I spent half the day today watching this amazing man Jim live and play in a real lion’s den. This guy, who owns (???) a wildlife refuge and rehabilitates wild animals that were injured or are unwanted, is running out of money and is holding sort of an unconventional “fundraiser”. He will spend the whole month of January living, sleeping and playing in a cage with two 250 pound lions, 1 year old Ed and 2 year old Lea. This man is amazing , because he has such a rapport going with the animals. He plays with them, feeds them, wrestles with them, pats them on the back, kisses them all over their face and mouth. It’s really adorable to watch. He’s doing a live video stream for the whole month while he’s in the cage for people to watch and hopefully donate money. His teenage daughter Chelsey brings him food and helps around the refuge, feeding other animals. She’s not allowed in the cage with the lions because they’re too big now. But up until recently she was caring for them too. Little Ed is really missing her. So this evening I actually saw him feeding the lions. The cats were roaring and growling waiting for food. It’s such a sight, so humbling! I recommend you go and watch them play on his website, where you can also donate some money. The lions love him to death and it’s just adorable to see them interact. An article and a TV spot about it here.{this picture is not of the lions mentioned above}
Also, we assembled my new drum set and I’ve been killing it playing along to Green Day’s “21 Guns” and Pink’s “Who Knew”, solely because they’re the easiest songs to play to and I semi-knew the beat from my Rock Band drums days. Pretty cool I gotta tell you, pretty cool!
Aside from lion watching and drum playing, I started my new exercise program (in addition to my daily pilates), designed specifically to increase strength and endurance of the muscles necessary for pregnancy, labor and recovery. I did a fitness test to see where my muscles are at and everything was above par ( abs, lower back, upper back, shoulders, legs, thighs, arms), except for ankles (whaaaat?) and PC muscles ( the figure eight that encompasses your urethra,vagina and anus- excuse my bluntness). In order to have strong PC muscles, that would be very beneficial in labor and recovery, you’d have to be able to “hold” it for at least 10 seconds. I’ve never done kegels before and I guess it shows. The good news is that the muscle is easy to train. So there I go, squeezing my vageygey any chance I get.
It was kind of funny, because DH and I were working out and while he was doing some man arm exercises, I stood on my hands and knees and started doing my kegels. After a while, I look at him with a smirk and ask: “Hey, do you know what I am doing?”, cuz really it didn’t look like I was doing anything besides standing on my hands and knees. How would he know that I am working my vagina muscles???
And he goes:” Squeezing IT?”
We both burst out laughing! I guess there will be a lot more grosser things we’ll be going through during pregnancy than my husband “guessing” that I’m working out his favorite part of my body.
Ok, here’s a test for ya’ll fit ladies out there. Apparently I have weak (-er?) ankles, the punishment for which will be me tripping and spraying my ankles when I get as big as a hippopotamus on fast food. I want to know if it’s just my weak spot or if it’s really something most of us seem to have in an underdeveloped state ( my hubby couldn’t do it either). Would you all please squat for me? No, I won’t make you squeeze your lady parts. We’re talking about ankles here. Squat if you can and then sit in the squatting position for at least 15 seconds while ( and THIS IS KEY!) making sure that your HEELS are flat on the floor. So, you cannot be on your toes! That doesn’t count. Only flat on your heels for 15 seconds. Can anyone do it? Anyone?
If you can, I envy your flexible strong ankles
For those who are interested ( whether you are or are not planning on having a baby in the next year or two), I will attempt to post a scan of the pre-pregnancy strength and flexibility test. I wish I had read this book, like, a year ago, and now I’d be walking around with a strong crotch that could suffocate an elephant and ankles that allow me to sit in a squatting position for hours….you know…in case I have to take a dump in the middle of the road and I’m experiencing some pregnancy induced “blockage”.
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So I was totally just squatting in my office to see how strong my ankles are! I can hold it for 15 seconds but just barely. Its definitely uncomfortable. How do you go about strengthening them?
And every time you said ‘kegal’ up there in your post my body automatically ‘kegalled’ on cue! BWAHAHAHAHAAAA! This is one of my favorite of your posts! I’m laughing at the computer and my kids looked at me like I was crazy! =]
Oh good for you!!!!
To strengthen them you basically do the same thing. Just sit in a full squat for as ling as you can without lifting your heels.
Haha its funny you tried that out in the office!!!
Bwahahahhahahha I can squat and sit like that for hours just like that girl in the picture. Your post made me do the kegal. hahha
Wow! You must be really flexible!
Or I wonder if it has smth to do with height, like it’s more difficult when your taller because of how your legs bend. I’ll definitely be strengthening it.
I can’t believe you could sit like this for hours. I never could!
LOL, it’s asian thing, called kimchi squat.
I can sit like that for hours and it is very comfortable. Most of asians can sit like that, feet flat on the ground and butt touching ankles.
That’s too cool! I’ll be practicing
Well its my home office so the only people that saw me were my kids and my dog =]
Ok, well that’s better! Still funny, though!
I must be doing something wrong, because it’s too easy. My bum is nearly touching the floor and my back is almost upright, am I doing it right? I tried not to sit back all the way to feel some burn in my thighs. Otherwise, it’s very easy to do.
Well are you doing it exactly like in the last picture? If yes, then you’re doing it right.
Now I’m fit but not super flexible and I remember never being able to sit like that (gopniki style). I wonder if it has to do with dimensions of your calves vs thighs. I’ll be training them and see if it improves.
You are totally inspiring, working out while pregnant! I can’t get my lazy behind off the couch and I’m not pregnant.
Those lion pictures are amazing, did you take those?
I am not pregnant yet, so I’m not THAT amazing
But i really HOPE i can somehow get up enough energy to work out WHEN i am pregnant.
And no, unfortunately, the lion pics are borrowed. I should have probably specified that, since I mostly post my own shots here
Oh, please, do share the whole test
I’m really curious!
The 15 seconds hold I can do. I am really short though, so your theory might be right, haha
I’ve been trying to improve my strength and flexibility with my nutritionist (who is also a fitness instructor specializing in exercises for women, especially pregnant ones or ones that have just had a baby, not that I’m either one of those) and she showed me some tests. The ones for the abs I fail miserably haha, like OMG! I can’t believe I am that weak – it’s pathetic :))
I bet her test was a lot harder than these pregnancy tests. I’ll scan the book and post it here. I think it’s a ncie tool, to see where you’re lacking…
So now everywhere I go, I do two things, squatt like an idiot and do kegels.
I think it does have a little something to do with height. I’m only 5’2 and I had to stand with my feet parted a little wider to be able to do it, but I’m able to do it for much longer than 15 seconds. Maybe try squatting with feet parted just wide enough to give you a challenge and get them closer together in time? Good luck!
I’m hosting my very first photo challenge! The lucky winner will have 2 different scarfs to choose from. You should link up & spread the love. Thanks friend
Hi! New follower! I can squat like that all day…I do a lot of calf and thigh exercises and yoga! You can visit me at http://mymodernguide.blogspot.com
Have a great day!
I do pilates daily, but I guess ankles is not something I ever worked on.