13 weeks update


13 Weeks Update

Oh I really didn’t feel like doing an update yesterday 🙂 My nausea is sort of back ( I thought it was gone for good last week- haha), there’s not much new in the baby department.
My 1st trimester blood work didn’t show any increased risk for Down syndrome, and they are waiting for the 2nd trimester blood work to get the complete results.

I have a 13 week picture- nothing seems to have changed in the belly department. Usually depending on how extended my stomach is at the moment, my actual belly looks bigger or smaller. But no real baby belly as of yet.

Skin is slowly getting better, but not by much and that’s pretty much it.

If you aren’t subscribed to my photography blog, go over there now and subscribe, because I am about to post some super yummy photos  and you don’t want to miss them.  I have decided to stop taking pictures and concentrate on editing the 47,000 I already have and will be sharing them on Selfie Magic. For those not familiar, it is a blog that was started with a focus on self-portraiture, because I noticed how many talented beautiful women-photographers were completely scared of and inept at taking photos of themselves. I am finished with the tutorials but you can find them on the sidebar, and we’re still having a weekly self-portrait linky, so don’t be afraid to shoot and link up.

That’s it for today. I have a ton of posts sitting in drafts waiting to be finished, so much more to come {like “pregnancy skin care”, “thoughts on 1st trimester: expected and unexpected” and much more}.


  1. Seriously, you look great!! You are totally going to carry this baby in your face, I can tell!! At least your ribs aren’t showing anymore! Enjoy the pregnancy! Good luck getting rid of the MS!

    • How can you tell?

      and lol @ ribs comment. That’s what my mom says. My ribs show all the time, regardless of whether I’m healthy weight or not. I just don’t store fat in my mid to upper body, it all goes to my legs. So I end up looking normal pelvis and emanciated abs up 🙂

  2. Are you going to take pictures of yourself if u end up gaining more than you plan? It might not be a big deal for some girls, but definitely can be upsetting for others.

    • Of course! I’m not worried about weight gain at all. I don’t have a plan for it. Id like to gain a healthy amount, and I don’t see how you can accidentally gain more weight than you should. If you are, that means you’re eating more than necessary.
      So by all means, I’ll be taking pictures each week regardless of what happens as long as I physically can. To me weight gain in pregnancy is unavoidable and necessary for the health of the baby so I’m 100% ok with it. It’s not permanent.

  3. I’m glad to hear you have such a healthy outlook on this!

    By “accidently” I meant that most of the time women gain more than they expected for various reasons. You can try to plan and stick to it, but nothing is 100%

    • Yeah it’s like everything in life- so the key is to be flexible and plan while having a “whatever happens I’ll make the best of it” attitude.
      Pregnancy weight never bothered me somehow, unless it influences the health of the baby, like too much or too little. Pregnant women just look pregnant to me no matter how much extra weight they are packing. So I’m ok with that. I will do everything I can not too gain more than is healthy but that’s mostly for the baby’s health. I’m not worried about dropping post partum.
      What about you, when you do get pregnant?

  4. ah… I don’t know. Right now I think I’ll be upset about the weight gain and will do everything I can to stay at the minimum. But I might be very different at that point in my life. I might not give two hoots about getting fat and take all the pictures I wan, it would be so much more wiser “) So many women on your blog talk about it and they don’t care. I seem to be very sensitive about it, although I wish I wasn’t – life would be easier :))

    • I’m sure you’re only that way now that you’re not pregnant. I was very picky about my weight too, and will be after the baby arrives again. But with pregnancy weight, it’s different, it’s about inevitability and the fact that you’re gaining it for the baby. Plus if it’s easy for you to lose the weight, then it’s definitely not a problem, because everyone who has ever commented saiad that if you want to lose it post baby, you work on it and it goes away.

  5. I can’t wait to read your expected vs. unexpected post. One of my close friends is pregnant and I was asking her about how things were different than she expected and she said that hardly anything was what she had anticipated. For her that was a good thing though, because in 9 months of pregnancy (she’s due any day now) she never got sick. Which in my mind is a miracle! I’m sorry you’ve been nauseous still. Have you found anything that alleviates the nausea at all?

    • The nausea isn’t so bad that it needs something to alleviate it, but it’s enough to make me uncomfortable and blah feeling, thus ruining my whole day. It doesn’t prevent me from eating, though it makes the meal times miserable, i don’t throw up, but I just don’t feel good, if you know what I mean.

      As far as my expectations for pregnancy, while they were very realistic, it was still impossible to imagine how these things would feel- it’s soooo different.


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