New Life


Do you ever have this feeling…
…where you walk outside and witness an amazingly calm moment…

It had just rained and it’s like the water from the rain renewed everything and everyone and made it shiny, new and fresh.

I was in the middle of cooking tonight and had about 5 minutes to spare. I walked out onto our front porch and paused. I didn’t know it had rained. It might have been a calm warm Florida summer rain that goes by in 10 minutes, only leaving a trace on the shiny pavement, cooling the air, making birds sing like they’ve witnessed the beginning of life. It was dusk: still light enough to see every single bit, but dark enough for the streetlights to turn on. The air smelled unreal…unreally good…unreally fresh. The humidity of Florida and the cooling of the air produced this out-of-this world quality in the surrounding air, flowers, palm trees, bushes and streets.

I wanted to bottle this feeling, this atmosphere, this moment. Oh how I wish I could take a picture or film a video of the street, but I know from expierience that something like that cannot be transfered on film. It’ll lose its magic, it will be too dark, or not dark enough, the colors will be all wrong- so I left the camera in the house and just enjoyed it.

Not many things stop me in my tracks, but this moment did. It made me think about how beautiful life is. It made me sad, but in a good way, that way you get after a refreshing rain.  The birds obviously agreed, because the melodies sung were sad and gentle at the same time. My husband walked out and just hugged me at my waist and we stood there marvelling at the beauty of nature, the beauty of Florida.

We are so lucky we get to enjoy it every day, right here from our front porch, or on our colorful hammocks overlooking the golf course on the back patio.

I would never be able to live in the city! I love greenery, I love piece and quiet, I love moments like this where you can just appreciate nature. I am a suburbia girl, that’s a fact.

I lived in New York for a time, and while that life can be amazing, and exciting and alluring, I think it was only that way because I was a model, with all the doors open to me and people doing everything for me. I can never imagine actually living there as a family.

In my mind, I say it again and again and again: “I love where I live”. And that’s such a big thing, don’t you think?

New Life
Oh and can you guys please vote for me below. The numbers are reset and I would appreciate being in the top few pages. Thanks, loves!


  1. Oh I know exactly how that right-after-the-rain air smells and I looooove it! I go out to smell it every time I can 🙂

  2. I love that feeling, and I wish i could say it but someday i will live where i wan’t to be right now i am making do with what i have.


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