29 Weeks Bump Update

29 Weeks Bump Update

29 Weeks Bump Update

I cannot believe I am one week from being in the week 30! I remember just starting this journey and thinking that 30 weeks was SO FAR ALONG! Luckily, the start of the third trimester has been wonderful for me. I feel like everything that has been said about 2nd trimester (less discomfort, more energy, no heartburn) is finally here now. Let’s hope that the third trimester pains won’t kick in for a while, because I am digging it right now 🙂

Someone commented asking where I got all the sleeping bras I’m wearing in the bump photos. I didn’t get to answer and couldn’t find that comment later, so here’s where I buy them: Lamaze Cotton Spandex Sleep Bra for Nursing and Maternity29 Weeks Bump Update.

Really didn’t want to take the bump picture today- bleh!


Her size: Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds

How far along: 29 WEEKS

Total weight gain: 158lb (that’s +0 for this week for a total of 21 lbs). With last week’s 3 lb gain, I am happy to not have gained anything this week.

Sleep: Weird pregnancy dreams are on and off. Last night I woke up from a different dream each time I had to go pee which was about 5 times. One of them featured Alexis being born with a full set of teeth lol

Alexis has also gotten to torturing me by pushing against the bed in my belly when I lay on my side- really funky feeling I gotta tell you.

Maternity Clothes: Totally loving a few lesser known brands (I talk about them every Sunday). I got my new pjs from Boob Design and refuse to take them off at home. I’ll be doing a giveaway of one of their items soon since they’re coming out with their US store. Also some of my other favorite maternity items this week are cargo pants from Everly Grey (win a pair here), and this pair of jean capri from Boob.

Food cravings : I’m still loving my chickenless chicken whole grain sandwiches.

Food aversions: none

Symptoms I HAVE: Almost none. I’ve been having a few obvious Braxton Hicks, but that’s really it. I’m really happy my heartburn hasn’t returned full strength yet, like it’s supposed to in 3rd trimester.

Doctor’s Appointment: November 17th and I am really looking forward to seeing our pumpkin on the ultrasound, possibly one last time before delivery. We also have our pediatrician interview the same day, so that’ll be interesting.

Movement: The girl is STRONG! I totally feel like someone out of a movie whose body was invaded by an alien. My skin moves all the time, I think she flipped 3 times today. At one point I could swear she was laying transverse, because i could feel simultaneous kicks and punches on both sides.

Belly Button: An innie with a Napoleon complex.

Gender: GIRL!

Best moment of the week: Finishing all the painting of the nursery. Casings, baseboards, closet doors- all done! Now onto the design and I have such exciting things planned- can’t wait to show you guys.

What I’m looking forward to:

Black Friday and Cyber Monday, because that’s when I am ordering about 80% of the nursery stuff and baby items. I have most of it planned out and just cannot wait.

What I miss:

still sushi!

Look forward to the following posts:

2nd Trimester recap this week
My favorite 2nd trimester items
Nursery Update
Our Birth Plan – I am doing a complete 180 on that one.



  1. This is way too cute… Your belly got a little rounded,or it’s just me?
    It must be a little weird I’m commenting on your pregnancy blog,but the reason is that I ? pregnancy. I mean,I can’t wait to have age to get pregnant and have kids. I LOVE kids. I can’t wait to see your baby girl,she’ll be the cutest!
    Hope you feel better soon. There’s more 2 months till Alexis,right? You can handle it! 😀

  2. Almost 30 weeks!?! How can that be?? It really doesn’t seem that long ago that I found your blog, when you were still in pre-conception mode. I always found my pregnancies flew by once I hit 30 weeks, and I really hope that’s the case for you, too!! I know you are so anxious to meet your sweet girl 🙂 And I’m anxious to finally see her debut on your blog!

  3. You look amazing, Elena!

    Just wondering what brand of moisturizer you use for your belly to keep things smooth and stretch-mark free?

  4. I remember being in awe that 30 weeks was so close too! You’re right, that sounds so far off when you first become pregnant. 😉 Yay, getting closer and closer till she’s born! I’m curious about your 180 on your birth plan! Can’t wait to see the post.

  5. Cute belly!! With those bras that you have, were they true to size? I was reading reviews online and people were saying that they didn’t fit right, etc. I’m debating on what size I should get…


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