It’s been 2 months and I cannot believe that I have finally gotten around to working on the newborn photos of Alexis. All the annoucements have been delivered so I am free to post these without spoiling the surprise.
Btw, for those looking to get baby announcements/thank you cards, etc, check out MetroBabyCards. That’s where I got mine and I was very happy with the quality, unlike some of the mainstream services I’ve used before (won’t name names).

I figured if it’s too hard, I’ll get a professional photographer, since I have never photographed newborns. Hard to photograph was underestimating what Alexis presented us with. We would dress her, rock her to sleep, pose her, take 2-3 photos and she’d wake up. That continued for an hour or so, until I didn’t want to torture my poor baby anymore for the sake of her newborn shots. I took a few pictures of her awake with an adorable owl hat from Melondipity (and sucking her fist on most of them) and called it a day. In the next few days I attempted to take a few more but the girl would wake up THE second she was put down. We didn’t even have time to pose her. We had the heater up, a comfy place for her to lie on and yet the second she was off our chests, her eyes would pop open. So I gave up on the whole thing and didn’t call a newborn photographer, because with the way Alexis slept, there was not much that could have been done even if you have mad skills. However, to this day I see cute newborn photos on our people’s blogs and their account of how easy it was to pose him/her while sleeping ( yes, Melissa, I’m talking about your adorable boy), I smile and wish I could have had the same.
The most important thing is that I have a few posed shots of her as a little baby and a million others taken every day since they day she was born. So the memories will always be there. And it’ll be so much fun to show her the outtakes (they are HILARIOUS!).
Alexis at 10 days old
owl hat is from Melondipity
These photos are gorgeous and capture her personality! And that outfit and headband seriously could not be any cuter I LOVE it!
you did a great job! As a newborn photographer, I will let you know you did great! With your little one! Even when I photograph newborns it is all on their schedule and their time! We don’t push anything, if they don’t want to do it, we don’t do it.
She is adorable! and I LOVE that hat!! If ever you don’t want that hat anymore, send it my way!
I love the fairy outfit! Where did you get it?
Oh my gosh, I love her little owl hat. I think the open eyed shots of Alexis are beautiful. She’s so alert with her big blue eyes! Hope to read so much more about her.
im SOO bummed i didnt bite the bullet and do newborn photos!!!!! harrison will be four months on friday and i still have not booked our photo session because im dreading it…so well done! they turned out great!!!xo
I found this great resource that you or your readers may enjoy! They help women who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, breastfeeding, or adopting. They answer all kinds of questions about exposures (medication, illness, fumes. etc…) that may harm the baby. They are very helpful and nice!
we never had “professional” pictures taken of my 1st child. Do I regret it? no not really…..the pictures we took at home are actually better than any “posed” shot. My husband took video of him (he was probably 2 months old) because his facial expressions would change every 20 seconds…he then did screen shots and combined them into a picture….5 shots across and 3 down. 15 different facial expressions. Its one of my favorite “pictures” of him.
I think these are still really sweet – I’ve been debating on whether or not I would do my own newborn photos and I’ve decided that I will….knowing that they may not be picture perfect, but they’ll b e mine. Truth is that Lexi wasn’t sleeping and you reflected her personality in just the way it should have been done. Great job!
I booked professional pictures when Vivien was 8 days old. We went for our two hour appointment, and she was awake for 98% of it (didn’t fall asleep until we were almost done) and would cry if we stripped her down, so none of her shots are naked baby. They are all (99%) wide awake shots wrapped up in some sort of cloth. So I get the jealousy part, lol.
They are adorable, regardless, and show her unique personality.
Your pictures look great. Newborns are tricky. I tried to shoot a newborn for a friend. Lesson learned. Fast. As an idea for if you guys have another baby later on down the road, heat up a heating pad, and stick it under where the babies belly would be. Make sure your hands are VERY warm. And if you are interested in learning to photograph babies I found this workshop very helpful:
I love the first one of her in that adorable hat! I’m a photographer and have to say I would squeal with delight if I saw you walk in with that little cutie, her eyes and hair are amazing.
Great job!
She’s so adorable!!!
You cannot hide the personality
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I can’t believe you guys took these yourselves. Love the announcements!
Awww! She is so beautiful! I love how she’s so alert in those shots–those gorgeous blue eyes are just soaking it all in. Good job, mama!
Oh my goodness! So adorable! Great job on the announcements!
You are an amazing photographer and these pictures turned out gorgeous! Love the birth announcement!
These came out GREAT!
Is she wearing a hat because you are trying to cover her forehead birthmark? My baby has really big ears, and I feel bad trying to cover them in her photos but am wondering what you think, as a more professional photographer. Thanks!
I am not sure if this is a joke, but … No, she’s definitely not wearing a hat to cover up her birthmark haha
I personally think prominent features like big ears are cute on newborns, especially in newborn photography. It makes them unique. Newborns are not supposed to be “pretty”. That being said, if you want perfect pictures and you don’t like the look of your baby’s ears, by all means put a hat on. You’re not changing anything about your baby, just showing his “best” side.