Cleanwater Collection by 4Moms

Cleanwater Collection By 4moms
Cleanwater Collection By 4moms

Another fabulous item as a part of the feature BEST FOR BABY is Cleanwater tub.

Cleanwater Collection By 4moms

This brilliant collection is meant to get your baby from birth through 7+.

I remember when I was pregnant, I was looking at infant tubs with all the millions of choices, most tubs being pretty much the same. As soon as I read about Cleanwater, I immediately added it to my registry and hoped that someone would think it’d make a cool gift 🙂 Well, now, having actually used it, I can say “It makes a REALLY cool gift!”
Just today my husband declared while bathing Lexi: “What would we do without our Clearwater tub?” It made me happy because when it comes to products, it’s hard to impress him.

4Moms is a company that is well known for their innovations in the world of baby gear. They are behind the cool and sleek MamaRoo (which I still really want), the even more advanced and futuristic Origami Stroller, and their first product was this Cleanwater Collection.

Just a little bit about the company since I feel it deserves a mention. It was named after their first focus group consisting of 4 moms ( well, really 5, but it’s too long to explain. Read about it here) and the goal of the company has always been making our (moms’) lives easier with the most innovative products. They have this really cool program, called 4moms Insiders, where you can receive news and exclusive opportunities to win 4Moms gear. Recently, they ran an awesome 30 day Origami giveaway and guess who was one of the lucky winners? Yours truly! I’ve never won anything in my life, so this was a shocker! Once Lexi is old enough to sit up and face out in a stroller, I am going to show it off here.

Cleanwater Collection By 4moms

Imagine this: A sleek and clean looking bathtub with a soft cushy infant insert in it. Now add a precise temperature gauge to make sure your baby’s water isn’t too cold or too hot. You turn on the faucet, let the water pour past the gauge into a little container and then spill over into the main tub area, all while measuring the temperature of the running water. The tub fills up and the excess water pours out of the hole in the side, constantly cycling. The temperature gauge turns red and peeps, you promptly turn the faucet towards the cooler water and slowly the screen returns to green. Ahhh! You lower your baby into the tub cushioned by the spongy insert. Your baby’s feet rest on the curved area of the tub ( Alexis loves kick her legs on it). You pick up your favorite bottle of Lavanila body wash from one of the cup holders, lather that baby up, use the rinse cup to rinse her off, all while she’s busy kicking the Lavanila bottle off the baby tub and under it and having loads of fun. At one point I had loads of fun too, by laughing my butt off at my husband who totally felt into the bathtub while trying to fish that Lavanila bottle from under the Cleanwater tub. He didn’t think it was that amusing, though.

Cleanwater Collection By 4moms

So my point is if you want the queen of baby tubs, this is it.

When your baby grows out of the tub, you can still use the spout cover with the temperature gauge to make sure the water is the right temperature for your not-so-little one.



  • Coolness factor
  • Convenience
  • Won’t let your baby freeze.
  • No need to rely on elbow water testing to make sure it’s not too hot
  • Keeps the water in the tub constantly cycling and renewing
  • No need to rinse the baby off
  • No sitting in dirty bath water
  • Additional temperature gauge faucet attachment that can be used on any faucet and in any tub
  • Soft removable infant insert
  • Two cup holders and a rinse cup


  • Price
  • Relatively short life span that can be prolonged by using the spout cover
  • Needs batteries for the temperature gauge ( but what baby product doesn’t?)
Cleanwater Collection By 4moms

BUY IT: $89 $89


See Rafflecopter to enter a Cleanwater Collection giveaway.

Cleanwater Collection By 4moms

Cleanwater Collection

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If you have a blog, there’re 2 entries each worth 10 points ( post our button on your blog’s sidebar and blog about the giveaway)

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. 4moms provided me with a product sample to review. All opinions are 100% my own.


  1. Really? A $90 infant tub? Infant tubs in general aren’t even necessary, but can be convenient. It seems financially wasteful, not to mention all the water it’s wasting while it’s “constantly cycling.” I find it ironic that you seem to be very pro green products for your body, but aren’t worried about the environmental impact on the earth. Besides that, relax, you won’t burn your baby, just use common sense & your instinct & she’ll be fine.

    • Just like some people buy a Ford and others – a BMW, to each its own. You’d think a car is a car just like a tub is a tub, but millions of people prefer to pay more for a car. If a person can afford it and it’s something that they want, I would begrudge anyone buying nice things. Especially ones that make their life easier and/or more enjoyable.

      • Well, I disagree with your example, I would never buy a Ford or other crappy car. That’s b/c a car is something that needs to be safe and something that I use daily for 7-10 years. People can buy whatever they want, that’s for sure, and they might get comments that people disagree with their choice. Parents to be are bombarded with blogs, ads, etc. of things they “must have” or “can’t live without,” it’s a shame you feed into the consumeristic frenzy.

        • Leah, a car was just an example. We have a ton of choices in life, whether they are products or ways of living and we all choose what we consider acceptable to us. I don’t think it’s Ridiculous to buy an 80 dollar tub. Can you buy one for cheaper? Yes! Is it as cool or convenient? No. If you want a better example, let’s take a watch. You can pay 50 bucks for a decent looking watch, but some people pay 9K for a Rolex. I don’t go around telling people with Rolexes ( and I have a lot of friends who have one) that it’s silly they bought one (“9K for a watch? Really?”). I am happy for them they can afford it, even if it might be frivolous. I can’t afford it, but I think it’s cool they can. It’s all about what each person wants to spend their money on.
          As far as blogs “pushing things”, it’s always a parent’s job to realize what they can afford and what’s important to them. I love my cleanwater tub , it works great for us and that’s exactly what I am writing about: my experience with things. If someone cannot afford it, no biggie. If someone decides there’s no reason to buy one, it’s fine too. People don’t have to voice every single opinion they disagree with. You disagree? Then don’t buy it. I did the whole bathing together thing, and I absolutely loved it and I didn’t need an infant tub for that. But I also enjoy bathing Alexis in that tub (and she does too).

          • Leah, bitter much? Don’t want to buy the tub, don’t. Noone is forcing you to buy anything or telling you you are a horrible parent if you don’t. She is giving you her opinion, plain and simple. How rude of you to come here just to be so negative.

  2. It’s a cool concept I guess but I think the rubber duck that displays the word “hot” when the water is too warm does the same job for $2.99. And to be honest, even that was a waste because I’ve been using my own hands to gauge the water temperature since day one and have yet to burn my son.

    My main concern actually is that the tub seems very small. My almost 4 month old is tall and I just don’t think he’d fit in that tub comfortably for too long. But he is certainly not ready to be bathed in the real bathtub alone yet so I’d need a second infant tub until he’s ready for the real tub.

  3. I find it interesting that every item in your “Best for Baby” collection was sent to you to as a “sample.” Coincidence? I think not.

      • Elena, don’t bother explaining yourself. Some people have no idea how reviews and sampling works for bloggers. Not to mention, you have reviewed/recommended items you’ve purchased on your own without being provided a sample.

        Another thing that people don’t get that these companies are only requiring a review in exchange for the sample/giveaway. It is Elena’s choice to have certain items included in a “Best for Baby” series.

        Everyone wants to call you out on this crap – while trying to win it. LOL

  4. Some of the comments you get crack me up!

    Anyway, cool tub–I’d consider going for it, but we have too many other huge expenses coming up here pretty quick, so I’m trying not to go overboard on baby stuff. Which is pretty hard, with all the cute/cool things out there!

  5. I think some people can’t wait to see your next blog post just so they can make mean comments on it. I wonder if they walk around the grocery store telling people not to buy certain things or telling people that the clothes they are wearing are stupid.

    People act so differently online than they ever would in person.

    (That said I’m not a huge fan of the constantly running water in this particular tub)

    Love the blog though!

  6. I am looking for an infant tub and really love this 4moms cleanwater concept. I live in Australia, so I will have to order it online without “examining” the actual product.

    I am just a bit concerned with the size of the tub. It seems to me that you have used this infant tub inside a normal bath tub, do you find it a little annoyed that you would have to bend over and also get your feet wet everytime you give your baby a bath?

    Hope it is not too late to ask for an opinion about the tub given that this blog was up last year… 🙂 Really appreciate some feedback. Thx

  7. well, it’s very well designed and your baby seems to b having fun but I personally think that this tub it’s too expensive and too small for the baby. I mean, you’ll spend lots of money in a tub that in 1 year the baby will not fit in (‘cos the baby it’s too big). I also noticed that you have to keep watering him all the time or the baby will freeze! I spend $15 on a tummy tub and it lasted for an entire year and my baby loved it! It was like a little spa for him!


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