nurse to sleep. Oh, you love that and I love it just as much. You didn’t used to be a baby that nursed to sleep, but it’s something that I sort of started with the bedtime routine. I might regret later, but for now I treasure the times when you fall asleep at the breast.

I really enjoy lying down with you, though I don’t get to do it often, because your short naps are the only time I can write for the blog. But the time that I spend rocking you is one of my favorite times during the day. I love smelling your sour milk cheeks and feeling your warm breath and having your soft squishy body cuddle into my arms. Seriously, I will miss it so much when it’s gone.

The last two weeks you’ve been playing on your own for good stretches of time (10-15 minutes), but we are still always there whenever you need us once you’re done playing. I’ve been putting a pillow behind you so that if you fall you don’t hit your head.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

Your sleep is still the same. Every 2 hours seems to be your thing at night and every 40 minutes during the day.

You developed this shy smile that is just beyond adorable! It’s this tentative little thing that soon evolves into a big grin and a little nose scrunching. I love your nose -scrunching. And snorting- oh your snorting is beyond adorable ( probably to me only). I really need to get that on video (put it on my today’s to-do list)

You’re IN LOVE with water! Such a water baby, it makes me so happy! You squeal with delight whenever you get splashed, you love being rained on or going under sprinklers, having fun bath time with daddy or when mommy fills up a big girl tub and lets you play there with her.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

We recently bought your a non-vinyl baby pool and you adore splashing in it. You’ll laugh every time you get water in your eyes and face.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

You also had your first swim in the pool. Again it was a great hit. I’d hold you up and you’d kick your legs and swim like a big girl. We are now going to the pool every other day or so and it’s by far your favorite activity

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

You’re also back in your cloth diapers which makes mama so happy. I am excited to be buying more cute colors and prints and ditching the disposables.

Your first boat trip happened this month, as well. You did so good. It was pretty hot, even though we got started early and kept you in the shade. You fussed occasionally when it got hot or when we had to put an lifevest on you, but as soon as the boat would pick up speed and you’d feel the wind on your face, you’d start bouncing and smiling. We love watching you experience new things.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

Here’s a big one: YOU STARTED BLW! {baby  led weaning}. I say YOU because you truly commanded this one. I’ve been keeping you away from solids even though you’ve been able to sit unsupported and have been reaching for our food and had the pincer grasp down since 4.5 months. I wanted to wait till 6 months. You had other plans and you let me know. One day you grabbed a cherry out of my hands and started gumming on it. So I bit into it for you to see what you’d do. Well, as soon as you tasted the juice your eyes got all big and you started sucking it out and gumming more. The next day as you were sitting in my lap and I was eating a peach, you reached out and took the peach with one hand (I didn’t stop you this time), you instantly brought it to your mouth like you positively knew what you were doing and started EATING it. I took that as a clue that you were ready and eager to start solids. Since then we’ve been ocassionally giving you whatever it is we were eating as long it was appropriate. You’ve had peaches, strawberries, zuccinnis, avocados, potatoes, mushrooms, plum,  navy beans, red pepper, banana and maybe a few more I am forgetting.

You love it, you truly love exploring food, playing with it, chewing it, learning how to manipulate it in your mouth and swallow it. And we enjoy watching you learn. I am looking forward to you joining us at all our meals.

Letters To Lexi: 6 Months

Your personality is sparkling! You’re expressive, fun, you smile so widely when you see people you like/love, you get so intently focused on things one second and another you’ll just lying there pondering the problems of the world.

On a serious note, recently I’ve had this weird train of thoughts ( you know how sometimes a situation pops into your head and you think about what you’d do in that case).. Well, with the Colorado shooting, I’ve been thinking a lot about what would I do in situations where our lives are in danger. And without a millisecond delay, there’s no question in my mind that I would give my life for a 1% chance of saving yours.

For readers

In this post:

Hair flower: Hopscotch Boutique

Wooden Gym: Finn&Emma

Non-PVC pool: The Pop Up Pool

Excersaucer: Evenflo Jam Session


Upcoming Posts:

Written and scheduled to post: First Swing Ride, Nursery Updates, Morning walks

In the process: 4th of July, Boat Trip, Orlando Trip, Time Management, Parenting Duties Split, Baby Safety

Reviews/Giveaways: Maxi Cosi car seat, Mutsy stroller, Tiny Love, and more


  1. Ahhh! Love her cheeks 🙂 My baby is full of cheeks too. Lexi is at such a fun age… it only gets better! My Molly will be one this month and it’s so much fun seeing all the things they are learning.

  2. Lexi is sooo adorable! Such a darling 🙂
    And she’s growing up and changing sooo fast!
    I totally love the way you both treat her, like a separate person and respect all her needs.
    These Letters to Lexi are invaluable!
    It’s absolutely amazing to re-read them many years later to live these moments again 🙂
    And I’m sure Lexi is going to thing the world of you (she will anyway!) when she reads about this big love of you both for her 🙂

  3. Love the 6 month update! She has the most adorable expressions. Random question: how is the two languages thing going? We’re thinking about doing that with our baby.

    • To be completely honest it’s harder than I thought.
      I often default to English, though I speak Russian to her quite a lot. The two hardest things have been speaking Russian when there are other people around because I feel like I want them to understand what I’m saying to get especially when we are all interacting. And the 2nd thing is reading books. There are so many English hooks I love to read to her and so few Russian (3 to be exact). I try to do good but I’m far from being perfect at it.
      I’m trying to do better though. It’s something that is so important that I just have to do better.

      Good luck and I do hope you decide to introduce 2 languages- it’s amazing for their development.

  4. Cute baby. Happy 6 months – the beginning of the really fun stuff!

    One quick thing…she needs a life preserver if she’s going to be in a boat. It’s incredibly dangerous and stupid otherwise (also, illegal). They make baby sized preservers.

  5. Adorable post. She IS getting cuter by the day. I love the last pic, how excited she is about her food.

    Have you had her strabismus checked out yet? I ask because our eye doctors here will only see babies up to six months and then not again until they’re toddlers. Apparently that’s fairly common since they get more mobile and less cooperative as the next few months go on. Tough to tell if it’s a true strabismus or pseudostrabismus from photographs, of course. Regardless, an early eye exam is a good idea for all babies.

    I love how you said six months is the best age yet – every month is the best age until the next month comes along. They just get better and better with each passing day and you fall more and more in love. It’s amazing.

    • She’s been checked out. Her eyes are fine (if you look at the reflection it’s perfectly aligned in both eyes).
      I think one of her eyelids is covering that eye more at the moment, so they look assymetrical which becomes more apparent in the photographs depending on the angle.

  6. This is probably the sweetest post you have written and I honestly got teary-eyed with your last sentence. I have three boys, the youngest being 8 months, and the love is overwhelming.

  7. 6 months really is such a fun age! My husband just told me last night, after giving our 6 1/2 month old a bath, that he wants to keep having babies until we’re too old to but only if they come out at 6 months!

  8. Total cuteness overload! Those cheeks….swoon! She really is starting to look like a “big” girl! She’s looking like she’s having lots of fun on all of your adventures!
    Have fun with the BLW. All of the kids I nannied have done BLW and it’s really neat seeing them eating “grown up” food and seeing their reactions. Thanks for mentioning the AAP and the strawberry thing. I know that people who have history of allergies in families are supposed to wait on strawberries, peanut butter, etc. I didn’t know that strawberries could be introduced this early.

  9. Thank you for sharing! I have been reading your blog since you were about 7 months pregnant and I love it! I have a 51/2 month old so I often look to your blog for great baby advice. Thanks for writing about all of the safe baby products that you have researched. I have also read many of the books that you recommended. I agree that this age is so wonderful!

  10. This will always be my favorite post, because this 6-month Lexi is the one I got to spend a week with. 🙂 The photos in this post seem so much more… I don’t know… real. 🙂 🙂 Like, I can hear a voice behind those smiles. She is such a precious girl, and you are a fantastic mother.


  11. In Florida, it is actually 26 feet. And the only exception is when the boat is either anchored or grounded. It does appear that they are on a really large boat so it may indeed be over 26 feet.


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