Our days…


Sometimes our days are spent simply like this (in 86 degree heat):

on a mat outside in the shade while waiting for daddy to come home with sweets and sushi {Ok, to be fair, “we” weren’t waiting. It was all me jonesing for sushi}

Our Days…


By the way, we’re still not rolling (aside from the two times she rolled at 2.5 months )and really couldn’t care less about it {go figure}, but let the girl crawl and she won’t need food for a week. Today’s pediatrician appointment told us that for Lexi being in the 97th percentile in weight, it’s totally normal not to roll over for a long time, but instead be happy sitting up or crawling, since you need a whole lot of inertia to get that big body rolling {haha}

Makes total sense and also explains what I was seeing with the cloth diaper weighing her down. Now, however, it’s her {wait for it!} 18.6 lbs of goodness that are weighing her down {ta-da!} Who can beat that? lol

Ok, to be fair she’s also at 95th percentile for height. So basically, we have a GIANT BABY! or Baby Giant? Either one of those. I see volleyball and modeling in her future. Though having done both myself, this mama ain’t letting her 14 year old leave for NYC without adult supervision (I’ve seen enough of this: Tenjune. teenage models. coke {and not the kind you drink}. not cool.) If she goes, I’m going right there with her. And she’s not modeling locally, because markets outside of NYC (and LA) are a joke.

Wow, I got sidetracked…

So I just wanted to share this pic from yesterday… Hope the week is going good.
{i have lotsa fun posts brewing, so stay tuned}

Our Days…


  1. Haha! big baby :). We just took Uma to the pediatrician yesterday – she’s 27 inches – the 99th percentile for her age! That’s so great that you’ve made such a big baby with just your breast milk!

  2. Wow…my 4-month old is almost 17 pounds and in size 9 months and I thought *she* was a giant. Lexi’s got her beat! That said, I’m a shortie so chances are that she won’t be statuesque…just taller than her mommy, which is a good thing!

  3. If she is height weight proportionate there is no medical reason your child shouldn’t be rolling, only developmental. I hope she rolls soon, or I would be getting concerned.

    • I don’t know. What I do know is I am not worried since she’s getting around other ways. She’s scooting on her belly like crazy and crawls so fast if you give her leg support. I don’t want her to be skipping stages (like rolling), but if that’s what she does, that’s what she does. She’s never shown any interest in rolling. Rolled over twice and wasn’t impressed.
      Also I noticed she is not even remotely interested in getting around that way, but crawling and tummy time get her squealing in delight.

      • I commented once before about the similarities of our “high needs” babies. My little girl is also a big one and didn’t show any interest in rolling or tummy time till about 5.5 months. She is now 6 months and rolls everywhere and always ends up on her tummy looking around. Good for you for not worrying about it-she will roll when she is ready!

    • There is no reason to tell her to be concerned. She’s what? 4-5 months? People are so ridiculous. My now toddler rolled a lot later than some other stuff. She eventually rolled. Each baby has their own timetable. Adults get crazy about his stuff.

    • What? Really, Wanda?? Babies do things on their own timetable and there’s a WIDE range of normal. My kid rolled on time, sat up early, and crawled late. In a year no one will be able to tell who in a group of babies rolled over a month before another kid.

  4. i love how different babies are. so many of my friends had these giant chubby baby rolls to pinch and my little miss came out so little and petite. she’s tall but has always been on the very low end of weight…. and at almost 2 years old still has to wear 18 month pants or they fall right off her little bum. you may have a giant… i got a little fairy imp. hehehe.

  5. Sounds like my son! He was 20lbs at 4 months. At 6 months, he is 23lbs and 29 inches, so maybe he’s slowing down? He’s off the charts for height and weight, so the doctor says that he is just a larger order of person so far! Everyone keeps telling us we have a linebacker on our hands. We say sumo wrestler πŸ™‚ He started rolling and moving early though, so I haven’t found the larger baby=slower motor development to be true for him.

  6. So cute! My daughter has been the same way….rocking the 95th percentile in height and weight. I am curious to see where she is tomorrow at her 15 month check up. Along the same lines I was wondering what your approach to vaccination is with Alexis?

  7. I figured that’s why my baby stopped rolling. From about 2 to 6 weeks she could roll from front to back but she hasn’t since then. She’s a little chubs (in the 95th percentile) too, though, so that must be why. I can’t wait to tease her about it when she is older, hahaha.

    • Yeah Alexis rolled over a handful of times before 3 months, but then stopped being interested in it. When I roll her over myself onto her back, she looks at me like “Why the hell did you just do that”? She’s happy just hanging on her tummy.

  8. My son was 22 lbs and 28 inches at 4 months lol. I feel ya girl. He didn’t roll until 8 months, crawled at 9 and walked at 11. He was sitting up unsupported at 5 months because he was so sturdy. I loved that.

    • WOW you got me beat! And that’s exactly what the pedi said. I don’t know if she’ll be sitting unsupported at 5 ( though who knows), but it looks like crawling isn’t too far off. BTW, how do babies get into a sitting position without being able to roll?

      • He was 11.1 and 24 inches at birth, it was inevitable he was going to be a big kid. He is by no means chubby. My husband’s dad is 6’2 so I assume it comes from that side, but my grandma and her sister were both over 12 pounds in 1933 and 1935. My son has totally slowed down in growth, he’s gained 1 pound in 5 months. But I think there’s another height spurt brewing.

        • I would just sit him up, and he would lean forward just a smidge and he was good for a while. It made for lots of laughs.

  9. Wow. That adorable chunk of goodness is 2 lbs. heavier than my 15 month old. He’s also adorable but in a basketball player kind of way, loooooooooong and skinny. I love how all babies grow at such different rates! The pic of you doing the bunny ears is my favorite.

  10. My son didn’t roll back to belly until he was 6 months old- there is nothing abnormal about that. Some babies roll back to front earlier than others- Wanda, stop trying to scare a new mother. I am a pediatric RN and there is nothing wrong with not rolling by 4 months- I think if her pedi. says everything is ok, she would likely trust them more than she should a random commenter on her blog with no specialty credentials.

  11. Wow, she is SUCH a big baby! It’s so funny to me that my 5 month old seems so tiny in comparison! (My girl is tall and skinny – over 75th percentile for height and 25th percentile for weight).
    And your baby’s current height and weight aren’t a complete predictor of what their height and weight will be as adult; I believe it’s based on the genetics of you and your husband’s height (http://www.parenting.com/article/height-calculator—predict-your-childs-adult-height-1204834097769). My sister was over 90th percentile for both weight and height at Lexi’s age (but not as big as Lexi!) and she’s 5’5″ and just a little overweight as an adult. Since you and your husband are both tall, though, I bet she’ll end up being tall as well!
    As for rolling, I’m sure she’ll get there; I have heard as well that larger babies are slower with their physical milestones. I’m not sure about the sitting thing – my girl has been sitting unassisted for almost two weeks now, staring a little shy of 5 months, and she’s pretty lightweight! And being slower isn’t a bad thing – I’m already at the point where I can’t put my baby down on a bed or anything unless I’m right there, because she’ll roll around so much I’m afraid she’ll fall off! Enjoy the lack of mobility while you can! πŸ™‚

    • From what I read the weight during infancy has nothing to do with adult weight. We know she’ll be tall no question there but from pure genetic standpoint my side is super skinny (I take after my dad who is a stick and my mom was lanky and slim till her second baby), my hubby’s side is so so but nothing that can’t be managed with healthy eating and exercising.

      • So cute! Isn’t it funny how you want similar things for your children? Like, for example, I was a cheerleader for 9 years. Since V is so skinny, I always joke that she’s going to be my “flyer” (the girl always at the top)
        Plus she LOVES being lifted up and she has awesome balance…so…little cheer girl in the making. πŸ™‚
        (and I’m not going to lie, I already have like 3 cheerleading “costumes” for her, and she wears them regularly, along with constantly playing with my poms and trophies.)
        God, now I sound like a pageant Mom. ….lol

        • Hahaha that’s too funny!
          I don’t necessarily want modeling for her, it’s just with her height it might be a something she’ll be into. But I’d love for her to play volleyball cuz I did and my hubby wants to take her to karate classes cuz he did. Oh and soccer early on cuz I played soccer πŸ™‚ we want what we know.

      • Yes, that is true that size in infancy is no predictor of size in adulthood. You can start to predict how big your kid will grow when they reach age two. They used to just double the kids height at age two, and this somewhat accurate, but now there is a formula you can do based on the height of the child at age two and the height of the parents in adulthood.

  12. At 4 months, 25 days (haha, so funny how exact moms are) C was 26 inches and 16.6lbs, both in the 85th-ish percentiles. So we’re right there with you with the big baby, though not quite as chub-tastic as Alexis! Those rolls are delightful! I thought she’d be a late bloomer physically because of it (plus because she seemed so mentally alert all the time) but she hit all of her milestones right on schedule or early (I think she rolled both ways regularly at 4.5 months, sat up alone at 5 months, pulled to a stand 6 months – although she was getting along rolling so well that she didn’t army crawled (alone) until 7 months or real crawl until 8 months. They’ll do it when they are good and ready. πŸ™‚

    You know I have to ask… ;)….Are you going to try the CDs again now that you know she’s not rolling without them either?

    • Rolling was one of a few reasons to stop CDs. Not a huge one to boot. I just didn’t like how uncomfortable she seemed in smth so big whenever she moved around on the floor, it wasn’t particularly the rolling part. That was just an example I gave. I will get back to CD, regardless of her milestones. Once I feel it’s time, I’ll start up again and see how it goes.

  13. It sounds developmental to me, not related to her chubbiness – cause like another poster said, she is height and weight proportionate. I wouldn’t worry about it, though. She sounds like an average baby to me! My son rolled very early and was sitting unassisted by 4.5 months. He’s still very athletic and coordinated, even still! Kids are all different. I think one thing’s probably for sure: it wasn’t the cloth diapers. But don’t worry, that’s really typical for first time parents. You think your kids are teething for 6 months before they get a tooth, you think they must not be hitting milestones early for some outside reason,etc. Only in retrospect when your kids are older will you realize that it was just part of who they are, and who they’ve always been. πŸ™‚ They come out their own little people, with their strengths and weaknesses in different areas.

    • Hahaha, I love how you got the whole “my son did this at this age and he is STILL awesome” bit into it πŸ™‚ And just fyi, I am not making excuses for why she isn’t interested in rolling, I am just reciting what my pedi said (and earlier with cloth diaper what I felt about her comfort in them in general). As far as I am concerned the things that she is doing are far more important than the things she isn’t, because she must have her own reason for showing absolutely ZERO interest in rolling, but adoring tummy time and scooting around. Who knows what’s in babies’ heads…

      • I didn’t say he’s still awesome. I said he’s just athletically inclined. Kids really do have skill sets of their own which can be obvious even in infancy. πŸ™‚ For example, my son was also a very sensitive baby, which I drove myself crazy about…constantly wondering if it was something *I* was doing to make him so sensitive. But no… he’s also a sensitive big kid now. It’s just who he is. And it’s served him very well in life so far! That’s my point…once you look back, you’ll be able to see all kind of things about Alexis that were there since birth…her strengths, weaknesses, personality quirks, body shape, facial expression, all kinds of stuff. It’s actually really cool. It’s not a dig, chill out. πŸ™‚

        • I didn’t take it as a dig lol

          Alexis is a girl with a very particular character I can already see that. Things she likes and doesn’t are very strong even at this age. I think I was musing in a different post how it seems like she’s going to be a linguist or artist but not a soccer player since it seems and always seemed that her visual and social/verbal skills are far advanced compared to some of her motor skills that are just average.

  14. I love chubby babies. She weighs a few ounces less than my 20 month old. He’s in the 3rd percentile for weight! 97th is good though, big healthy babies are the best.

  15. Wowza! Lexie weighs at 4 months what my daughter did at 1 year! She is definitely loving her food. LOL

    Its good to hear that you’re laid back about the milestones. Sometimes its hard to not get wrapped up in what “should” be happening. Babies are going to do what they want to do, when they want to do it.

    • In the very beginning I was like “wait shouldn’t she be attempting to roll” but after she rolled over a few times and then moved onto “begging” for foot support so that she could crawl/scoot, I got over it. Obviously she is doing what she wants/needs to.
      But I think that’s the most important lesson I learned as a mom when Alexis was eating every 30 minutes as a newborn while everyone else’s baby went 1.5-2 between nursings that she does what she needs to and I just have to follow her cues and give her the opportunities to do whatever is necessary. I really get scared just thinking what might have happened if I had behaved as if “I know what she needs to be doing and feeding her on schedule or stretching out time between feedings like our pedi suggested. Yikes.

      I really need to write a post on that… The second guessing yourself and your baby…

      • “I really need to write a post on that… The second guessing yourself and your baby…”

        Its quite amazing how often I did this in my son’s first year. My daughter was completely opposite of him so I had another round of second guessing. Now they’re 6 and 3, and it hasn’t stopped. LOL

  16. Elana I’ll been following your blog since the beginning of the year but I’ve never commented…Alexis is such a doll – congratulations Mama! I have a 12-month old and I get excited for you knowing what joy lies ahead for you and your family! Thanks for sharing all these little milestones with us. πŸ™‚

  17. She proved that she can roll… she’s fine! Some babies aren’t “rollers!” My youngest daughter is the same way. She has rolled, she proved that she has the muscle tone & strength to do it but she hardly ever rolls anymore… she is a butt-scooter! She gets to where she wants to be in the method of her choice! πŸ™‚

  18. Baby, Baby, who’s got the biggest baby? Who cares. This is a dumb game. And a dangerous game. Obesity, even in a breast fed infant, is NOT a good idea.

    • Whoa! Who’ talking obesity? As far as I can tell everyone’s baby here is proportional in weight and height. If we had a 21 inch 19 lb baby, that’d be something to discuss. But babies who’s height and weight are int he similar percentile are not obese. And there’s rarely such a thing as a breastfed obese baby/child.

    • Excuse you?!! My kid is far from obese. In fact he’s never had a roll on him beyond chubby baby arms for a whopping 8 months. Not one kid listed in this comments thread qualifies as obese. If you want to start slinging insult about people’s children I would at least make sure your reading comprehension is up to par. Also I’d look into breast fed babies and obesity rates. Being a douchebag for the sake of being a douchebag doesn’t suit you.

    • Dude…if you’re going to make shitty comments like that about someone’s kids, at least make sure you know what you’re talking about. None of the babies mentioned so far would be classified as obese. Douche.

  19. I agree it is more developmental than size. I had one child that was over 19lbs at 4 months (and cloth diapered, and 8 years ago the diapers were bigger than they are now) She was rolling before she turned 3 months. She was above the 100th percentile for height and weight and was not even on the charts until she was 15 months when she was “down” to the 97th percentile.

    I have another child that was 50th percentile (also cloth diapered- the diapers have absolutely NOTHING to do with development) who was only 16lbs at 4 months. He didn’t roll until he was 6 months old.

    Babies will do it when they are ready. I has nothing to do with their size or thier diapers. She will get there when she is ready.

  20. Elena, I bet you’ve totally jinxed yourself and Lexi will turn into a rolling maniac in the next couple of days!
    The bickering about weight is so silly. Just think, she’s had nothing but your milk and is thriving. That’s pretty cool.

  21. Love following your sweet little girl…she’s just about a week or so older than my little guy. He has yet to roll over or show any interest in doing so. I’m not concerned one bit. The leg strength is amazing, right? He loves to lie on his back and push off of us to scoot around that way…so cute. It just gets better and better, doesn’t it?

  22. She sounds totally, completely on track and doing fabulously. My baby was about the same weight/height at 4 mos, and at 6 mos he’s now 20 lbs and 28 inches. Everyone always comments about what a big baby he is and it’s honestly really annoying. He’s just a totally normal, healthy breastfed baby. I’m tired of talking about his size, so I don’t really talk about it anymore. I’m happy he’s thriving. It has NOTHING to do with being overweight – they’re babies, for Christ’s sake. Feed her all the breastmilk she wants and enjoy you have been blessed with a healthy baby who is growing strong and well in every way.

    Is she really crawling?! That is pretty insane. My pedi says the average age is 8-9 months.

    I’m glad you gave up on the cloth diapering if it wasn’t for you. We tried it and had horrible issues with diaper rashes despite our chem-free diapering system. Nothing we did helped until we switched to disposables. Now his skin is smooth and perfect and we’ve never had any other issues. We disliked other parts of CDing, as well, and were happy to move on from that. Each family has what’s right for them!

    • Oh no not actually crawling, crawling with leg support. We would put our hands to the back of her feet and shed move forward.shes not scooting because she actually moves her body with her arms, hands and knees in a crawling motion but she needs that traction cuz she’s not on her knees yet. I’ll post a video soon.

    • 8-9 months for crawling?? What? Both my kids crawled at 5 months and walked at 9 & 10 months. But all my friends babies were cruising (walking while holding on 8-9 months) are you sure 8-9 months for crawling? That seems ways too old!

  23. Aww, she is adorable!!

    I was a chubby breastfed baby as well. πŸ™‚ But by by the time I turned a year old, I was very thin, and remained that way my whole life.

  24. My younger brother (who is now 17) did absolutely NOTHING until he was close to two. He was a big kid (still proportionate in height and weight) and would only sit until he was about 18 months. He didn’t decide to talk until the 2 year mark. My parents weren’t really concerned until OTHER people started making comments about it. Many appointments and tests later and he was absolutely fine! More than fine actually..he is easily the smartest person I know and had read the first Harry Potter book before he was in kindergarten! He is both academically and athletically inclined! Every baby is different and will do things in his or her own way! Lexi seems to be doing exactly what she wants to be doing and that is just fine! πŸ™‚

  25. She’ll roll in her own time. But I can pretty much guarantee that the cloth diapers didn’t/don’t affect her development. They are not that much heavier than disposable diaper. And honestly, with your Florida heat, a CD is much more breathable than a plastic bag on your baby’s bottom (i.e. a disposable). I’m just curious since Alexis still isn’t rolling is disposables why you haven’t put her back in CDs yet? You know it’s her and her development, not the diapers. I just think the longer you use disposables the less likely you are to go back to CDs.

    -Signed, a CDing momma whose baby is meeting milestones just fine πŸ™‚

    • Dear CDing momma,

      If you read my CD post carefully, you’d know that I never thought CD prevented her from rolling. I thought she looked uncomfortable in their bulkiness and wondered whether the bulk was adding to the weight. (which I still think it does, just not enough to prevent from rolling over if the baby wants it). Therefore, since rolling had nothing to do with my decision to suspend CDing, I will resume using cloth diapers when I FEEL she is big enough to be more comfortable in them, whether she’s rolled over or not by then.

      -Signed, momma that chooses not to use labels.


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