Cloth Diapering: Part II

Cloth Diapering: Part Ii
Cloth Diapering: Part Ii

{the photos in this post were taken at 3 months}
So if you read this post, you know that we started cloth diapering Alexis in the beginning and then decided for multiple reasons to switch to disposables for a bit and revisit cloth diapers a few months later.

Well, I am starting to think those few months later is now. As expected, I REALLY missed cloth diapering. At first, the ease of disposables and their lack of bulk was refreshing. But soon I would be catching myself almost wishing Andrew would put her in a cute cloth diaper (Andrew is who changes her 90% of the time). However, I wanted her to grow just a bit so that  the bulk of the diaper wasn’t too much for her frame, as well as be in the right frame of mind for cloth diapering and make sure Andrew was fully on board as well.

Cloth Diapering: Part Ii

I think one of the reasons why cloth diapering became too much for us was because we didn’t have a set of one brand. I thought it was a great idea to buy different brands of cloth diapers and use those to see which ones worked best. However, that worked to our detriment because there was a constant struggle of matching up the inserts with the diapers as well as not wanting to use the less favorite ones when the preferred diapers got dirty. And a big  thing that made us go “Ah! Screw it for now” was the fact that at that point we needed to decide which diaper brand we liked most and buy a whole set or two of it, but we STILL didn’t have clear favorites. Couple that with a newborn, that’s just not something we wanted to think about at that moment. It was just all a bit too overwhelming.

So fast forward to now, I feel I am ready to jump back on the cloth diapering wagon. I keep seeing babies in cloth diapers and it’s just so cute and I can’t help but think about how much better cloth diapers are for her, especially if we decide to go with organic ones. I talked it over with hubby and he seems on board too ( and bit less excited than me), but with one condition of buying ALL THE SAME cloth diapers. Which means we now have to decide which ones. But at least there isn’t a factor of a demanding baby anymore. Alexis is demanding of our attention but she’s a lot more easy going now than she was 2 months ago.

In addition to that, she has grown quite a bit and the cloth diapers that I do occasionally use on her  fit her really well and don’t overwhelm her body.

Cloth Diapering: Part Ii

Taking some time off of cloth diapering was important. I actually think it was crucial to being able to come back and start using them again. Sort of a reset button. I feel like had I pushed on for whatever reason and didn’t stop using them, we’d continue growing resentful of them, until we’d decide to never use them EVER again. Instead, we stopped cloth diapering at the point where the minuses for our family just outweighed the pluses, but I still liked the idea of cloth diapering. For the same reasons I wanted to cloth diaper in the first place. So that left a door open to come back to it again.

In the meantime, we tried Honest diapers. While the patterns are cute and the fit is pretty good too, I just wasn’t convinced it was the best thing for her. So during these two months we went back and forth between chlorine free WF diapers and Honest diapers with occasional cloth in the between.

{Sidenote: the absolute weirdest thing was that I sort of *missed* doing diaper laundry. Having an extra load of diapers never bothered me or Andrew, probably because we have used cloth wipes exclusively since the day she was born, so we had to do that separate load anyways. But there was just something wrong about throwing in a load of wipes ONLY, when we didn’t cloth diaper. It kind of bothered me. lol}

Cloth Diapering: Part Ii

So my first step in getting back to cloth is this:

I want to find a good organic diaper first, and if none of them work for us, then try to figure out which of the remaining cloth diapers work the best and order 2 sets of those. I received an Organic Kushies diaper from Amazon a few days ago (the toddler ones are just a bit too big for right now) and will look into other options { if you have suggestions for organic diapers, please leave them in comments. I’d appreciate that.}.

I am a little bit excited about going back since I was never really happy about not using cloth.

Cloth Diapering: Part Ii


  1. Try the Flip diapers! They have an organic insert that works great! I’ve been happy with them and we’ve been using them for a year. Plus, they come with disposable inserts that work really well if you travel or are out and about for the day and can’t bring a wetbag.

    • I second that. FLIP is one of m favorite brands. I settled on two brands, FLIP and sunbabies. Though the organic prefold isn’t my favorite. It’s more bulky than the stay dry insert, and you have to change prefolds much more. And my husband HATES prefolds.

      I love Sunbabies, but they’d probably run way too small for Alexis. And I don’t think they are organic.
      Zulily has some super cute CD on it right now.

      • I third that. Flips are great. I actually prefer the stay-dry liners so far and so does my daughter, but we have the organic ones as well. I like that you can use them many ways- as an AIO if you’re feeling lazy and don’t want to switch out inserts, with a disposable insert if you’re on the go and don’t want to cart around the dirties, or by switching out the inserts and reusing the cover. Really versatile.

        • We use the flips too! I like the stay dry liner, but have not used the organic one. Now that my little one is more wiggly, diaper changes are a bit more challenging with the removable liners, but they still work great!

  2. I am due in October and really wanted to cloth diaper the baby. My husband and I took a class last week though and were completely overwhelmed. As you mentioned in your first post, they are so bulky! I think we’re going to start off with disposables and then try cloth. 🙂

  3. I have finally gotten into the groove with cloth diapering. We have Fuzzibunz One Size, and since we have a crazy skinny baby, they still fit at 11 months! I am actually looking for the next size up, so I’m looking forward to what you review. We have one fitted Fuzzibunz Medium, and it fits great, doesn’t leak, and is just the right rise for him, but I am also looking at Applecheeks. We’ll see!

  4. Oh, I really hope you start cloth diapering again! As I’ve mentioned before, it’s better for the environment, and WAY better for your baby! If you read this: I can’t imagine you’d want to still use disposables, no matter how “green” they are, especially considering the concerns with sodium polycarbonate- if it’s been removed from tampons due to toxic shock syndrome, WHY would you have it pressed up against your baby’s genitals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for YEARS? But enough of my soap box rant! 🙂
    I would highly recommend Chinese prefolds and covers (we use Thirsties Duos with snaps that we bought second hand super cheap)- we’ve used them since the day we got home from the hospital (and my girl was smaller than Aleix – she had dropped to 6 lbs 8 oz at her lowest weight and they still fit her very well), and we’ve NEVER had any diaper rash at all, only two leaks and only one blowout (due to the fact we hadn’t moved up to size 2 covers yet) in seven months. They are inexpensive and SO multifunctional – we never bought burp cloths, we just used our own washcloths and the prefolds. The covers we’ve also used as swim diapers. The prefolds are also great because they are simply cotton, nothing else – and if you buy organic, you’d be hard pressed to find anything more pure and simple to use, not to mention they are super easy to just toss in the wash, you never have to strip them, they can be put on in so many ways depending on the size/shape of your baby, etc. I really hope you move back to cloth diapers, for Alexis’ sake!

    • Like I answered above, I really don’t see us doing prefolds. I could give them a try if I was doing most diaper changes, but I KNOW hubby will hate anything but AIOs (shoot, meant pockets. He actually likes pockets better). So I’m just going with whatever I think will help us succeed in cloth diapering.

      • Oh, that’s a real shame. My husband also does the vast majority of the diapering (since he’s home w/the baby while I’m at work), and he says that prefolds are just as easy as disposable, all of the grandparents use them when they babysit and have no issues, etc. Not to mention that there isn’t any stuffing of inserts, etc. so it’s not really any more complicated than some of the other popular cloth systems out there.

        • Well, if you say that maybe we’ll give one a try. I’m planning on ordering each pocket or AIO organic brand I can find and maybe 1 prefold then, and see how it works. But I’m really looking forward to just having the same type of diapers. Like this morning he put Lexi into a disposable because the only three cloth left were not his favorite lol.

          Hoping within a week or two to decide which brand we are going with

          • I hope you find something that your husband likes! If you do get a few prefolds, make sure to get a Snappi, and there are lots of YouTube videos with demos of how to use the prefolds w/covers – I like the bikini twist fold.

          • Hey – definitely try prefolds + covers (the thirsties duo covers are AMAZING). I did a ton of research and kept coming back to the thirsties + prefold option (all the reviews were super positive)…. and so glad I chose to go with it. We used disposables for the first two weeks, and then switched to cloth. Everyone told us it would be hard, but the prefolds and covers are so much better than disposables! Disposables were leaking for us, and we’ve had no leaks with thirsties. I also have pocket diapers, which I use at night but way prefer the prefolds…. why? Mainly, because they are so much more slim line than the pockets, they are only slightly bigger than the disposables and so much easier to put together than stuffing pocket diapers (which drives me nuts). We also use a biodegradable liners with the prefolds and it makes clean-up super easy. Also you can change the size of the prefolds as the baby grows, so you never have unnecessary bulk. Plus the prefolds + covers dry really easily, and the thirsties covers are super cute. Hope you’ll give them a try!!

        • You could always do an organic prefold with a weehuggers cover. The cover isn’t organic but you can fold the prefold similar to an insert and stuff it in the diaper cover so you don’t have to use a snappi. It is by far my favorite kind of cover.

      • I second that. My husband hates prefolds. (I) use the flips (with the stay dry not prefold) and my husband always goes for the pockets. (which I pre-stuff)
        He’s still not on board with CD, because it’s “harder” than disposables.

  5. So glad that you are giving them another try! We use Thirsty’s for covers and you can use any pre-fold or insert in the inside. You could easily use an organic pre-fold (held together with a Snappy) or insert. I also order custom made covers from Rock-a- bye Booty. She”s on Facebook and reasonably priced.

      • A lot of people go with Velcro in attempts to keep it simple; just keep in mind that snaps are more durable, will last longer, are MUCH harder for baby to take off when she gets older, and won’t snag on the carpet if she’s crawling around without clothes on.

      • We have prefolds as our “backup” diapers, and my husband is fine using them — but only folded into thirds and placed in a cover. And he told me he only is fine because they have lines on them to do so (the stitching)… Silly, but whatever works for him.

  6. Sometimes you just need to take a break. I take a break from cloth diapers every now and then. If things start to feel too hectic around here, we go back to disposibles for a little while. There are BumGenius and Baby Kicks organic diapers. I haven’t tried the BumGenius organic but the regular ones are nice. You can get organic inserts for the Flip diapers that I use but the cover isn’t organic.

  7. We use Flip Organic and are very happy with them. They’re a little less bulky than our Bumgenius 4.0. I really like the organic insert, but it’s nice that you can use the cover with the Stay Dry or disposable inserts as well. Also, it’s nice to not have to stuff the diaper with the insert. I thought they might be difficult for the hubby to use, but he says he likes using them the best and they are the first ones he reaches for when he changes our daughter. Good luck to you!

  8. We’ve exclusively used Fuzzibunz and really love them. Through the advice of a friend we went with this brand and have found their “one size” adjustable option great not only for it but also for economical reasons. If you have specific questions about the brand let me know!!!

  9. My favorite diapers are Bum Genius Elementals and they are organic (and one-size). I also really like Bottom Bumpers and they’re organic too. I prefer the sized snap Bottom Bumpers but they also have a one-size snap style and a velcro sized style.

  10. Do you have any BumGenius? They are our favorite for our super soaker and thee
    elemental diaper is organic. We have to use stay dry on him though, because any wetness causes him major diaper rash.

  11. You should look into fitted diapers with a wool cover. There are lots of organic options with those and they are just as easy as an AIO.

  12. Yay! You’re going to try cloth diapering again! This is my first time commenting, but have been following you for the longest time…it seems our babies are very similar (mine born 2/22/12) and also in size. I love how I can relate to you.

    I have been cloth diapering since her cord fell off and I’m only into organic 100% cotton. Our stash is 90% Grovia AIO which hubby and grandpa use while I’m at work. Grovia hybrids are ok, easy, but a little bulky but hold a lot. We use the organic cotton soakers, no stay dry for us. If you try the Grovia AIO, the leg elastic may seem tight but as baby wears it, it gets looser. We also use Swaddlebees Simplex 2.0 – Size medium is more trim than the AIO and again it is birdseye cotton. We also have a couple BumGenius Elementals which fit better for chubby leg babies but it’s not as trim for us. Those are all the easiest organic diapers we use. Washing is easy too…we don’t have any complicated washing systems. (rinse, wash, extra rinse, and dry!) If you contact Grovia customer service, they are super nice with advice and will tell you “keep it simple”. I try other systems as well (prefolds with covers and wool covers, green mountain diaper workhorses) GMD is a great source for all cotton systems – she is a huge advocate for all natural. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents on cloth diapering…if you have any specific questions, you have my email 🙂

  13. BumGenius is a really great base diaper – we have mostly those. They have worked great all the way from 12 weeks to now, almost 2! There are other diapers that I loved at one age but not at another, but the BG’s just keep on working great. the pocket is nice because it means I can stuff it to meet my son’s needs at any age. Also BottomBumpers are organic and really really trim – I have a few of those that I keep for days I want to stuff him in a pair of jeans – they are the only ones int the 20 or so brands that we’ve tried that I can get under jeans – they are awesome!

  14. We use Bum Genius Elementals AIO. They are organic cotton. However, I will tell you that after using them a while I found that I personally preferred to have a stay dry liner at least for right now. I just add a fleece liner (the ones I use are Bummis brand) which is a piece of cake to do and I like having the option of using it or not. I have half Bum Genius Elementals and Half Bum Genius pockets and it is a great brand. Sooo easy to use!

  15. I’m happy your back!!! I started using cloth diapers when my baby was 6 months. Before that I used Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Diapers. Which was good. But I love my cloth diapers. I have been using bumGenius Elemental, also there pocket diaper, which I love. We use snapes. I did buy some that where hoop & loop, I didn’t like that after a while they didn’t stick together. We also have grovia all in one, which work great too. When we have traveled, I used grovia Disposable Insert when she was smaller. Now that she is bigger I buy Flip Disposable Insert with there covers and they have cute ones too. So you can say I love my cloth diapers!!

  16. Hi Elena,

    We do cloth diapers as well and we use the bulgenius ones. I tried the 4.0, elemental (organic) and freetime as well as the flip covers with organic inserts (bulky but absorbent). They are all good excelpt the flip which are only for a short period as I know they tend to leak more. We use the 4.0 overnight with a hemp insert overnight as my son who is 4 months old sleeps 10 hours at night. We never got a leak unless we did not check how we put the diaper properly. The freetime are the best next during the day and no inserts to deal with!
    I ordered them here: and
    And I use charlie’s soap either liquid or powder for the washing machine but I may switch to the bumgenius ones.
    They are not all organic but they may be worth it.

  17. Have you considered pockets? We use BumGenius 4.0 one-size pocket diapers. I love them. The biggest issue I’ve heard about with people using AIOs is that over time, the need to dry them wears on the elastic and the hook and loop (if you have it – we opted for snaps). With pockets you machine dry the inserts and wet bags and line dry the covers. This wouldn’t be any extra for your hubs because you could stuff the diapers and set them up to be ready to go.

    I know they’re not organic, but I thought it was worth mentioning because I hadn’t seen what you thought about them. FWIW, I ended up choosing BG over Fuzzibunz. Adjusting the elastics on two legs for all the diapers was a big fat hassle, haha.

    Good luck!

  18. You, guys, I totally messed up. I didn’t mean AIOs, I meant pocket diapers is what we ( and by we I mean mostly hubby) like most. Just shows you how little research I’ve done about cloth diapering. I can read a million books about brain development and whatnot, but diaper stuff eludes me, so I am thankful for all your helpful comments.

    So if you had any organic pocket suggestions, I’m all ears.

    I am ok with AIOs too, but hubby seems to not like them as much (AIOs are the ones where the “insert” is attached to the diaper, right?)

    I’ll go over all your suggestions and try to order one each to see what we like best. We do have 1 grovia and a bumgenius (pocket), and imagine, kawaii, fuzzibunz, ohkaty, and a few more.

    • Yep, all in ones have the insert attached.

      I’m not sure if the entirety of a pocket can be organic? But I have BumGenius and some other pockets — I don’t use the microfiber inserts that came with them though. I use hemp and bamboo. You could just swap out your inserts with more natural ones?

    • If you are set on organic bum genius is the only way to go. These are our nighttime longtime wear diaper b.c they are sooooo absorbent. Also this might be gross but they are great with a big poopy diaper which you will be getting more of since blw has begun. Our everyday diaper is fuzzibunz my guy is 16 lbs so I like the slimmer fuzzibunz for everyday use now once his a bit bigger it won’t matter much which diaper we use during the day. Don’t buy too many it’s overwhelming and stay the hell away from prefolds they are the most annoying thing on earth lol. Give it another try and if it still doesn’t work out its not a big deal! FYI bum genius can start to stink after a while b.c of something with the microfiber. We dry in the sun to take care of this if that’s not something you want to do you need a booster detergent paired with whatever detergent you choose to wash them in. Good luck so excited for you and Lexi a fluffy butt is so cute!

      • Idk if there is an organic pocket diaper since your hubby would rather have pocket at least not on that I can think of

        • How are AIOs ( we have Grovia and bumkins, I think it’s called), absorbency wise?
          I think the biggest issue hubby has with them is he’s convinced from the last time that they are not as absorbent and leak (because the new Kushies is AIO and I don’t hear him complaining ) . Back when we first started they both leaked each time, but something tells me it was just a bad fit (or maybe I need to strip them?)

          Id love to tell him something to convince him to give Grovia another chance.

          • I find them to be pretty absorbent — but anything natural (like Grovia) needs quite a few washes to reach full absorbancy.

            I have a varied stash and Grovia is my daytime favorite.

          • You shouldn’t need to strip them yet so I doubt that’s the problem we only have a few AIO because Hudson is such a heavy wetter we were told to go with he pocket so we could stuff more and I like to line dry which takes forever with our AIOs so those just weren’t for us however I have never had a leak when we use them ( they are grovia AIO) it was probably the fit because she was still little we had a few leaks wih all the different kinds when he was around a month or so old because he just didn’t fill them out enough yet it seemed

          • Ugh it’s so hard to keep all your thoughts straight when on an iPhone our AIOs are bum genius elemental but we only have a few absorbency is good we just preferred pocket

          • My Bum Genius Elemental Organic AIOs are REALLY absorbent and I have never had a blow out poopy diaper with them (whereas with disposables, we totally have).

            Your hubby might like the AIOs now that your daughter is bigger – the sewn in liner fits a little better once the diaper is extended up a setting (my daughter is 7.5 months / 18# / and on the middle setting now). Also, if they were leaking, I can almost guarantee it was from a bad fit. Give yourself a few days of adjusting the snaps and you’ll find the best fit.

      • I’m not set on organic, I just want to see if we like anything organic, if not then go with the rest. The biggest thing right now is the fit, the “absorbency” and whether hubby likes it.

        Like I really like GroVia (shes wearing it right now and it looks awesome and fits great) but he doesn’t, so not much I can do since he’s the one who needs to be happy with what he uses.

        • As long as she’s changed when she’s wet and not sitting in a wet diaper for more than 3 hours, the absorbency of grovia’s are great. We don’t even use the extra booster at all. We take those out. It works well daytime, however, you might run into night time issues unless you stuff the diaper with a couple boosters – it’ll be bulky but at least it won’t leak. Hub used to not like side-snapping but he has no choice but to use what I put out there for him and now he’s used to it. He doesn’t like the shells/soakers. Maybe your hub will like those? And, It’s most absorbent when it’s been washed like 8 times. Make sure you get Swaddlebees Simplex 2.0 to try too!

        • If you go the route I mentioned, you can toss all the inserts (or sell, give away, whatever), and get a bunch of just one kind. Then you won’t have to worry about matching them to the diaper either.

    • Yes, an AIO (usually, I’ll say since I don’t know about every brand) has the insert attached which some people love, but oths hate because of the long drying time. There are also AI2 or sometimes I think they are called Snap-in-ones where the insert attaches to the inside of the shell, but can also come off for washing and drying (as opposed to stuffing with pockets). Can’t help on brand suggestions since we have to use stay-dry on his sensitive little bum. Good luck! Let us know what you end up with.

      • Also, if you like Kawaii, I do believe they make an organic bamboo diaper, but the outside is “Minky”, aka soft and fuzzy and I thought it fit different than the regular diapers.

  19. We use Bum Genius Organic All-in-Ones! We used them for Arianna from 7-24 months and started using them on baby #2 at about 4 months. He is 11 months now and the diapers are still in great condition! They are all one piece so hubby/grandma/sitters have no problems with them either, super easy!

  20. If you want organic, and you want absorbent, then you should do fitteds with wool covers. There really are no organic AIOs or pockets – there are organic soakers and inserts, but there is no such thing as organic PUL or TPU (the waterproof layer). There are, however, plenty of organic fitted diapers and prefolds (which are actually quite easy to use after practicing a couple times), and wool is a natural fiber. There are gorgeous wool soakers that look adorable as bloomers under dresses and tunics, and really cute wool longies/shorties. And about the heat? Wool is *cooler* than PUL because it breathes. I live in the desert southwest, and I use almost exclusively cotton prefolds and cotton/bamboo blend prefolds and fitteds with wool in the summertime. His wet diapers actually feel cool to the touch when I take them off.

    You should also look into itti bittis. Super easy snap-in inserts and the soakers are natural fibers.

  21. I wrote a post about cloth diapering here and at the time we had only been doing it a few weeks (started when Tindra was 6 weeks old) and now she’s over 3 months and I love it even more! In the post I wrote about how grovia and itti bitti tutto weren’t my favorite. But now over the last month they are by FAR my favorite! They are much trimmer (huge bonus) and work amazingly well. I think she was just too small at 6 weeks when I first tried them and I only tried them once and had them leak and decided I didn’t like them. But now they never leak. She was only 8-9 lbs at first when we started now she’s 11-12 and it’s perfect. Tindra is sleeping through the night so she’s in one diaper from 8-9PM to 8AM and has Never leaked! At night I either use itti bitti tutto (seriously check them out) or a bum genious double stuffed. She leaked all the time in disposables and I think has leaked 3-4 times now in over 2 months and that’s from putting it on wrong. Good luck!

    • You must try sustainablebabyish diapers for nighttime. I know you want all the same diaper, but you must have a bulkier option for when the baby starts sleeping 10+ hrs at night. For mine, that started at 4 months (we were blessed).

      These diapers are the best and the company is very ecofriendly. Snapless fitteds (used with a snappy) and a wool or PUL cover. If you get the snaps, you might not get the right fit. Everyone goes with snapless.

  22. Try HipKiddo’s “Naturally Hip” cloth diapers. They’re made from bamboo and organic cotton. They are one size and fit really great. I have so far not had a poo blowout in these dipes. Hipkiddo strives to be affordable, so they’re a lot easier on your wallet then a lot of other brands. AND they donate diapers to an orphanage in Zambia – so by buying the diapers you’re doing a good thing for the world and not just the earth! 🙂

  23. We have FuzziBuns and BumGenius (my husband also got the inserts mixed up at the beginning 😛 :P)
    Between FuzziBunz and BumGenius:
    – I love how BG look (fabric quality, trim, bright colors), but
    – I LOVE how FB are easy (poop getting off easily, super quick in drying). I’d say both equally absorbent.
    Between AIO and pocket:
    – I prefer pocket, definitely. AIO are sooo bulky (my baby’s butt is wider than his belly!). And I don’t see it’s more absorbent
    Between velcro and snaps:
    – I like velcro for easy size fitting, but I HATE how all the hair and cat hair gets stuck to it. Yuck! And velcro does not work at night, as opening the diaper wakes my son up
    – Snaps are more practical, after all
    And I’m totally happy with One Size, all the snap system makes it fit as fine as the sized ones (and will last longer).

    If I had to decide on one brand only, I think I’d go for FB, but since we got the inserts mystery sorted out :P, I’ll keep with both brands. Worked great for me.

  24. Yay! I’m excited to see Lexi in cloth again! I’m 100% set on cloth diapering my kids in the future. 🙂
    I’ve been a nanny of a family of kids (started with one baby, then had 2 more added in the bunch) that exclusively cloth diapered and were using organic and conventional. They used both the Flip and the bumGenius elemental along with the Fuzzibuns conventional. I was the one that did the washing and the majority of the diapering, since I was with the children for 10+ hours everyday and I liked the Flip a bit more than the bumGenius. My favorite out of the bunch was the Fuzzibuns, but that seems to be a common favorite among people that use cloth.
    Have fun! It seems like a lot of companies are going towards organic (well, more than a few years ago at least). I’m sure you can find a brand that will fit your needs.

  25. BumGenius Elementals are the best. I experimented with every organic AIO I could find and still found myself drawn to them for their ease and how trim they are. My husband doesn’t mind cloth anymore because they make it so easy!

  26. Ok Kushies is crap, I’d just dump it in the trash as soon as you get it. Try bumgenius elemental, grovia (if she is skinny), tots bots easy fits (v2) and flips. Goodmama and s’bish fitteds are great for overnight. I personally feel that spending between 15-30 on a diaper = better quality and fit!

    • Oh and you can just buy a few for now and stock up when on sale 🙂 We have 40 OS but I bought them only when the prices were good. I bought all of the same pattern for overnight so that DH can know overnights from regular…that took a long time to accumulate lol.

  27. We love Bum Genius Elementals. They’re all-in-one, organic diapers even my initially skeptical hubby can handle. They require no stuffing or folding and fit my 3 month old and my 2 1/2 yr old. We do use one disposable/day at night (Natures Babycare) but otherwise cloth diaper exclusively. We also own a few flips and BG 4.0s but Elementals are by far my favorite. Once a baby is consistently eating sold foods and you have to start dumping the poop in the toilet, having to take an insert out is an extra (messy) step I’d rather not have to take. After 2 1/2 years of cloth diapering my son, the Elementals still look great and work as well as they did when they were new.

  28. Just ordered 1 BG Elemental. Something tells me considering how everyone loves it, we’ll be going with that one: no stuffing, easy laundering and organic. If the fit is the same as the other BG, I am sold.

    {Just put on a BG I already had and paid attention this time, I do like them}

    • just be sure to get more than the minimum recommended, you want them to last so following instructions to line dry is essential so that takes longer. When she gets older, adding something organic (hemp/bamboo) to make it more absorbant at night will be essential. Flip organic prefolds work great in a pocket and are some of the most absorbant on the market.

  29. I love my BG 4.0s (pockets). I started CDing with a bunch of used 3.0s, and finally convinced my husband to upgrade. I’ve also got a handful of Kawaii pockets: 5 minky and one regular. The minkies are really cute, but sometimes they wick around the legs. For nighttime diapering, I use the Kawaii Heavy Duty overnight diapers and those work really well. I double-stuff the pocket and that lasts for a good 10-12 hours. (I like the idea of AIOs, but being able to adjust the absorbency keeps me using pockets.)

  30. We have used Fuzzibunz exclusively since my son was born. Well, since he was about two weeks old. We use the one size and I love them. 🙂 A friend gave me a gro-via AIO and I am not a fan. They don’t seem to wick moisture away as well and stain badly. Just my input. Good for you for going back! 🙂 Also, I noticed in your picture, not to be critical, but just an fyi that we found out after much leakage, the fleece of the fuzzibunz can wick moisture up and onto their clothes if it isn’t tucked in the back. 🙂 I hope you guys find something that works for you!

  31. Check out Cotton Babies. They are the company that makes the Flip and BumGenius diapers and they are excellent. I use primarily BumGenius and Rumparooz for the last two years and I love them.

  32. Hi! I know this is an old post, but I’ve been researching the subject for my daughter. This site is throwing continual browser security errors however, due to the security certificate expiration.


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