

Not just chocolate but chocolate mailed straight from Switzerland.

We have the best clients ever, that often turn into friends.

A Hungarian couple that lives in Switzerland who we helped buy a house not too far from our street ( Yay to fun foreign neighbors) sent us a little yellow package for Christmas: some of the finest Swiss chocolate.
And oh was it fine! All kinds of flavors and nuts and even alcohol, and my favorite was a simple 99c bar.
I spent months savoring it, eating it only with tea after dinner.
Now it’s gone.

But what I have left is a couple of clients turned friends who will soon be living across the golf course from me. Isn’t it fun!?

Oh and the girl is pregnant, so we’ll be having babies around the same age ( sort of).




  1. Having a prego buddy is great! My husbands best friend moved into town when we first got together. WELL long story short. We get together, they get together, we get a cat, they get a cat, i get pregnant, she gets pregnant, she gets married, i get married and have my baby, then she has her baby. I have a girl she has a boy.

    Lol.. what was weird is our labor and pregnancy was TOTAL opposites of each other… my labor was EASY hers was 24 hours.

    I hate it when i run out of GOOD chocolate! Tis’ a sad moment.
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