Father and Daughter


Father And Daughter


In the last 5 days I have opened my laptop exactly zero times. We’ve been dealing with frequent feedings and a baby that wakes up every hour at night plus breastfeeding troubles and pain. It’s not all bad, of course. I love my little Lexi Smexi. And every day she’s becoming smarter and more loveable.

I just wanted to check in here and share this photo. It melts my heart every time I look at it. So much that it warranted its own post.

I am looking forward to the time when I can rely on Alexis to nap for an hour or two or sleep for longer stretches than 1-2 hours. In the meantime, I’m enjoying lots of snuggles and dealing with a very demanding baby that knows what she wants ( even though she doesn’t always clue us in).


Also, I said it on my Facebook page and I’d like to repeat it here:

The birth story IS coming. I just finished picking out photos for it out of a ton of completely post-inappropriate ones 🙂 It might take me some time to write it though. I’ve attempted to start but couldn’t get past a few sentences. It’s a somewhat emotional post and  my labor wasn’t exactly a straight forward 6 hour labor, so I’m waiting for the inspiration to strike at the time that Lexi is napping, which is seldom. About a week ago, I gave myself a month to finish writing it, but I am hoping I can do it in less time, again, if Alexis allows. It doesn’t help that my prime writing time (when I nurse) is now taken up by teaching Lexi to latch properly.

Also, I’m totally behind on weekly Alexis updates and 2 postpartum updates  *sigh…*


Hope all is well in the real world, because I feel quite removed from it 🙂



  1. What a wonderful photo! Thanks for sharing. I hope you’re able to get the time to do non-mom things that you’d like to do. But don’t worry about all of your blog readers; those who understand don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter!
    All the best,

  2. I just want you to think about thrush if you are having pain while feeding still and if she is really fussy too. thrush is not highly talked about, and can be silent in the baby, but can cause lots of issues. Hang in there-

  3. I hate to be a party pooper but it dosn’t always get better. my 3 year old never took a dependable nap till she was 13 months old and we sleep trained her at night. thats when she started getting her days on schedule too. 2 naps and a few hours sleep… before that it was very erratic. they say the smart ones think sleep is a waste of time

  4. There’s nothing like a daddy with his little girl. It’s a beautiful photo. It took me 6 months to actually feel at ease with breastfeeding (yeast infections in the breast, Mastis, the works) – keep trekking Mama. She’ll get it!

  5. Hang in there lady! Lexi is precious and it sounds like you are giving her everything she needs and wants. I have been following your blog for several months and am currently 38.5 weeks pregnant with a little girl. She was breech and she flipped a week ago after I tried some techniques from spinningbabies.com (a website I found through your blog – thank you!!!). But not knowing now when labor will happen and showing no signs of it is also hard. I’ve enjoyed checking in on you and seeing how much you love having Lexi in spire of the lack of sleep : ). Looking forward to your birth story when you are ready to post!

  6. It gets easier and better. My little one behaved exactly the same way as a newborn and I was totally unprepared (as we all are) for how different he was from how the books and their theoretical and generic behavior.It’s exhausting reading your posts since it brings back so many (fuzzy) memories!nIf you haven’t had a Lactation Consult come out to the house, call tomorrow. She’ll have tips and tricks to make your life a lot easier. Hang in there!

  7. Maybe it is just me, but you’re suPposed to be detached from the world. You are a first time breastfeeding mom! My nurse instructed me to stay in a house dress the first two weeks at least. If you had a ton of time to write posts, make yourself up, socialize, etc then you would either be tired at as hell or be super lucky with Alexis’ sleeping/eating routine.

    The 1-2 hour nap may not happen for a long time. So much happens these first few months and if she is an early teethet, you will have that to deal with also. Everyone acts like motherhood is only tiring the first few weeks. Umm until my son’s last molar was in, we were up nursing a lot. Home boy was on pure pain regardless of what I did to help. Now he is almost 2 and sleeps like a champ finally! But it definitely didn’t happen at first.

    So take your time momma. You need it! Also, don’t hold yourself to expectations of frequent posts, comment replies, or lots of pics/words on your blog. I think most of us are happy with the snapshot, cliff notes version. Besides, too many words will just attract a$$trolls out to tell you how you are ruining your kid! Lol

  8. Hey Elena,
    I’ve never commented before but just wanted to reach out and say that you should take all the time you need to write your story. It can be a year from now, and that’s ok. The first few months are so incredibly hard. Until you are actually doing it, you really can’t be prepared for how hard it is. But it gets better. And then you will forget how hard it was and do it all over.

    Hang in.

    • Same here, first time poster, and I totally agree. I had a baby 10 months ago and your post brings back so many memories. 🙂 Hang in there, it will get better. I will be perfectly honest and say that I was SO glad to move past those first few months (the 4th trimester). I did not love the newborn stage at all. My son became so much more fun once he got a bit older.

      FWIW, I also have a very opinionated child who does not seem to need a lot of sleep and I will not lie, it is still really tiring. Naps are few and far between here and he gogogoes from the second he wakes up until the second he falls asleep (though he does sleep through the night now, which is wonderful). However, he is really bright and is way ahead of some of his milestones, talking and walking especially. Those things often go hand in hand. And, now that he is older and able to communicate his needs, life is much sweeter than it was during those early months.

      I think you mentioned that you are aware of Happiest Baby On The Block. Don’t hesitate to use the 5 S’s. We found that some combination of them almost always worked when virtually nothing else would.

      Don’t feel bad if you need to let some things slide, if you miss deadlines you set for yourself, etc. Having a young baby is an extremely valid excuse. All of your readers (the nice ones, anyway 🙂 ) will be just fine with shorter & less frequent posts for a while. For now, just enjoy your family and spend all of your “free” time catching up on sleep. 🙂

  9. I love hearing how you are enjoying your time with Lexi. I remember coming home from the hospital and not touching my computer for two weeks (and I’m a complete blog-reading/facebook/email addict) – there’s nothing better than just getting into the groove with your cuddly, adorable new baby. Three months later, I still haven’t written his birth story, so hopefully when you post yours, it will inspire me to get with the program and write, write, write, because the details are already getting foggy. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that the sleeping gets better and breastfeeding gets easier (I’ve heard the gel soothers are great for the pain, especially fresh out of the fridge!)!

    Love, love, love the photo in this post – it is simply beautiful – very touching, and makes me a little teary! What kind of post-processing/actions do you do on your photos? I LOVE your style, especially the colors in your photos – very striking.

  10. You take your time Elena! Always good to hear from you though! I LOVE that picture of daddy and daughter. 🙂 I had some issues with proper latch with Lillian at first too, and you’re right, it does make nursing time very intensive. You can’t sit back and relax and nurse! You and Lexi will get there soon though, but I’m sure it won’t feel soon enough for you while you’re living it! Just looking back on it myself, I almost don’t remember we had issues because it’s so far in our nursing past now! 🙂

  11. Straight forward six hour labor? Bwahaha. Okay, not that it doesn’t happen. Sure it does. But there’s a reason you hear about someone being in labor for 12, 18, 29 hours. Because THAT is more common. That baby took 40 weeks to grow in there. Taking a couple days to get out isn’t really that strange.

  12. It sounds cliche but it will get better, maybe not perfect, but even once the baby is waking up 3x a night rather than every 45 minutes you will feel like a new person. The best decision I made for us in the early days was bed sharing, (which I saw you are doing.) Once she gets past the first few weeks you will start to feel better. Feeling detached is so hard those first few weeks. Take minutes to yourself while you can, and take advantage of having a loving helpful partner. One day you’ll look back on these days and not remember how hard they were.

  13. When I wrote out my birth story, tears were streaming down my face the entire time. It’s hard not to get emotional (the hormones don’t help) when you are writing out something so private, so beautiful and sacred and difficult and personal, and so much a part of who you are and are being shaped into. I can totally relate.

    I, however, have definitely busted out the laptop and considered blogging every day since baby came home. I need it to help me maintain some semblance of “life as I knew it” and to help me work through all of my thoughts and emotions. As you know, the whole writing thing is extremely cathartic.

    Re: latching, I ended up getting the aid of a lactation consultant. It definitely was useful, as was having a community nurse come by to help every other day, and using my Brest Friend nursing pillow. I still struggle with breastfeeding but it is getting less horrible with each passing day. There is hope! 🙂

  14. 6 hour labor?? I would have killed for that! I was in labor for 3 days before they told me I couldn’t even TRY pushing and I needed an emergency c-sec.

  15. My first didn’t take naps that were longer than about 45 minutes til he was over a year old. And most of those early naps would only happen in the car. You’ll learn to type while she naps in a moby on you. However she sleeps it will all work out.

    Cute picture with dad!

  16. While I am one of your readers who can’t wait to read about your birth story and love seeing updates, take your time and totally don’t stress yourself out over needing to get to it. Enjoy every second with your beautiful little angel.

  17. I love the picture. It melts my heart.
    Breastfeeding is hard work. You’ll get it. It saved my sanity to pump a bottle and have my husband give it to her, once she was about 3-4 weeks old. That way I could rest through one of the feedings. You’re doing great. 🙂
    -Megan @ thememoirsofmegan.com

  18. Dear Elena–

    Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous daughter! Thank you for all the beautiful photos.

    I’m de-lurking to offer some (unsolicited) breastfeeding advice. I had many breastfeeding issues–I couldn’t believe that something so natural could be so difficult. The best thing I did was get help from a lactation consultant and join a breastfeeding support group. These remarkable women saved my sanity and my damaged nipples. The pain of nursing on a very damaged nipple was worse than the birth but with the advice of professionals and other moms, I made it to 18 months of nursing.

    Good luck!

  19. Aww Elena she’s getting cuter by minute!! Her eyes are blue? Aww she’s precious,besides all those pains with BF I bet you are loving to spend time your little Lexi!
    BTW have you thought about making a baby with style with her?Like you were doing that pregnant with style thing but now that she’s here you should do the baby with style!
    All the best for you guys!

  20. Take your time to write your story. I took over a month, and started crying every time I went to write it. It’s an intense thing, recalling your labor.

  21. “Straight forward six hour labor? Bwahaha. Okay, not that it doesn’t happen. Sure it does. But there’s a reason you hear about someone being in labor for 12, 18, 29 hours. Because THAT is more common. That baby took 40 weeks to grow in there. Taking a couple days to get out isn’t really that strange.”

    This. I had a 10 hour labor and I thought that was ridiculously fast and smooth!

  22. Oh lovely, good you aren’t opening the laptop…. enjoy newborn baby bliss don’t fret you will have plenty of time for updating.

    I had a 12 hour labor, it was mostly ‘by the book’ and people think it is quick, it was very normal though hopefully your birth was enjoyable even if it wasn’t what you expected…. and of course having a little one is the best part.

  23. Love the photo! Nothing more special than a daddy loving his daughter!

    Just wanted to throw this out there, if you are having latching issues, do not hesitate to call a Lactation Consultant, they can work wonders for both you and little Alexis.


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