Week 6: Get Fit And Get HealthyOh wow! Week 6 of Get Fit, Get Healthy, Get Confident Challenge! That’s a month and a half!
Most of you who started with us on Day 1 should be down by at least 3-4 pounds. If you aren’t, then you need to go over your fitness and food goals and make sure they are ambitious enough and you’re not eating more calories than you can burn off.


1. If you haven’t yet, join the challenge here: GET FIT and GET HEALTHY
2. Every Saturday come back to The Art of Making a Baby and ShutterMama to read the tips on how to be fitter, healthier and more confident.
3. Weekly write a post about your progress, following the questionnaire below, take a self-portrait (optional) and link up with us.
4. Don’t forget to grab the GET FIT challenge button on the sidebar and display it proudly on your blog or GET FIT post.
5.  Link your post with
Selfie Saturdays if you took your week’s self-portrait.

I will keep it very short today. It is 2:30 am and I am trying to get this post out before Saturday.

One thing I’d like to touch on very quickly is the importance of support when it comes to weight loss and fitness. If you don’t have a fitness buddy who is just a excited about the project as you are, make sure your family is on board with you. Your significant other might be in a decent enough shape, but he could definitely benefit from improved eating habits.

 Did you know that people that regularly consume fewer calories live a few years longer than those whose calorie intake is higher?

Explain to your family why it is important for you and for them to lead a healthier lifestyle. It might not sink in right away for them, but it’s important that they support you.

For this very reason I would like to start keeping a list of every participant currently using LoseIt.com (read last week’s post about counting calories) and twitter to log their progress and calories. It is  great support and motivation to see your fellow get fit members log their exercise and food intake daily, lose weight, comment to keep each other going during the work week, in between the check ins here.
Also, twittering when you’re about to commit a food crime or skip your exercise for the day will keep you on track and possibly save you from that piece of cake.

You can’t underestimate SUPPORT!

So if you have a LoseIt.com account and/or Twitter and would like to share and help others as well as get support from bloggers, email me (contact {at} prebabyblog {dot} com) or comment to this post with your Loseit email address and /or twitter name.

I will compile a list of participants and post it next week to make sure we all add each other as friends.  I would really love to have all of us there supporting each other.

I will start:
Loseit.com email address:contact {at} prebabyblog {dot} com
Twitter: girl_on_e

Comment below or email me @ (contact {at} prebabyblog {dot} com) 


Now, my entry for week 6

1.  Height: 5’11?, weight: 131.6 lb  {-3lb, not good, need to get back to 133-135lbs}

2. Your  fitness challenge(s) for this week:  30 minutes of pilates every other day + 30 minutes of cardio ( rollerblading, running, swimming or treadmill) every other day. Special exercises designed for pregnancy to increase flexibility (daily) + Kegels (twice daily). A total of about an hour of physical activity a day.

3. Your health challenge(s) for this week: My eating habits are close to perfect,  however I could improve on my water intake. My goal will be 8 glasses of water daily + continue eating the way I do now.

4. How well did it go:
  • Fitness: Ok, I have to admit! This is the first week that I have really disappointed myself. During the previous two weeks, I was recovering from the wisdom teeth surgery and really didn’t had a choice but to take it easy. However this week, I felt good enough to exercise, but I do not feel I lived up to my goals.
  • Water: Thanks to my new Clean Kanteen bottleWeek 6: Get Fit And Get Healthy, I have been getting plenty of water. It makes it so easy to drink.
  • Food: I did really good with food this week. Being back on LoseIt.com is giving me the motivation to be really strict with my intake as far as nutrition goes. I have been trying to gain weight since the surgery and that meant eating over 200o calories a day which is tough for me since I eat mostly low calorie foods like veggies and fruits. However I did really good, got plenty of protein despite being a vegetarian and balanced my meals greatly.


5. Failures and slip-ups: I realized I let myself be weak. I got too used to being sick and not having to put in the effort. I did pilates only once and did 30 to an hour of cardio 3 times during the week. Which means I missed 3 days of work out for no real reason. I feel I really failed myself this week. But that is also  giving me motivation to be better, to be perfect next week. There are no more excuses! The pain from the surgery is almost non-existent and I can do my weekly pilates and cardio exercises no problem. It’s hard to make yourself work out when there isn’t a real tangible reason, like weight loss, to support it. But I need to keep reminding myself that it is about a healthy lifestyle.

I think the water intake also took a hit 1 or 2 days out of this week- again something to improve on.

6. Weekly challenge wisdom:  Self-control! It’s easier to have it when you’re 100% aware of what you’re doing. Keeping track of what you eat and how much you exercise is a great tool to use when you need to further motivate or restrict yourself.

7. Advice to fellow GET FIT members
:  Make failures a reason for successes! Nothing happens in an instant. You will stumble and forget why you’re doing this. But the week will go by and there will be another week to make it better, to make it perfect. That’s how you develop habits, good healthy habits. You keep at it for as long as it takes… As long as it takes to start enjoying exercise. As long as it takes to stop cravings sweets. As long as it takes to acquire a taste for seemingly bland vegetables. Because you know what? Eventually…. You WILL!

8. Self Potrait: Clones

Week 6: Get Fit And Get Healthy



  1. Glad you’re feeling loads better after your surgery. I know exactly what you mean with not working out for any reason at all. I am so used to doing that. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re doing the best you can at the moment and when you get your mojo back, it’ll be back at its biggest. I don’t know if I’m making any sense lol. My water intake is waaaay down too. 🙁

    I should make an account on LoseIt. I have tried on many other sites, but I couldn’t find most of my foods on them so I quit them all.

    • LoseIt is great, I used it back when I was losing weight for modeling and now I use it to gain weight. Try it out.
      As far as work out, it’s just sooo hard for me to motivate myself when I’m sick, because I keep thinking “I don’t need to lose weight! Why am I forcing myself to work out?”.. But it’s about health in general, which is less of a motivation than if i needed to drop pounds 🙁

  2. Selfie is awesome! I just want to thank you for the encouragement. I read a post from you about going vegetarian that inspired me to try it for the week. I loved it and will continue on (at least) a flexetarian menu from now on. Hope you start feeling 100% and can slip back into your usual routine soon. Thank you, thank you, thank you…again!

    • Kim, I am glad that what we’re doing here is working for you! Going vegetarian for me was a no brainer! I felt like a different person. And more so my husband. He IS a different person now that he is vegan. Take it as slow as you need to, go at your own pace, and eventually you might not even WANT meat.

  3. Glad your feeling better! It’s sooo hard to get back into a routine after being sick. Little Miss and I got colds this week and I totally had to power through it to keep up with my workouts but in the end I think it made me get better quicker. Last time we got sick (in January) I totally gave up my program and didn’t start again for over a month.

    I LOVE your selfie. I think I’m going to do all the selfies this week to catch up to your prompts because this week gave me HUGE inspiration!

    Loving LoseIt! even on my bad days… I’m looking forward to a new plan for the week. Going to try some vegetarian options for my fasting days & new lunches. We are already friends on LoseIt but my twitter is @meredith_taylor – I need to start using it more, so I’ll have it feed from the other site.

  4. Glad to see that you’re feeling better. I’m sure you’ll be back on track and working out like your old self this week. Thanks for the support and the encouragement on Twitter. 🙂 Glad to have someone to push me and force me to stay on track. After one week, I feel great and look foward to seeing where I am next weekend! Happy Saturday!

  5. I always find you to be so amazing and I really look up to you in a LOT of ways so it’s good to know that you’re human and sometimes miss an exercise or two! I think you’re still pretty damn beautiful!


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