It’s happenning…


So this month we start trying! We don’t really know if it’s going to happen or when. But we’re determined to go into it  having fun and with no expectations.

In the meantime of course my planner brain is working.
I am thinking about all the things I’d like to get done before the first possibility of being pregnant:

  • cut my hair
  • go to a dentist to make sure all my teeth survived the wisdom teeth extraction just fine 🙂
  • finish some home projects
  • CLEAN the house {I’d like to have a clean house in case I get a debilitating morning sickness}
  • buy and install a kick ass reverse osmosis water filter
  • clean up the garden and explain to the hubby how to take care of it {can’t do garden work due to risk of toxoplasmosis} DONE!
  • paint the hallways {yeah like that’s going to happen}

And that’s just the stuff I’d like to do before we get pregnant. Let’s just say that if we don’t get knocked up the first month, I won’t be TOO upset, because it’ll give me one more month to get that stuff done.

It’s Happenning…


  1. FYI, my hair didn’t grow at all when I was pregnant with my son. Also, when we are in the trying stage, I’ll sometimes buy clothes, just get them a little looser than I normally would. Some emire waist dresses should fit for a little bit. ; )

    • Still doesn’t make sense for me to buy loose clothes because when would I wear it after I’m done with the baby. I intend on losing all the weight and maybe more, since i had to put 3 extra pounds to be in the normal BMI range, rather than underweight. So it’ll be a total waste of money for me. Plus i have a ton of different sizes in my closet, from size 0 to size 6, from the days when I was modelling and the days when i was at my heaviest. I’m hoping that will do. But i just really want new cute clothes, and not maternity style, you know.

      • I lost all my “baby weight” pretty quickly. It took quite awhile for my boobs to come back down to a reasonable size though. ; ) If you have a lot of different sizes, that should work for awhile though. It’s hard not to buy cute spring clothes, though!!

        • It’s always warm here so luckily cute little spring dresses don’t have the same effect on me as they did when I lived up north, because honestly i can wear cute little spring dresses all year long. And i don’t want to buy smth that i will have to put away in a few months and the revisit after I give birth, ebcause by then it won’t be “new” clothes 🙂 So i just have to dream and sign 🙂


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